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Everything posted by jjinlasvegas

  1. I still have *some* craving for an analog but that is getting easier. And, you're right, Chris (can I call you Chris?)lol, there are times around here when I get really really P**SSED OFF, and I KNEW I was getting better when I reached for my 510 instead of my pack of cigs during these times!! Although, my hubby now says "go smoke a cigarette" instead of "go to Hell"!! lolol. So, I know I am going through some changes, especially my attitude, but I assume that too will get better!
  2. Welcome to the VT Forum, Luck! I found this video on www.youtube.com. my guess is that this link will not work (since I don't know how to do links, lol) but it's not that long and you can easily cut and paste it into your browser. It's not a great video and you will probably find better ones, but she did kinda explain how to get started. Good Luck!! Also, if you do a search on youtube for "blu ecig" or even found them under "blue ecig", you will see other videos that will help you out. *NOTE: The link works, lol. BTW...you have no idea how many videos I watched regarding the ecig!! lol Youtube is a great resource! and my ecig of choice is the JOYE510, so far :>
  3. Recently, I ordered a couple of 510 attys from the VT store (the ones with the gold band). For some reason these seem to be better for me than the standard ones. I don't know if it's the design or what, but I seem to be getting more vapor from them. I have not noticed any "funny" taste from either, might be because I direct drip it?
  4. I did notice the warranty and return policy and wasn't thrilled, but they claim that is the reason they are selling cheaper. I wanted to order either the 801 or the 901 but got too scared, lol. Sooo, I ordered another 510 :> (yeah yeah, you guessed it, the PINK one)
  5. My Dad is 81 years old (will be 82 in April) and smoked cigarettes since he was 9 years old! His health is fine; bad feet, arthritis and a little high blood pressure, that he's had for years....No COPD and no cancer, ever. My Mother was 77 years old when she died of lung cancer. She started smoking cigarettes at the age of 32. She did have COPD (and continued to smoke) for several years before she passed 4 years ago. So, yeah, I'm not sure why. My parents were still married at the time of her death, so they never ever lived apart or in different environments.
  6. Yeah, they claim to be carrying JOYE and DSE (is DSE a brand?) and that their products are "100% authentic". I would imagine that if they are "new" that these prices may be "introductory type prices"....OR....business wasn't so good and they are closing out, just not sure. Either way, I'm giving them a shot to see. But, like Nana said they do seem to be out of stuff...mostly, I noticed they were out of most batteries.
  7. Well, I sent in an order from them this morning around 11am. By 11:30am I received 2 emails; one with the order information and another with a tracking number. So far, so good. I also noticed that they are offering free shipping for orders over $55.00. I will give a review here regarding my order when I receive it.
  8. Just a word about "coughing": I used to cough a lot, especially during the night, when I was smoking analogs. Since vapeing I have noticed a HUGE change and I'm not coughing a lot anymore. Every once in a while I get one of those huge throat kicks that makes me cough, but I hear that is a good thing lol.
  9. Happy Vapeing!! BUT...the question is....Are you still smoking analogs?? lol I first started (not long ago) using my very first ecig (Njoy) and it's not great, to be sure but it did get me started. I didn't actually QUIT using analogs until my 510 came in the mail :> Ever since then (as noted by my little signature thingy((below)) I have been smoke-free :> :>
  10. Has anyone ever posted a list of acronyms and abbreviations for vapeing? I'm finding that I'm having some problems understanding some of the posts here simply because I don't know what the acronyms and abbreviations mean. Thanks in advance for posting your list, if you have one :>
  11. I found Ecigsupply.com this morning while I was looking around on the net. Has anyone ordered from them? Their prices look almost too good to be true, and you know what "they" say about that! (I may not have posted this under the correct topic, but wasn't sure where else to put it)Thanks.
  12. Hi, Oper8tor! I have tried both the pyramid tea bag and the Fluval polyester filters. I found the pyramid tea bags at my local Walmart but I had to order the Fluval from ebay; since we live in a remote area, none of the pet stores in town carried Fluval and I didn't want to try any other brand. I followed the directions for both on youtube.com and made a few of each for me and my hubby. As it turns out, I like the polyester filters better and hubby likes the tea bags better! The best part about both types, no matter which you like better, is that they are easily replaced and cost effective. I didn't use the tea bag filler enough to know "why" I liked the poly better as far as performance, taste, etc. So, I can't really give you a review for those. The reason I like the poly better was because it's just easier to use/make a filler. My hubby says he liked the tea bag better because gets more throat hit from it, as opposed to the poly. Sorry, I can't give you more of the info you want here, BUT...I did send some pyramid tea bags and a strip of the Fluval poly to Jeffb to try out :> Maybe after he makes some cartridges he will be able to give you a better idea as to durability, performance etc!
