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Everything posted by SmokinHammer

  1. I have the V3 in "iPod white" and have had no issues with leaking attys or carts. There are times when the button cuts off mid drag and the led goes out, but this has become a much less frequent promlem. At first I thought of sending it back and saying the button was faulty, but I think it was just a little break in issue.
  2. If you never get a red light, you charger is not working. That's the problem with anything electronic these days, nothing is truly built to last. Even the "dependable" stuff sometimes has a fault that makes it fail almost immediately. If it's really just six weeks old, I'd say it's just bad luck. Contact V4L and see if they'll exchange it, or even just send you a new one.
  3. Welcome to the forum, Matt. This is a real tough question because everyone has different tastes. I've been off cigarettes and vaping since December 1st, and I'm still trying different flavors. Look for a vendor that has a sampler pack. DIY Flavor Shack has one where you can get six 6ml bottles for $30, and they have a ton of flavor choices. That said, if you just want a straight answer from me, I could smoke VT's Dulcis all day, everyday.
  4. Okay, this Courson guy is obviously a moron and a hack, but come one, everybody, THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!!!! I really hope the FDA take note of this VCU research, and realize that, since no nicotine is being delivered by e-cigs, there is nothing for them to regulate. I'd like to personally congratulate Dr. Thomas Eissenberg and his whole crack research team for doing such a fine job.
  5. Thanks, Dave. I think you're my hero today. I honestly can't stop laughing!
  6. Good to hear, Dave. I made hot wings during the game yesterday, paying almost no attention to what I was doing, and they turned out perfect. They may have been a little better than usual because the distractions led to my leaving them under the broiler for a couple extra minutes. It's always tough to cook during the Superbowl, because you don't want to miss any of the game, or any of the commercials. Thank God for half time shows!
  7. For a mod to work at 5v, you need the appropriate batteries. At this time that means using two 3v (or larger) batteries in series and a voltage regulator to convert that output to 5 volts. The Spade was designed to hold a single 3.7v 360mAh protected 10440, so it would be impossible to turn it into a 5v unit. The eagerly anticipated Joker will be the mod you're looking for.
  8. The UK government has a petition system by which their citizens can make their voices heard, but this does not leave the rest of us completely out of this battle. PLEASE GO TO THIS LINK and take a few minutes to give your opinion. This is a public consultation on the topic, and no where, at least that I can find, does it say anything about having to be a citizen of the UK. You'll be able to clink on a link to a PDF that contains the proposal, or click on "Response form for MLX 364" to enter your name, email, address, and write (or paste) your opinion. There's just a couple of other boxes to click, and that's that. PLEASE Everybody take the time to do this. Every piece of legislation like this that gets passed in any country will be cited by the FDA as some sort of global precedent. As an example, here's my message, please feel free to use any or all of it if you just don't have time to write your own. I do encourage everyone to tell their own story, politely, and succinctly. To whom it may concern, I am writing as a member of the growing global community of people who use electronic cigarettes. I began using a personal vaporizer on 27 November, 2009 and stopped using tobacco cigarettes four days later. I had smoked at least a pack of cigarettes a day for the previous 18 years. I had quit smoking numerous times by using nicotine gum and lozenges, but had always gone back to tobacco cigarettes. I began using electronic cigarettes, hoping to find a safer, more economical way to use nicotine, without constantly sucking in the terrible tar, chemicals and carcinogens found in tobacco smoke. I must say that I was amazed by the electronic cigarette. After just a few days, I stopped using tobacco completely. My breathing got deeper, as my “smokers cough” went away. I have no urge to smoke tobacco, at all. My concern is over possible legislation, banning or severely regulating the liquid that electronic cigarette users vaporize in their devices. I know that, in my situation, a ban such as this would send me back into the world of tobacco use. I always enjoyed smoking, and now enjoy “vaping.” I consider it a much safer alternative. My nicotine addiction is not going away, and I don’t want it to. I understand the health risks associated with nicotine, and I am not so foolish as to think that there is absolutely no harm or risk involved with vaporizing a flavored, nicotine liquid, and sucking it into my lungs. I do believe the dangers involved in e-cig use are infinitesimal compared to the use of tobacco cigarettes. I would just like to state my personal opinion, that any body, enacting legislation that would completely ban the liquid used in electronic cigarettes, knowing full well that tobacco cigarettes are legal to purchase virtually everywhere on the planet, is doing more to endanger the health of the general populace, than protect it. Thank you for taking the time to consider my opinion. John Richards
  9. I would have been an excellent politician if it wasn't for my stupid morals and honesty.
  10. Jason, I tried to read through your links before leaving for work (which I'm doing soon) and don't see this as a huge threat. If I read this all right, and I seem to be supported by the article in the second link, they just want to ban e-cig sales to minors. The other bill is to ban the "other" flavored nicotine delivery devices, which I take to mean other than e-cigs, like the lollipops and stuff. Am I missing something?
  11. I don't live in Utah either, but I bought my first Joye510 from you and was off analogs four days after I got it. I'll be sending my story along soon. Good luck!
  12. LMAO! A 4 channel 5 watt per channel 1604! That's hysterical!
  13. Thanks for posting the link, Phaseman. I was, of course, expecting this like we all were. Just remember, this ongoing court BS gives us all plenty of time to write our state and federal legislators and let them know our stories. Let them know that the PV is mightier than big tobacco's sword, and that we will wield them in the voting booths. Even Barack has had a rather public battle with his cigarette habit. (anybody know if he's really quit?) I think I'll write him a note too.
