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Everything posted by SmokinHammer

  1. Jeez Dave, you scared me there. Then, as soon as I realized that this was some UN BS, I just shut that crap off and relaxed. Come on. If you really want nothing to happen, give it to the UN. They have a great track record of being completely useless. It's been said before, and I'll say it now. You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hand.
  2. All I know so far is that the 10440 protected batteries I got with my Spade are longer and slightly larger in diameter than the 10440 protected batteries I got with my Janty Stick V3. The Spade batts say 600 mAh, even though Chris has said ther're only 360, I see them on battery sites listed as 600, and the Janty batts are 320 mAh... So, at least wait for more info.
  3. This guy is obviously a complete charlatan, but I do hope nobody from this site is using the colorful language in their comments to him. It is very important to, at all times, be respectful and controlled while supporting our passion for vaping. Dropping f-bombs is no way to gain respect and it does not add any value to your opinion.
  4. I'm vaping on mine right now, Vacker, and loving it! I'm sure you will too. I haven't had a single issue and it's been my go to pv for a month now. Congrats on a great purchace! Enjoy. BTW, I use my little velvet bag all the time, and I'm a big boy carpenter. If you don't mind me saying so, your avatar always make me smile.
  5. I feel for you and hope it's getting better. I'll never forget the day I was crushing some dried cayenne peppers for my Chernobyl chili and, in one of those "just not thinking" moments, rubbed my eye with the side of my index finger. I couldn't see for about an hour!
  6. My carry on bag is a Think Tank Airport Acceleration (I actually have the V1) that usually has about $6000 worth of gear in it. It does not leave my sight, and I will not be investing in a starter's pistol. I'm sure you have to inform the authorities that your weapon is not loaded, so I don't see what prevents some bag jockey from letting it tumble, end over end, down a conveyor. I'm sure this guy wouldn't be so paranoid, if everyone wasn't out to get him.
  7. So, I worked late last night, and stopped at a little burger joint on the way home. I knew I wouldn't feel like cooking, so I picked up a couple burgers, fries, and onion rings. Then I saw that the frozen custard flavor of the day was butter pecan, my wife's favorite, so I asked for a quart of that too. When they handed me my order, all of the hot food was in a plain, white paper bag, and the custard was in a thick, insulated paper bag. It was, at the time 30 degrees outside. I thought about saying something... but just went home and had dinner.
  8. I'd reply, but I can't right now.
  9. Hi Soupninja, here's my $0.02. First, I've spent plenty of money (over $400) in the last six weeks, on e-cigs. I'm now putting a lot more thought into my purchases, based on my experiences. I was very interested when the eGo came out. Then I realized that the eGo battery is, basically, a bigger version of a 510 battery. I.E. it is a sealed unit with the switch built in. When it goes, you chuck the whole thing in the battery recycle bin at the store and buy a new one. As of right now, I don't believe any site (Janty or otherwise) has a spare battery listed, or even a mention of what they'll cost. That scares me. You've already learned a very important thing, batteries will die. That's why, for now, I'm sticking with my Spade. The battery housing is very well made, and uses an inexpensive 10440 protected li-ion cell. Christopher sells them for $7, and they're also available at places like Battery Junction where they're on sale now for $4. At that price you could buy a three for the price of a standard 510 batt. I know that the Spade will eventually wear out. But right now, it's my favorite, and I'm thinking of buying another, when my 510 batts start to go. Good luck! BTW, do keep in mind that, If you decide you have to have an ego, Totally Wicked is releasing their version, in two other colors. They say it'll be available on the 21st. They're calling it the Tornado. John
  10. You're correct, Beboe, but if you'd like to take the tiresome thinking out of it, try This E-Juice Calculator or do a search for "calculator" here on VT and you'll find some other options.
  11. Uh-oh, Dave, I hope you hid the knives and bubble wrapped the frying pans.
  12. Thank you, I'll be here all week. Two shows Saturday. Tip your waitress and try the veal.
  13. Acroma, I want to thank you for sharing this mistake with me, so I can be sure to not make it myself. Dave, thank you for your input. I will, if asked by my beautiful wife how much I think I've spent on vaping, remember to do the honorable thing, and lie my @ss off. Remember, my friend, many women find the term "chicks" offensive. I try to use "dames" or "broads" whenever possible. When I am offensive, I like it to be more memorable.
  14. Good God! There's a toy that blows vapor rings? Somebody alert the FDA. I'm sure they'll want to regulate it as it was obviously designed as a gateway to introduce children to smoking!
  15. I'm inspired too, Brian. I'm just trying to figure out exactly what parts to order. I can't believe I'd never seen madvapes.com before... very cool site, I like their diy stuff, nice pictures and good instructions. Hey, Dave... How about a custom 5 volt box mod with a 3" retractable blade?
  16. Jnnfrlsw, I just thought of another possibility. DIY Flavor Shack should be back up and running tomorrow, January 18. (They closed down for the holidays.) I know I got a baggie with some Fluval in it when I ordered a mixing kit from them, but I don't know If they sell it outright. If you still can't find any in your local stores, check out the Flavor Shack, if they do have it, you'll at least be able to round out your order with some juice and other fun stuff!
  17. You can check out THIS LINK if you'd like to see what the box looks like. I've been into saltwater fish for a while (long before I started vaping) and have ordered supplies from Drs. Foster and Smith plenty of times, so, just in case you can't find it anywhere, I'd recommend them. The only downer is that shipping would probably cost more than the Fluval! Good luck!
  18. Hey Mcquinn, that looks pretty sweet. Does it plug straight into the wall? I'd like to see a little wiring diagram, if you've got the time.
  19. Cloaking! I'm dying here, crying I'm laughing so hard! I hear it works so well that you can't even see the vapor when you exhale!
  20. Well, I like it, so far... is there supposed to be a picture or something?
  21. I think I'll have to write the fine folks at Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and remind them that the thing that tastes like bubble gun and is bad for kids... is bubble gum.
  22. Dave, I'd also suggest DIY Flavor Shack. Like jeffb said, they have lots of stuff. I actually bought one of their little kits. I got 30ml of 48mg base, 4 flavors of my choice, some Pg and VG, and a whole assortment of syringes, droppers, bottles, menthol flakes, measuring spoons, fluval filler... and it all came packed in a little plastic tool box. Just a way to get an assortment of stuff, so I can figure out what I want more of. Like jeffb said, they're closed til the 18th, so I couldn't check to see what I paid for it. By the way, I tried out the clove recipe I posted a link to in this topic and I'm really liking it. I think the key is the Everclear. I made 10ml of 24mg, with an extra drop of clove oil because I don't have any anise oil. It's so much like a real clove I can't believe it. I can't imagine what a 48mg version would be like. Oh, one more thing, I use 20 drops per ml. Good luck! John
  23. I know it's just a battle, and not the war, but I am honestly so happy that I'm going to go out and celebrate! I know that vapersplace put up a link to Doc. No. 55 which is the order, THIS LINK will take you to Doc. No. 54 which is the memorandum opinion.
  24. 48mg Dave, 48 freaking mg?!?!??!?!?!?!?! If I put a drop or two of that mango behind each ear I wouldn't have to vape at all, and I'd drive the ladies wild!
  25. Mornin' Dave. Looks like Jason has American made 100mg in PG or VG over at Electro-Nic-Stix. I've only gotten hardware from him so far, but I'll be trying this stuff out when I use up the 54mg Wicked, and 48mg DIY Flavor Shack bases I have now. Where do you usually buy it? John
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