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Everything posted by DannyBoyfromWashington

  1. Just that when I said the parents should be held responsible, I was refering to the fact that they allowed (as you said) an emotionaly immature child to use the internet unmonitored by them. And if you read the article, the mother ignored the daughter when she tried to tell her mom about it. All of this contributed to what happened so we cannot hold the parents blameless. And of course the woman who did the "bullying" was wrong to do it in the first place, I am not arguing that, just that if the parents had acted properly the event could have been stopped before it came to suicide so were therefore negligent. reference: NounSingular criminal negligence Plural criminal negligences criminal negligence (plural criminal negligences) 1.(law) Failure to use reasonable care, and thus put someone at risk of injury or death. the parents failed to use "reasonable care".
  2. If you are going to quote me please quote me with the entire context intact.
  3. It is already a criminal offense for an adult to bully a child, whether in person or on the internet or otherwise, you should see how wide covering the criminal negligence laws really are. I am just against adding to the glut of new laws which the supposed point of making it is already covered by an old law. So since the scenario described as justification for this new law is already covered by an old law, then what is the point of the new law? I will tell you, it is to add phrazing to law that the govenment can use to take away more of our freedoms, and alow the government more ways to silence those who speak out against it. This kind of lawmaking is dangerous to all of us. just my $0.02
  4. We need to replace almost the entire government and start from scratch with the constitution as the base again and this needs to happen at the same time as a serious change in the attitudes of americans as a whole or nothing will really change. Anything less than this would just be another patch job. Oh and about adding another bill, comeon how about just enforcing those that already exist, "criminal negligence" on the part of megan's parents and on the part of the bullying adult.
  5. Ok, I can see what you are saying, and can kinda agree with it in part. But let me try to clarify what I am saying. If this child is not emotionally stable enough to handle any type of bullying, then why are the parents letting them on the internet alone? Parents of Americans, take responsibility for your failure to act. I have 2 children myself and neither me or my wife would even consider letting them (13yr old daughter and 6yr old son)use the internet unmonitored. So these parents made the choice to buy a computer and pay for an internet connection and then made the choice to let this young child use it without supervision. The parents are the ones that should be held responsible for the child commiting suicide due to their negligence. I believe it is called "criminal negligence" or something like that. And it is people like these parents that are the Americans I am telling to take responsibility for their actions ( or lack therof ).And the adult who did the bullying should get the same charges as the parents, but in now way should the entire American populace be facing consequences for 2-3 adults actions. And the only reason a child would have more ability to work tech than their parents is just more mental lazyness on the part of the parent. This kind of mental lazyness is what is causing the american people to give up more freedoms to the government just so that they can feel justified in being mentaly lazy by saying the government is supposed to take care of that. This attitude is total BS, in the end responsibility for our lives and our **children's lives and what we chose to do in them is ours and ours alone(**until they are mature enough to be considered adults in their own right, which is not defined by age but maturity). We always have a choice in one form or another and it is how we handle these choices that shapes our lives and influences our childrens modes of making choices. No offense intended to anyone, I just feel very vehemently that people being lazy and wanting the government to do everything for them is the attitude that has allowed the government to get to the (grossly stupid) point that it is at now. Supposed to be a government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE! But is now a Government "of the sheeple" "by the power hungry" "for the greedy". rant end. Peace, Love, and Happy Thoughts
  6. Exactly what I was just thinking. When did the people in this country become so weak willed that we blame another persons "words" for our "actions"? Oh well, my parents divorced when I was 1 year old so does that mean I can go commit a Jeffry Dommer and blame it on them? NO. This has come about because people with money/political power etc,.. have adopted the attitude " I am better than you so I don't have to put up with you saying that". Why should our "Freedom of speech" be tampered with simply because someone refused to exercise their "freedom of choice"? Take responsibility for "your own actions" AMERICA. Now PLEASE excercise your freedom of speech and disagree with me if you want
  7. While on the topic of phone companies, I used to work for "T and TA" or something like that and one of the VP's directly admited to me that they let anyone who has your phone # process charges to it and if you do not catch it, tough. Although they will credit it back if it is within 89 days of the charge that you call them.
  8. Don't worry, it is just your sense of smell coming back and playing dirty tricks on you
  9. The Camel wide flavor from wordup is really good and you can get it in 36 mg. Just sayin
  10. @dave, BTW distilled water is just water that has been boiled and the steam collected in a seperate clean container. Prety easy to do yourself.
