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Everything posted by SmokinHammer

  1. Brandon, thanks for posting these links again. I must have missed it when Roor talked about it. Phee did a really nice job on those videos and I think I'll definitely try this when I get a little more dexterity back in my right hand. Nice of you to jump in to credit Roor, Brian. You're a class act.
  2. I agree with Brian, Luck. The good news is that either VT or DietSmokes will totally stand behind their products. It's best to let them fix it or replace it if there is a serious issue.
  3. Mcquinn, did you happen to take any pictures when you took that battery apart? I'd love to see them if you did, otherwise I'll have to wait for one of mine to die and do it myself.
  4. Welcome to Vapor Talk, Sensay. Don't worry about making a few mistakes at the beginning, we all did. I try to remember to take my PV's apart at night and leave the atomizers standing up on a paper towel so the juice can drain away from the wick. This wont be a big deal for you if you're just using prefilled carts, but will become more of an issue if you get some juice and start direct dripping. Make sure to save the little rubber cap to snap back on the cartridge so it doesn't dry out. I honestly don't remember how long a prefilled cart would last me, but if you'd like a manual for your Joye 510, go to The "Resources and Links" tab at ElectroNicStix, and you can click on the link and download one. Happy vaping!
  5. Seaspine, I knew you were just joking when you said that, and found it pretty funny. It's just hard to make sarcasm come across in print. Years ago, there was a columnist here in Milwaukee who almost got tarred and feathered by an angry mob because most people couldn't see that he had an extreme gift for sarcasm and would often try to emphasize his views by stating the exact opposite of what any right thinking person would ever say. I totally agree with Stu. Christopher should probably make a special section for group hugs!
  6. Thanks Stu. Strangely, mine was also a clean break, but I guess the technology has changed a lot since you (and I) were in high school. My surgery was outpatient, took about an hour, and as it was explained to me, allows no chance of the bone moving before it sets. This "guarantees" that everything stays where it's supposed to be and I get to physical therapy faster. My surgeon said that 25 or 30 years ago, I would have been put in a cast up to my shoulder! With this lightweight wrap and Velcro splint, I'm free to flex my arm and my fingers, so it's almost like I'm doing PT already.
  7. That's hysterical! Did his voice crack like the pimply faced teenager on The Simpsons?
  8. Good luck with everything, Mcquinn, although I'm sure you won't need it. My grumpy old boss had one done in September of '09 and it went so well that he had the other done just this last Thursday. He was a lot more diligent about doing the pre-op exercises this time. He said he could tell after the first one that he should have taken them more seriously. You're in my prayers, and like they say on the stage, break a leg!
  9. I also wanted to say that I'm glad you're okay, and thank you for humbly sharing your story. On a lighter note, I hope the new video includes a recreation of the dance you did when your pants were on fire!
  10. Welcome to Vapor Talk, Knocker. I totally agree with everything said so far, but would like to add that, if you're going to stealth vape, be confident in knowing that you're not doing anything wrong or illegal, just don't be argumentative or angered if you're ever confronted. Be prepared to tell people that you're using an inhaler that is helping you quit smoking. Also be prepared to tell people that VaporTalk.com is the place to go to learn more and find a list of approved suppliers!
  11. Hi Pam. As hard as I try, and as much experience as I have dripping (not a ton, but nearly three months) I still flood attys too. I just did it today with my Janty Stick, and the quick fix is to pull off the cartridge, remove the atty, and, holding the atty up against a folded paper towel, blow through the threaded end to force the extra juice out. Then reassemble and take a puff or two to evaluate the progress. Then, if it seems to be working better, drip just one or two drops and vape. Then I'd suggest dripping one drop less than usual when you return to regular vaping, and consciously try to keep track of how often you're dripping (count the puffs, trying to take consistent drags) and hopefully you;ll make the adjustment that works for you. I know how frustrating it can be, but hang in there!
  12. I'd say make sure the threads on the Spade (and the attys) are absolutely clean, as the tiniest particle of anything conductive could be causing a short. Other than that, wait to hear from the supplier you got it from. If it's VaporTalk, I'm assuming you've started a ticket with Christopher. If you haven't, DO THAT HERE. Chris is the Spade expert, and will certainly make it right, even if you have to return it for repair or exchange. As far as the "bad" battery goes, are you sure it charged correctly? Many people, including myself, have had minor issues getting the battery seated in the charger correctly. If the charger's red led isn't coming on and staying on after you plug it in, the battery is not charging.