  13. Thanks :> I think I entered in time, lol.
  14. Well, now that I have quit smoking BEFORE the New Year (2010)..... what's left for a Resolution?? For the past 30 years I always said at this time of year that maybe I would quit smoking........it never happened until I found the e-cig. Is vapeing a vice?? lol
  15. lol cute story!! Funny how it all kinda snowballs, huh? First there was my daughter, Tracy and her hubby (Jeffb on VT forum); then me; then my hubby; then my Dad, then my other daughter, Antoinette (Celtic on VT forum); and now my step-daughter, Donna (soon to be on VT Forum)!! I'm going to try and save up enough to send my son, who lives in Oklahoma, a 510 kit so he can be next!! :> Pretty soon I figure my whole family will be smoke-free and I will be very happy! Congrats to everyone, and keep up the good work to spread the word!
  16. Soooo....I *DID* get the best Christmas gift here!!!!! My favorite son-in-law in the whole world (Jeffb) got me a VT PT!!!! for my 510!!! I'm extatic!
  17. I am probably too late posting this but just fyi..... My Dad has always smoked menthol cigarettes and just recently I ordered him a 510 and Arno's sample menthol juice. Yesterday he took a few vapes for the first time. He said the menthol was just waaaaay too much for him and wanted me to mix him up a batch of 555 combined with a little of the menthol. That seems to be a whole lot better for him. Both the ones I mixed were from Arno and both were 16mg. Personally, I really like the 555 from Arno a LOT, so I don't use the menthol myself.
  18. Did Chris ever answer this question? I'm kinda curious also :> Thanks!
  19. I normally transfer juice into a small 3ml bottle before I drip, and because I'm anal I normally fill the little bottle every morning. I usually go through about 1/3 of a 3ml bottle per day, so 1ml a day worth of drips. I know that doesn't help you figure out your drops per day, but if you use the little bottles you can kinda keep track that way.
  20. Thank you for posting this information!! Yesterday I was trying to figure out the ratio of nicotine in vapeing compared to cigarette smoking. This sure made that job a LOT easier, so thank you very much. NOW I know why I have been all bitchy for the past 9 days LOL.....I'm vapeing about 5 cigs worth of nicotine as compared to my 2 pack a day habit!!! Moral: I need to vape more!! lol
  21. Welcome to VaporTalk!! I just joined not too long ago and believe me, there are answers here for any questions you might have. Everyone here is really really helpful. Any questions you might have from juice to atomizers, you should find here. We're all here in support of each other, so feel free to ask anything!!!
  22. oooooooo....now that *is* something to be jealous of!!!! Gratz!!
  23. LOL...ok, I'm going on 8 days of not smoking, but I remember doing this same thing!! For some reason I went around the house and emptied all the ashtrays and rounded up all the lighters and put them away. I gave 2 1/2 cartons of cigarettes away on my 3rd day and I do still have 2 packs of analogs in my purse UNopened. I'm still a little worried that I won't have a charged battery when I need one, but so far, that hasn't happened. Vapeing has totally supressed (sp) my urge to have an analog and I never would have dreamed that possible! I am probably not as equipped as I should be at the moment, but I will get there. I too have a huge glass ashtray on my desk and *someone* keeps putting their cigarette out in it. I guess I will break down and wash it out and start putting my ecig supplies in it, lol...great idea!
  24. It's a journalism class and it will appear in the school paper for Copper Mountain College....which means college students will get the information, so that's a plus. Some of the information that appears in this article may include some opinions from these threads (no names mentioned, of course)....well, except maybe mine, which I have given my approval. Anyway, welcome to the forum! Your brother-in-law is here and I'm sure you'll hear from him soon, lol........ Mom
  25. I tried going to www.vaporking.com and that site does not exist....I did however find www.vaporkings.com *with an S*....is that the site you are referring to? I believe it is, but just posting for clarification.
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