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Everything posted by Brian

  1. 25 Rules for Women. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss-1DIYDmqo
  2. This about sums it up. Due to the use of the F word, I'll just post the link. I Could Be Wrong
  3. Sorry to hear you're sick man! I somehow missed this post earlier. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
  4. Good Job! Sucks to be such an introvert - I could never do anything like that. Proud for you though.
  5. Cool story. Yea, he's definatley a big boy (not fat, big). I was disappointed that he didn't make a real play for the nomination. I think he could have been a real force... tells it like it is, calls it like he sees it. That's the way it should be. Of course, being from TN I was a little biased.
  6. Brian

    Ml's & Mg's

    I've got some Choc from and I'm not impressed. Doesn't taste like chocolate to me. However, I've heard that higher voltage can bring out better flavor in some juice. I've got some cappuccino from VT Store and it doesn't taste much like cappuccino to me. JeffB said the said thing, but when he tried it in his PT it's much better. I'm looking forward to trying it with my PT when it comes.
  7. Thanks Jeff. I'm pretty much thinking the same as you... if she loves it so much, why wasn't she using it. Although she did say she was planning to get another one just to have for at work. My wife hasn't tried mine yet, but I know her pretty well. Maybe if I can get her started on something hassel free, she may switch to the 510 someday. Stu had also told me about the "cartomizer" for another brand. I'll be looking that back up and checking it out a little more also. Again, just want to make it as easy as possible.
  8. Congrat! Wish I had been here for the 1st 800 or so. We ALL appreicate you!
  9. If you're a Cowboys fan you can relate to this video. I laughed my arse off the first time a saw it. I think it's exactly how every Cowboys fan felt. There are lots of vids using this same clip, but with different dubbing.. some are pretty funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOqlH4YZBkM
  10. That was great! Would be cool to have some look-a-likes do a vid of this.
  11. I'm pushing 42 years old, and I'm a little embarressed to say that this was the first time I've ever voted. Maybe I finally grew up, or maybe I just realized that it really does matter. I really only started to take an interest in politics about 8 years ago. My biggest beef with the last election process is that I feel like the mainstream media picked the candidates for both parties. Recall, McCain was down and out. It was the mainstream media that lifted him up. My vote was not exactly a vote for McCain, but a vote against Obama (which, of course makes me a racist, right?). Now, given that Bush derangement syndrome was rampant, I not sure a strong conservative could have won, but I would have much rather seen a Fred Thompson or Mit Romney in the race.
  12. Hmmmm. Odd that I don't have one yet. I do seem to recall ordering one from the VT store.
  13. Has anyone tried this ecig? While out in the "smoke shack" at work a lady asked how I liked my ecig. Of course I told her I loved it. Although she was smoking an analog, she proceeded to tell me about her ecig from smoketip and how much she liked it. She said a cart lasted about a pack and a half, and she could get 10 carts w/attys for $18.95 and it was equivelant to a little more than a carton of analogs. I told her that I've never heard of a cart lasting that long, but she was insistent that they did. The reason I'm asking is because I'm looking for the easiest way to get my wife switched over to ecigs. I started with a 510, now a Spade and I'm direct dripping. That's the way for me, but I know she won't want to fool with all that, no keeping paper towels handy, no refilling, no juice on your hands, etc. I'm just looking for the easiest method. If anyone has tried this, or has any other suggestions for me to help my wife, please let me know. Smoketip
  14. I've got one that loose, but not so loose that it come out like that. It's actually my favorite since it's easier to pull off for direct dripping.
  15. My dad smoked 2-3 packs a day. He quit in the early 1990's after a heart attack at age 54. He's 70 now and still smoke free, but he says he still thinks about it just about every day. Don't know how he's managed to stay off them with no help. He's a stronger man than I am, that's for sure.
  16. Come on Keenan - he spoke anonymously - that makes it okay! Duh!
