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Everything posted by DannyBoyfromWashington

  1. hmm... not sure how good nic up the nose is?
  2. I think ya still need 10 posts in the noobie section first
  3. i would recommend the ego pass through battery get a couple of them and never be out of power. They are also compatible with all the 510 stuff so that gives the best of the field to chose from. IMHO
  4. Some one is at the door,.. Hey,. It's e-juice
  5. I think that switching to e-cigs and stoping analogs probably started clearing the poisons out of his system , which led to his system starting to perform more normaly, which led to him not needing as much of the drugs the doctors were giving him, which led to him overdosing on the drugs "They" prescribed :P There, take that you irresponsible doctors!
  6. did you confuse a bottle of rogaine for e-liquid?
  7. I think I need a stress test, but not from e-cigs lol
  8. I got a few headaches over the first couple months of switching, but after I quit coughing up black stuff left over from analogs the headaches went away. not sure if this helps
  9. So our government would rather see us die than lose out on some taxes, Nice!
  10. I think eating 1 ripe roma tomato you would get more nic than sitting in a room with a chain vaper all day lol, and heaven forbid you should eat anything with eggplant :P .
  11. even if there were fiberglass in the liquid, you would never be able to vape it out, it would just muck up your atty quicker. only airborne particles smaller than 3 microns can cause serious harm if inhaled in enough quantity. any particle larger than that would only cause temporary irritation unless you breath a whole lot of it.
  12. stuck a piece of bread in a half filled cartridge and left it in my moist , dark , warm closet for 3 months now, still no visible mold. I will keep trying
  13. Don't Steal ( the governmant hates competition). and of course you can trust the government, Just ask an Indian.
  14. If we get enough of these kind of results piled together it could make for a good independent study
  15. Great post for sure, FDA = Federal Dominance Agenda
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