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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Pffft. 24 hours on one battery - and you call yourself a heavy vaper.
  2. Makes me nervous when Chis brings this up. Do you know something you're not telling us? Seriously - I'm sure we'd find a way to continue vaping.
  3. So I placed orders from four different suppliers on Sunday. I eagerly rushed to the post office after work today and there was only one package! While this really did happen, I am of course joking about being upset. I've just become so spoiled in having packages arrive in only 3 days. Anyhow, thought I'd take this opportunity to once again say thanks for all the great suppliers who provide such fantastic customer service to the vaping community! You all truely are amazing at spoiling us! My list includes all the suppliers I've used (in no particular order): VT Store Electronixstix Wordup LiquidXpress GoodProphets Madvapes Altsmokes Awsomevapor Dietsmokes Avejuice and most recently Viking Vapor and Nhaler. So far I've got no complaints!
  4. In stock now. I ordered 2 atty's and some drip tips. Ordered at 6:04pm and got shipping confirmation at 7:44pm! Can't wait to try one of these out! By my calculations, it will reduce battery life by about 30% vs. the 2.2 ohm atty.
  5. Have you been using that atty with an adapter, like on the VP1/VP2 or PT? I had this problem - the center connector on the atty was pushed in from the dimple on the connector. Guess I was screwing the atty/adapter on to tight. I have a couple of atty's that I can't use on my Spade because of this. I've learned not to put them on the VP2 to tight any more. Haven't had any problems since. Like Mark said, you can gently pull the connector out slightly with a paper clip. However, when I was doing this I got impatient and ended up ruining my atty.
  6. I put a fresh battery in my VP2 and got 4.15... right on the money. Of course, that'll drop to the 3.7 pretty quick when used. Sorry you're having problems with it. Nice job on the box mod. They are a pretty cheap alternative and fairly easy to make.
  7. He explains a little in post #12 in this THREAD.. I'm sure he'll get back to you though. I haven't made any PT's yet.
  8. Here's a vid review which should help you see the size better. My link
  9. Thanks for the review Dave! I'm looking forward to trying one of those atty's! Wonder if this is something he had specially made, or if it will be available wide-spread soon???
  10. Well, the second would be my totally tricked out vette, right buddy?
  11. Will definatley be interested in how you do the juicer. I've seen it done, but the how-to part of the description was a bit vague.
  12. Had the same problem with that vid. The downloadable "flight demonstration" vid is different than the one that plays, but still not very good. I'm with you though - would like to see more of what it's capalbe of with an experienced operator. Not that I could ever afford one, still thought it was cool. And if something like this takes off, who knows what innovations will come from it.
  13. I'm really happy for you both! Glad you've found something that's working for her. My wife seems to be losing interest after having tried so many things. Maybe I'll give this a shot too.
  14. Who would have believed... Childhood dream come true! Wish they had more vids of what this thing can do, but if it's going to be for sale soon, I'll sure they will come. Martin Jetpack Jetpack Story @ FoxNews
  15. Nice work! May be a stupid question, but you know about madvapes.com??? I've built one 5v box mod, but have enought parts to make a few more. One of these days I'll make another. The first one was just to see if I could, and it's not real pretty, but it works. I'll take more care with the next one and try to make it look nicer.
  16. Love the idea, but you'd have to research the area to see if there's a large enough community to support the business. That would be the tricky part. I'd love to own a book store/vapor friendly coffee shop.
  17. Yea - I asked this in a thead that was posted about having condensation on your mustache. I got the same answer Dave gave, although no doctors chimed it, I was happy with that.
  18. Dr J - you had to get the additional cup for $20 to use 6v, right? So really you're looking at $80 + $15 shipping?
  19. Nice job Dave! Man, you sure get around.
  20. Nice vid! Pretty sharp looking unit. May be good for the adapter to spin - prevent over tightening.
  21. It was those radio advertisements that got me researching. I didn't trust the "free trial" things so blew right by them. Couldn't bring myself to pay $150 for smokeing everywhere, which is the first thing I found on the net when I started looking. Luckily, I eventually ended up here at VT before making any purchase. At that point I was "saved".
  22. Yep, should be getting 8 watts. Oddly, that's kinda what I've been thinking would be my sweet spot. Was planning to try that myself. Thanks man - guess I gotta get some CR123A (Tenergy, of course) for my BSB and some 4.5ohm HV Atty's.
  23. Thanks! Am I missing something or is there only a few flavors?
  24. Yea - saw that last night. Hope he gets some pics up soon.
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