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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Isn't the 82nd out of Ft. Benning, GA? I was at Ft. Benning.
  2. Don't be so hard on yourself... you are headed in the right direction.
  3. @Dave - I was just checking out your web site (nice BTW) and I do believe if someone tried to hold you up with a knife you'd pull a Crocodile Dundee on them... "that's not a knife, this is a knife".
  4. I have NEVER had a bumper sticker on my truck (or car), but would be proud to slap one of these puppies on it. I'll PM you my addy. Thanks Man!
  5. Glad you have you back! When we lost power for almost two days it was torture!
  6. There are lots of opinions on this one. For me, here's what has become somewhat routine (for the 510): 1. I regularly roll up a piece of paper towel and put in the atty and let it sit for a while. This will absorb out a lot of juice that builds up. Some people just leave it upside down on a paper towel over night. 2. I occasionally clean the contact points for the atty and the battery. Sometimes juice will leak into this area creating a bad contact. Sometime I just use a paper towel and sometimes I use alchohol and a q-tip. 3. Every few days I'll rinse my carts in hot water and blow out any excess water. Little piece of rolled up paper towel inside will dry it quickly and it's ready for use. I direct drip so I'm using empty carts, but if I don't do this I usually end up with juice in my mouth after a few days. That's just me. Some will probably say it's not necessary, other will say it's not enough, but it's what's working for me and I'm sure you'll find what works for you over time.
  7. Good post. Still amazes me that the FDA has launched a propaganda war. They have an agenda and don't want to hear anything good about ecigs.
  8. No kidding. I read that about 5am this morning and nearly shot coffee out my nose.
  9. Welcome to VT - you've come to the right place. First - hang in there, it will get better! You're research is correct, most of us here are using the 510, but there are others that are good also. I've been using a 510 for about a month and love it. I had some issues in the beginning, but the folk here helped me out tremendously and I'm loving it. There's a supplier section of this forum that lists some suppliers. I would check that out... Suppliers There are others and I'm sure you'll hear them mentioned also. I started with the 510, and quickly ended up buying two battery mods for it... the spade and the VP2. The mods will give you much longer battery life between charges. Have a look at some of the suppliers and equipment and feel free to ask any questions. We're here to help! In the meantime, there are several members here who started with the Blu and may be able to give you some tips for getting better results from it. I'm sure they'll be along soon. Again, welcome to the forum... jump right in and have fun. Here's some more suppliers: Suppliers
  10. Don't know anything about the chuck other than watching a review. However, I can highly recommend the Spade or the VP2.
  11. Hey Speak - thanks for sharing that - very interesting story. As for "cheating", I think we've all done that in past quit attempts. "Oh, I can just have one or two every now and then, but I won't start smoking again." I had tried that smoking pill that came out in the 90's. Don't remember what it was caled. Similar experience to what you had, except I stopped taking it after a couple of weeks due to lack of sleep. And when I did sleep... the dreams were wicked. Literally. For some reason, I only have bad dreams (at least I only remember the bad ones) and this stuff really intensified that. Phew. Was bad.
  12. You can get some from the link below. I've never ordered any on-line, so can't vouche for them. I recenlty learned how to make my own and they turn out pretty good, but not quite the same as what you get down south. Peanut Hut
  13. I guess I have to ask if these comments were from non-smokers??? Honestly, I could see a non-smoker saying that as they can't relate to what it's like for us.
  14. My resolution is to not buy any more vaping equipment until my savings meter exceeds my investment. I figure this will take about 3 months.
  15. "In weeks 9 through 12 in the study, the smoking status of each patient was checked, and the information was compared among the 3 groups. Patients were considered quit if they did not smoke a cigarette (not even a puff) or use other nicotine products for the final 4 weeks of treatment. CHANTIX was proven to be more effective than the sugar pill or Zyban. " 44% success rate vs. 18% on sugar pill. Success is based on 4 weeks only. Wonder what the success rate looks like two or three months down the road. I bet there's sharp decline if you looked a few months out.
  16. "Now everyone repeat after me: I saw nothing."
  17. The passengers "subdued" him. I hope the SOB is black and blue. Airline Bomb Attempt
  18. I haven't seen a glass juice bottle yet. Let me know which suppliers use them and I'll be sure to avoid them.
  19. Brian


    You're quite welcome! Ya know - I've put my coffee grounds in the freezer before, and just last week, after fixing the kids some ice cream, I put the ice cream it in the refridgerator instead of the freezer (luckily my wife found it before it melted), but I just thought it was meant I'm getting old.
  20. Same to you kind sir, and best wishes for a new year!
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