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Everything posted by vapersplace

  1. It's been years since I've been on Vapor Talk. This forum goes WAY back and glad to see it's still going strong. Anyway, I started a Facebook group for vapers that are looking for e-liquids that don't contain any added sweeteners. Does anyone on here know of any?
  2. If you want to speak at the hearing you must arrive at 9:00am to sign up. Speakers will only be allowed 3 minutes to speak. The Public Health Committee will hold a public hearing on Friday, March 15, 2013 at 10:30 A.M. in Room 1D of the LOB. The Committee is accepting electronic testimony via email at phc.testimony@cga.ct.gov. Please submit electronic testimony no later than 5:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 14, 2013. If you are unable to submit electronic testimony, please submit 10 copies of written testimony no later than 8:30 A.M. on Friday, March 15, 2013 in Room 3000 of the LOB. Please submit separate testimony for each bill. Testimony submitted after the deadline will not be available until after the hearing. Sign-up for the hearing will begin at 9:00 A.M. in First Floor Atrium of the LOB. The first hour of the hearing is reserved for Legislators, Constitutional Officers, State Agency Heads and Chief Elected Municipal Officials. Speakers will be limited to three minutes of testimony. Bills will be heard in the order listed in the Bulletin. Unofficial sign-up sheets have no standing with the Committee.
  3. The date for the Public Health Committee Hearing is March 15th at 10:30am The address is: Public Health Committee Room 3000, Legislative Office Building Hartford, CT 06106 We need as many vapers as possible to attend this hearing. If you don't want to speak that is fine. Just you attending sends a message. Please! If you are able to attend it would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Jason Healy, the CEO of Blu Cigs, will be my guest this Sunday, June 3rd at 9:00pm EST. The number for questions or comments during the show is 347-308-8329. http://vapersplace.com/vplive
  5. I just wanted to wish everyone at Vaportalk a Happy Holiday and a great New Year .
  6. The Next Meet Will Take Place At The Woodntap Bar And Grill. It Starts At 4:00Pm And Ends Around 9:00Pm. The Address Is 420 Queen St. Southington Ct. It's Located Right Off I-84 And Very Easy To Find. Hope To See Everyone There.
  7. I just purchased a GGTB yesterday . Speaking of the GG I will be having Imeo on VP Live this Sunday, January 2nd at 1:00pm for an interview and Q&A. It should be interesting.
  8. Tonight at 9:00pm est "An hour with Grimm Green" on VP Live http://vapersplace.com/vplive/
  9. "A Q&A with CASAA" tonight at 9:00pm est. 347-308-8329 to call in your questions and info@vapersplace.com to e-mail in your questions. It should be an interesting show . http://vapersplace.com/vplive/
  10. Tonight "An hour with Leaford" at 9:00pm est http://vapersplace.com/vplive/ call in your questions and comments to 347-308-8329 or e-mail to info@vapersplace.com. Big giveaway tonight as well .
  11. Though most everyone knows Leaford for his video reviews, I'm more interested in how long he's been a vaper. He started vaping well over 2 years ago. Back then there wasn't all the vendors and resources like there are now. I don't even know if there were any U.S. vendors in May 2008. I wonder how, at such an early stage, he even discovered e-cigarettes.
  12. This Sunday, October 17th at 9:00pm est will be "An hour with Leaford" If your a veteran vaper then you probably remember Leafords video reviews. He was the very first e-cigarette reviewer on youtube. This review was his first dated June 21st, 2008. If you would like you can also e-mail any questions and comments for Leaford to info@vapersplace.com.
  13. Here is your Sunday bumb
  14. Due to the recent announcement by the FDA there will be a special edition of VP Live this Sunday, September 12th at 9:00pm est. My guests will be two representatives from CASAA: yvilla: Yolando Villa and Cit-e Steamer: Ron Ward. Both of my guests are also practicing attorneys and will be able to answer any questions and clear up many misconceptions within the community. I have also invited JustJulie to help me co-host the show. For the record, Julie is not on the show to represent any group or organization. She is on purely to be a co-host. So for those of you out there that want to have a better understanding of what is actually going on with the FDA or just have questions or comments for our guests I suggest you listen. Thank you everybody. http://vapersplace.com/links-vplive/
  15. Just to let you know Chris, Volcano has been doing press releases in the past few days since Rush keeps on mentioning them and in the press release they talk about the community and mention vapersplace and vaportalk
  16. http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/201008180045 I personally am not a fan of rush but it's great exposure for e-cigs.
  17. I think these mods are beautiful. The Moochie #3 is my favorite.
  18. I agree Jeff. Every negative news story about e-cigarettes will have that video playing in the background. I can just see it now....Fox News doing a report on the e-cigarette industry targeting children while that video plays.
  19. I don't mind kids but I agree. Horrible judgment.
  20. I did e-mail him and offered to send him a better e-cigarette starter kit and some 24mg juice. He said he couldn't take freebies but was open to advice on what I would suggest for him to buy so at least he's open to trying a different e-cigarette and continue with vaping.
  21. The grimm green chat is tonight at 8:00pm est. Hope to see everyone there
  22. http://www.e-cig.org/pdfs/Smokeless-non-tobacco-cigarette.pdf
  23. Dr. Michael Siegel..... http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com/2010/01/united-states-district-court-rules-that.html
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