  11. Well that is a good question, I will have to ask him to be sure if it has been the same thing all the time. What I do know is the stuff they had me drink was definitely labeled propylene glycol. I will ask him to double check his memory and incident evaluation reports to be sure since his longer term exposure means alot more than my 1 litre Get back to ya on this soon,...
  12. Hmmm,.. I think I am gonna keep my resolution simple and hopefully achievable, I resolve to clean and organize my computer desk ( might take all year but I am gonna do it)
  13. Very funny, though the 86 yr old woman musta been a lawyer or something lol very thorough(sp?)
  14. That was hilarious btw. I am Irish/Italian/German and Blackfoot, any dinner with more than 4 members of my family in attendance is always a hoot
  15. You know,.. even if the retards at the fda do manage to ban "e-cigs" they cannot actualy ban the individual parts, they can only make it more of a hassle. If atomizers are sold as just that, "atomizers" how will they ban them? a nebulizer used in hospitals has an atomizer as it's main functioning part and there are literaly hundreds of other types of atomizers, so instead of selling a 510 "e-cig" atty as an e-cig atty, just sell it as a model 10510 atomizer or something like that. And this goes for batteries as well, so a model 10510 battery or whatever since there are thousands of battery types out there. the only thing that could get more complicated than that is the niccotine liquid used for e-juice since that could be fairly easily controlled, but I am sure the American people can figgure a way around that too. As to the rest of the e-juice supplies just go to one of the wals, i.e. walgreens/walmart etc,.. just my $0.02
  16. Your very welcome, I have gotten tired of all the bad press and even though my father in law cannot officialy say what he does out there at the Hanford site I know he has an 8 year degree in chemical engineering so I decided to ask him about it. I got more info from him about it than I ever knew existed and thought that tidbit of our conversation could help clear up some confusion, along with the link to the safety and product usage information.
  17. Thank You for the bumper sticker Dave It looks really nice, I was just expecting it to be something simple but it is very nicely done, thanks again, it is going on my car as soon as I go to my father in law's garage with controlled temp and humidity since it is now snowing here
  18. As to the toxicity of "propylene glycol",... My father in law has been working at the Hanford nuculear facility in richland, WA for over 25 years and whenever it is even suspected you may have been exposed to heavy metals or radioactive material you are required to ingest 1 litre of propylene glycol. So in over 25 years working there he says he has drank over 15 gallons of the stuff. It has the effect of absorbing heavy metals and radiation particles allowing your body to evacuate it naturaly ( I am sure you can guess how). He is now 62 and in fine health Of course you have to be one of the estimated 97% of Americans who are not allergic to it to be allowed to work there. Hope this clears some thing up lol, I have drank a litre of it myself as part of the final interview process at Hanford. propylene glycol safety
  19. I believe seperation of church and state was supposed to mean that unlike some countries where the (presiding) church has a direct say in government matters, instead in the U.S.A. the church has no direct say in government. This however does not mean that the government cannot choose to accept the use of a religious symbol, for example,... on some U.S. currency there is the "all seeing eye" from egyptian religion, in military cemetarys there are crosses from cristianity used for headstones, and yes the statue of liberty was fashioned after what I think was a greek goddess. And let's think about this christmas tree issue, If we can even have a christmas tree ( which is also a pagan religious symbol for the winter solstace) then why would the angel (religious symbol of chritianity) be disalowed? I believe the choice of what religious symbol to put up, or combination or religious symbols to put up, should be decided by the person or group putting it up. So I am happy they decided to let it stay
  20. I definitely believe VT is a support system, that is why I recommend it to everyone I introduce to vaping
  21. I like the mason jar idea, just keep em in your wine cellar with the 1787 Chateau Lafite
  22. Ok guys there is hope, just leave the bottle upright (mostly) at a slight angle so the liquid collects mostly to one side of the bottom, then pop off the plastic dripper tip and use a regular eye dropper that fits in the bottle to suck up the remaining juice ahh no waste
  23. Well, on a personal observation note, all the 510 attys that I have used right out of the box tasted funny for quite awhile. I think it is due to the oil or whatever they already have on the bridge etc,... I have since started boiling my brand new 510 attys for 5 minutes or so in filtered water in an impecably clean small saucepan. Since doing this I notice the flavor and even the vapor is better in my opinion.
  24. You know, I have been thinking about it and it seems to me that most serious health issues have an "epoxy like" cause where it takes 2 seperate things coming together to cause the effect. Like the fact that nowadays there is a ton more carbon monoxide it the air already, then mix that with some of the junk in the less "pure tobacco" type cigarettes. And voila you get something real bad? I dunno, just a theory.
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