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Everything posted by SmokinHammer

  1. Ahhhhhh, well, that explains a lot! Jeez, Jeffb, don't scare me like that. When i first saw "vapingunitmania" I thought it was a dirty word!
  2. I've been searching, and reading, and making myself nuts here. I have a Spade (which I love) but I'm thing of buying the new Janty Stick because... well, because I can. (Stop judging me!) The Stick uses a 10440 battery that Janty say is 320 or 360 mAh, depending on where you look in the description. When you see the picture of the e-cigar battery they sell for it you can see that is says 360. My Spade batteries are 10440, which I guess describes the size, and are 600 mAh. So, the question becomes, are the batteries interchangeable? Does a Spade battery work in a Stick,and, vice versa? I'm assuming the only difference would be the length of time each battery lasts, but I've seen stuff about the specific charge rates for the Stick's battery and I don't want to make a $100 mistake. I'd only buy a Stick if the 600 mAh batteries work in both.
  3. I know the FDA "officially" stopped taking comments on the electronic cigarette at the end of last year, but I can't help but feel that it's my duty as an American to try to help this wonderful government organization as much as possible. That's why I found this contact page at the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research and sent them this. To whom it may concern. I am writing you regarding the inevitable battle over the safety of the electronic cigarette. I understand that you have questions considering this particular nicotine delivery system. I also understand that there is the possibility of some sort of legislation to control electronic cigarettes, or at least the nicotine containing fluid that is vaporized by these devices. I have read many articles where a concern over the lack of long term studies on the use of e-cigs, and the inhaling of vaporized pharmaceutical grade nicotine, in either a Propylene Glycol or Vegetable Glycerin base, is cited as a real problem. I am here to help. I am 44 years old, and began smoking in 1986. After 23 years of tobacco cigarettes, I began using a personal vaporizer in November of 2009. I quit smoking completely on December 1, 2009. I now use electronic cigarettes exclusively. While I feel better, have my breath back, and am enjoying refreshed senses of taste and smell, I am not a health care professional. I would like to volunteer myself for any long term studies you would like to do. I would be willing to make extra trips to my doctor, track my nicotine juice use, or any other task, in order to help you make an informed decision about electronic cigarettes. Thank you for being concerned with my well being. I look forward to your response. Sincerely, John Richards I think it's polite, and, actually, it's the truth. I made sure to fill in my contact info so they can get back to me. They want long term studies... somebodies got to do it. If you'd like to join me in doing your part for your country, please feel free to copy and paste anything you'd like from my letter.
  4. If I remember correctly, in the Video review of the Stick, they said that the cutoff had no delay built in, so it's just a matter of letting off for an instant and then hitting it again. I would hope that version 3 still works the same way. Then it's a nice feature... if you were to have it in your pocket with something holding the button down, it won't just stay on.
  5. Sarcasm Alert Oh this is just GREAT! Sarcasm Alert It's been a few weeks of me desperately trying to NOT buy any more hardware while I wait patiently to see the final design of the Joker and the Maserati, and now this. Dang it all! What to do... what to do. Dave, there is a pic of the white one HERE.
  6. Uh, guys, that's a blog that Dr. Mintz wrote about Dr. Mendez-Villamil. You are either not reading, or not comprehending. You are, IMHO, judging the wrong moron.
  7. Dr. Mintz seems, to me, to be the kind of "by the book" geek of a doctor that's been so scared by the current state of malpractice in this country that he has decided to forget about the common sense approach of the good ol' country doc and have no real opinion on anything. The mere fact that he's been on national TV suggests (again, my humble opinion) that he's a shill who'll back whatever opinion nets him the most profit. This post on his blog, where he responds to some questions by vapers, shows that he will blindly support the FDA. Apparently, Dr. Mintz never heard of Vioxx. I will not waste any time on him. By the way, my new years resolution was to be even more cynical and judgmental.
  8. I know what you mean, Brian. I'll probably leave it sitting in my truck for too long some day and end up with my Spade frozen to my lip!
  9. I do plan on trying one of these From Super T Manufacturing so I can drip right in without removing anything.
  10. I'd actually been meaning to start a topic about this, because I've become a double dripper. I use a cartridge with filler. If I'm switching to a new flavor, I fill the cart fully, but then, when I feel it's getting low, I pull it apart, put two or three drops in the cart, and then one or two drops into the atomizer. It works great for me, and I don't have to pull it apart as often as I do just "standard" dripping. The amount I put in, depends on how dry everything looks. When I started doing this I would occasionally suck in a little juice, but I've gotten pretty good at it now.
