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HoosierMama last won the day on December 6 2009

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  1. http://dailycaller.com/2010/12/30/the-biggest-unfounded-health-scares-of-2010/
  2. A year ago this past Thanksgiving I bought my first ecig, a 510. I believe to this day that if I had had enough juice I could have quit cigs all together but I didn't. Now it's cold again. I've been using my ecig at work and not going out at break. My college kids come home on Dec 18th and I'd like to not smoke in the apartment while they are here. I am open to buying a new ecig with longer battery life but still able to use my 510 atomizers at least until they are used up. Any suggestions? Hoosiermama
  3. Does nicotine get old and weak (like me) with age? I have some that is at least 6 months old that's been stored at room temperature.... Hoosier Mama
  4. Same as the deficit then.. right?
  5. You talked me into it. Oh.. ok. I ordered before I read this <G> Ordered the VT Dulcis, Sweet Damn and Midnight. Also several boxes of fluval so I have fresh filler for each new flavor. I still have 9 to try from Arno's sampler kit <G> Ann
  6. Fluval 242 Is this what I want? Ann
  7. My link Here's a picture of my stash yet I'm going through withdrawal. Not because I'm not getting my nicotine fix...but because I don't have any outstanding orders! I'm not anticipating a new package coming in and I don't like that feeling. I have Dulcis, Sweet Damn and Midnight on my list but haven't justified it yet. I need help!
  8. I have "Kool", Vt mentha and menthol from Awesomevapor.com. I may end up mising them all up in a batch. (I have two bottles of each)
  9. Me, too, at my office. I was showing someone new yesterday and blew out a big cloud of vapor and my cube mate said, "I've never seen you do that before!". And I said, because I don't.
  10. What USB pass thorugh is recommended for the Joye 510 (I have 5). Off to work..and I can't remember my password so I won't be able to answer from there.
  11. Ok, I have 8 bottles of juice bought from 3 different venders. I just got my tax check and want to stock up. My question is. How do I store them? Right now they are all lined up on my computer desk. Also, I finid it impossible to throw the empty bottles away. What's up with that? Ann
  12. I asked my doctor about ecigs and he had never heard of them. He asked what I could tell him! So I pulled a joye 510 out of my purse and showed him and explained it and even vaped in the exam room. He says..oh, that's like a nicatrol (sp) inhaler. He said I have no problem with that, they sell nicotine over the counter, after all. Just don't smoke and use it, he said. I'm his quinea pig! Ann
  13. I admit to vaping from the wrong end. Ann
  14. I have 4 Joye 510's. I'd just never seen that ad before. I guess I block them ut <G>
  15. http://www.ecigsadvisor.com/ecigs-review.php?keyword=ablw1
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