  17. I left one on charge all night and when I put it in today it was dead. I'm a weee bit color blind, but figured out now that the bright light is red and the dim light is green (the look the same to me color wise). After looking at the contacts I realized there was no way it was charging. Anyhow, fiddled with it a bit and got it charging. Works great now.
  18. Ok - at the risk of making myself look like an idiot - what link? I looked, but don't know what you're talking about. AM I ON CANDID CAMERA?
  19. Nope, no instructions. I never left them plugged in when I wan't using them. This one lasted 9 days.
  20. Actually, got them from , but didn't want to call out the supplier yet. I've only heard good things about Art and didn't want to bias anyone based on this experience. I haven't contacted them yet because I don't want to hold the supplier accountable for something that may be my problem. I'm sitting here trying to remember what happened to each of the 4 atty's and can't. Guess I'll have to read back through my post. #3 was working great, and suddenly when I took a drag there was no resistance at all. Just like sucking air through a straw. Still got vape, but tasted burnt and no throat hit. #4 started out the same way #3 ended. I don't recall if it was #2 or #3, but one of them started leaking really bad. I think I was doing a good job keeping them moist. I was extremely careful with #3. Since #2 went out I've been so paranoid that I've flooded the atty a few times. Whenever that happens I just put it upside own on a paper towel for a while, or roll up a piece of paper towel and use it to absorb some of the excess. Then it works fine. I don't know. I'm trying to be careful with my spade atty, but it's alreay starting to leak so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've got 10 atty's on the way and will expirament with them and hopefully get it right.
  21. Yea, the juice that comes in the carts is pretty... bad. I used one cart when I 1st got it. Then tried one other while I was driving. I got 2 kits to there's still 8 carts in my desk drawer. I reckon I'll clean them out one of these days so I'll have extra tips. Glad you're liking the 510.
  22. I've had varying intest when I go out to the "smoke shack" at work. If nothing esle, they are impress that I've haven't smoked in 7 days. They all know I could burn up an analog faster than it took most of them to smoke half of one.
  23. At least us East Coasters will get to enjoy it tonight. Glad I got to see this message before it went down. Otherwise, all kinds of crazy thought would have gone through my head!
  24. For those of you following my newbie atty saga, you know that I went through 2 atty's in 7 days. Well, I've just spent the past 2 hours in hand-to-hand combat with my 3rd and 4th. It's now day 10 and the 3rd atty is dead. With no indication of a problem, in one fatal toke I lost all resistance when I drew on it, got a burnt taste with a big plume of vape. After that, draw after draw gave the same results. Ok, so put on my 4th (and last) atty. This one started off the same way #3 ended. No resistance, big plume of vape, but the flavor... The flavor took me way back to childhood. It tasted just like the smell that used to emanate from the inside of my Dad's stinky sweaty combat boots! Ick! New atty, right, need time to break in. No sir! I refuse to smoke stinky feet! I did take several more puffs, but the thing obviously wasn't working right. Well, I had used all 4 of the atty's that came with my 2 510 kits, and the 10 atty's I ordered from VT won't be here until Friday probably. What to do, what to do??? Analogs? Wait - there's a spiffy new spade in my desk drawer, but that's suppose to be for Christmas. Hmmm. Perhaps I could just use the atty from it. Maybe. Yea, but what if it's my batteries or the UBS pass-thru that's making the atty's bad? Don't want to ruin this one too. What would you do? Just kidding - don't care what you'd do - I RIPPED INTO THAT BAD BOY AND I'M TOKING AWAY! AHAHAHAHAHHAH! Christmas came early fellers! So how is it you ask? Divine. It took about 10 minutes before I started getting a throat hit, but now it's great. Been in vaping heaven for about an hour now. If the atty lasts my faith will be restored. In the meantime I'll be contacting the supplier to explain the 4 bad atty's and one bad USB PT. When the atty's from the VT store arrive I may try one of them on the good USB PT to see how it does. Just curious as to whether the PT or 510 batts could have caused any of the problems. JeffB - you can collect on that side bet now! (although it was beyond my control - does that still count?)
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