  11. I'd recommend starting with 10 to 15 drops of flavoring in 10 ml of mixed juice (base + VG and/or PG). I don't know if this will be strong enough for you, but it's much easier to add more. The alternative can result in large batches of juice that you might not even like, because there's no way to take flavor out! Also, if you do decide to add more flavor, sneak up on it. Add a couple drops at a time. Even if you think the first few puffs are no where near strong enough, take your time. The flavor can change very quickly. Trust me, I've learned some of this the hard way!
  12. So, I'm sitting here, Spade and computer in front of me, and NFL postseason football on my new 42" LCD in front of me. What could be wrong?... Three words... Theismann - Gibbs - Hammond
  13. To me, the throat hit only changes with nicotine strength. I personally like to buy a stronger juice and cut it with some VG for more vapor production. I've tried this with PG and not gotten the same vapor, but so far I've only bought PG based juices. I should probably buy some VG based juice to experiment with. It might be the combination of the two that results in my personal "sweet spot."
  14. Horanld, I see you're in Chicago, so saying "freezable" must have been Freudian! I'm up here in Milwaukee, freezing a little myself. I always "break in" my atomizers with straight VG, weather they're new, or after a cleaning. It certainly won't hurt them at all to use either VG or PG straight, but I think for flavor changes, I'd at least blow out any old juice, let the atty sit standing up on a paper towel overnight, then some PG of VG, and then the new juice.
  15. ALCOHOL ABUSE! I bought some Everclear (undrinkable 190 proof grain alcohol) to clean attys and add to juice. Good Vodka is for drinking!
  16. LOL! I know EXACTLY how you feel! I wish I could answer your question. I guess there's RY3 and RY4 and RY5? I don't have any experience with any of them. I just know the Dulcis is great for me!
  17. Hi Brandy. I've been looking for a good clove juice for a while too. I wish I would have ordered some from the DIY Flavor Shack last month, because they closed down for the holidays and won't be back until January 18th. I'm pretty sure they have a clove flavor, and I can't believe I didn't get some to at least try, but I was very impressed with the flavors I did get from them. I'm still planning to try out the recipe I found and asked about when I started This Topic, even though I got the warnings about oil based flavors burning up attys. I'll let you, and everyone else, know how that works out when I get to it, but right now I'm hooked on VT Dulcis.
  18. Welcome to VT, Aelle. I've got to agree with Mark and Nana and say that the 510 is a fantastic and dependaple unit, and a great choice to introduce yourself to vaping. It was my first e-cig, and I chose the copper color from ElectroNicStix because I liked the way it looked. Jason has the mega batteries in copper, and you could also get a pass through so you can just plug in when your at your computer. I don't know if Jason would quote you a price on a custom starter kit with the mega batteries, but it never hurts to ask. He's got a chat button, so it'll be pretty easy for you to find out when he's on line.
  19. BirdDog beat me to it, but I'll double up on a recommendation for ElectroNicStix. Jason has a chat feature so you could click on that and ask if he'd substitute auto batteries in a starter kit. I do have to join in with everybody else and say that the manual batteries are MUCH better and you get used to the switch in no time. (Plus the switch sticking out keeps your e-cig from rolling off the table. :rofl: )
  20. I'm using the Fluval (brand name) water polishing pads. A small box is maybe $5 at the pet store, and would have to refill hundreds of cartridges. I keep saltwater fish, so I had some when I started vaping. It should be available at almost any pet store, and is so close to the original filler that I can't see any difference.
  21. Wow, Dave, thanks for the Monday morning pick-me-up!
  22. DannyBoy, you just blew my mind!
  23. I do the same thing as far as buying a stronger juice and adding more VG. I really like the extra vapor I get. Right now, I'm hooked on Dulcis. I've bought a bunch of supplies, and am about to start mixing my own flavors, looking for the perfect caramel/coffee combo. I do think I'll order more Dulcis, and also try the VT tobacco... maybe I'll add VG and a drop or two of caramel to that.
  24. For the heck of it, I just googled "fda screw ups" and found this little article which I found very entertaining.
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