  14. Wow, you guys. I'm totally with Schizophretard here. I don't know if everybody here has seen a post by mmseng and read the warning he includes in his signature, but about 8 drops of 100mg juice would be a lethal dose. I actually was surprised to see people selling 100mg, and can't imagine anyone selling anything stronger. The liability involved in selling something that dangerous on a web site with no real check other than "clicking this says you're over 18" boggles my mind. If you do mix with 100mg base, please take every precaution, including gloves and safety glasses. This stuff is no joke. Of course, none of this applies to Dave, who apparently is completely immune to nicotine. My blood pressure goes up just thinking about the stuff you vape. Are you still at 48mg, my friend?
  15. I like the whole "a little different every time" approach. It's the same way I make chili or stew or tuna casserole. If I happen across "vaping nirvana" and can't recreate it, I'll just mess around until I accidentally create "nirvana 2.0"
  16. If anybody would like a level 160 maniac (Mom would be so proud) as part of their Mafia Wars family on Facebook, send me a PM. I'd love to grow my mafia with some fellow vapers!
  17. Pretty much. Click this for a little more insight from people who've used vanilla extract in their e-juice. Make sure you read down to Kurt's warning about phosphoric acid.
  18. So I've seen a bunch of recipes and have one e-juice calculator downloaded, and another bookmarked. I didn't get the iPhone app because I try not to pay for things I'll never use, although it could be a nice little portable tutorial on mixing. (Some days I feel like the Johnny Appleseed of vaping.) My point is, I'm now mixing juice with no recipe, and no measuring other then a clear bottle and my eyes. It started when I ran out of Dulcis. I'd been vaping it at 18mg, after cutting down the 24mg I bought with some VG. I grabbed a 3ml bottle, squirted in some 26mg 555 I had laying around, eyeballed the amount of VG I added, put in 2 drops of caramel flavor, and off I went. (No, Dulcis addicts, it wasn't the same, but it was good.) Sometimes I sort of count drops, but if I'm using my 48mg base, I'm really just watching for about one part base, and 2 1/2 or 3 parts VG and flavor until it tastes right. I think I'm usually hitting the 12 to 15mg strength I'm looking for, and the taste is fine. Sometimes I'll add a drop or two of everclear, but not as a rule. Anyway, all I'm saying is that I'm having fun mixing without measuring, and when I'm done, I have much less clean up! Does anyone else mix like this?
  19. I read Compenstine's post before I tried this recipe, and I appreciate the concern. That said, I made myself some 18mg and vaped it in my Spade for at least a week. It was not my "all day" flavor, mostly because it was so much like a real clove cigarette that I couldn't handle it continuously. It had a real good throat hit, excellent flavor, and was probably the closest to "real smoking" as I've ever been with a PV. When I decided to take a break from the clove, I blew out that atty and switched to pumpkin pie, figuring that the residual clove flavor would blend in nicely, and it's still going strong. I believe the key to this clove recipe is the grain alcohol. I would like to know the details of Compenstine's experience, and wonder if it was just a coincidence that an atty died just after switching to an oil flavored juice.
  20. McQuinn, I don't know if you're speaking from experience or not, but this is an argument that can be made about every product. My wife's $130 point and shoot is capable of taking pictures just as nice as my $3000 digital slr. My grandma may have thought my mother frivolous for buying an electric mixer when a spoon or a whisk would do the same job. A Ford Fiesta will go 65mph, just like a Porsche Boxster. You're absolutely right, that the eGo is a 3.7 volt mod, so Tracie, if you're looking for a PV that will compete with your VP PT, you probably need to look at some of the bigger 5 and 6 volt mods like Pure Smoker's Prodigy V2 or Liberty Flight's AdapteveR. I personally am waiting for the Joker from VaprLife. I like the 510 atomizer. It works great for me. I do think I get better vapor production from my Spade than I do from any of my Joye 510 batteries, and I think the Spade is an awesome looking PV. The last thing I'll say is, if you're buying a new car, and you find out that the only options are a 2 gallon gas tank or a 20 gallon, which one would you choose?
  21. It's my understanding that your Greensmoke (Or V4L's Vapor King) is basically a KR-808. Jason has batteries for them at Electro-Nic Stix. He's a VT certified supplier, and I recommend him highly, as do many other Vapor Talkers.
  22. Welcome, Jarofcardinals. The link that Michelle posted is great, and, obviously, the one to watch for instructions on direct dripping. If you haven't seen THIS VIDEO about getting lots of vapor production, watch it too. Chris talks a little about direct dripping, but I found this to be the most helpful video I found when I started vaping. Good luck!
  23. Welcome, Nottis55. With a little care and maintenance, I'd say you should get at least a month out of a 510 atomizer. At least every other night or so, pull off the cart, unscrew the atty and blow threw it from the threaded end into a tissue or paper towel. Then leave the atty standing on end, threads up, on another cloth or paper towel for the rest of the night. Make sure you drip a little juice in the next morning before you fire it up. All that said, there are definitely dud atomizers out there, so it's always best to have a few spares.
  24. Thanks for sharing that, mmseng, nice work. Do you plan on just building a pcc mod for yourself and doing a diy for the rest of us, or will you be producing and marketing your pcc to sell?
  25. That would be the butt, Bob.
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