  13. Thanks, Nana. I'm not sure what I'll replace this with on Monday, but I've always been an Olympics geek so I've been watching a ton of the coverage. I won't be doing a lot of cooking any time soon, but my wife just bought me a new edition of Mastering the Art of French Cooking so I'll be reading through that and picking out some recipes to try in the future. It's pretty hard to type, but not as bad as I thought it would be. So far about the hardest thing I've done is butter some toast (nearly impossible) but I know the big challenges are yet to come. WARNING - Reading the next two sentences may put an unerasable image of me in your head. Anyone who's taken lots of heavy duty pain medication knows how it can throw off your regularity. I'm still waiting for a post-op trip to the throne (seated, that is) and am not sure what kind of left-handed toilet paper skills I possess.
  14. Nice video, actor. This is why "stealth" vaping in well lit public places is so easy, especially with a mod like a Janty stick V3. I have one in "iPod white" and since it doesn't look anything like a cigarette, and I don't ever act like I'm doing anything wrong (because I'm not) I've never had anyone question what I'm doing. I've vaped waiting for prescriptions at the pharmacy, in my doc's office, on the bus, and in the grocery store, and never had an issue. In nice dark taverns I get lots of questions. Mostly "how does it work" followed by "where can I get one?"
  15. I bought some Everclear to soak attys in. I prefer to drink my vodka.
  16. I will answer that question in One... Two... ... FIVE! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  17. Okay, important things first. Mark, are you sure you don't mean African swallow? It's funny you should bring up Monty Python. When I was picking out comfy clothes to wear to the hospital for my surgery, I naturally chose the "I'm Not Dead Yet" t-shirt I bought when my wife and I saw Spamalot in New York a couple years ago. Brian, as for as the V3, yes, the bottom is completely rounded so there is no way to stand it on end. It is very comfortable to hold in the palm of your hand. Overall length is about 3/8 of an inch shorter than a 510. That, combined with the shape, makes it pretty easy to conceal in the palm of your hand. As for my carpentry, when I first started, many years ago, I did work on, and then run, crews that built custom homes. Now I work for a small contractor that does a lot of commercial and industrial stuff. I repair and install lots of doors, some wood, and many hollow metal doors in steel frames. Oops, sorry Mark, I almost forgot about your leg. I hope you're feeling better!
  18. Thanks, Schizo! Ah yes... lets talk about the miracles of modern medicine. When I first fell, I knew it was bad because I didn't scream or yell or anything. I tend to make lots of noise for paper cuts and tiny splinters, but this was serious, so I was silent. I sat on the ground for a minute, holding my wrist with my left hand, telling myself I was going to have to look eventually. When I did, it did not look like the wrist I'd been issued. It had an extra little bend in it. The first challenge was to get my keys out of my right pocket with my left hand. That done, I drove myself to the clinic where they took some x-rays and told me it was definitely broken. The good news was that an orthopedic surgeon came to that clinic Wednesday mornings for regular patient visits, so I just had to wait 20 minutes (filling out paperwork left-handed) and I met the surgeon. At 5:00 that afternoon, I was in surgery. In between I went home to clean up as best I could and put on some more comfortable clothes. That's when I was faced with a big problem. I had to take my watch off of my left wrist. I was able to flip up the guard on the metal band's latch by using a butter knife, held in my mouth, but couldn't come up with a trick to squeeze the two little buttons that would allow it to open. I finally just had to grit my teeth and do it with the bad hand, giving it everything I had with the fingers sticking out of the splint, and a couple tears of pain running down my cheeks. So, here's the miracle part. The next morning (yesterday) with a brand new metal plate and some screws holding the end of my radius together, I already had enough strength and movement in those same digits that I could hold a PV in that hand and drip with my left! Actually, I just tried the Stick right-handed and can hold it and push the button just fine! I don't really have a cast, it's a bunch of gauze and a splint, with ace bandages and a cushioned velcro sleeve over the top. I'll be in it for four weeks, then physical therapy. I've got plenty of oxycodone (percoset) so, for now, I'm feeling fine! As for the itchy thing... I don't want to think about it.
  19. Thanks Brian. I love the Stick. I think my favorite thing about it is the unconventional look of it. I got it in "iPod white," and the whole end of it glows white when you hit the button. A stranger at the tavern the other night looked at me and said, "how come that light bulb keeps going on in your hand?" I looked him straight in the eye and said, "I'm an idea man." I was happy with the way it vaped right out of the box, and even happier when I got some low bridge 302's (or are these 304's) from Christopher. Battery life and vapor production / throat hit are very similar to that of the Spade. The button has a nice feel, and the built in mini USB connection is an awesome feature. Just plug it in and it's its own pass through, while charging the battery. As for Wisconsin, yes sir, born and raised right here in Milwaukee. I grew up in a north shore suburb called River Hills, and now live in an area of the city called Riverwest. It's an artsy, bohemian neighborhood with lots of duplexes so there's a great mix of homeowners and college students renting while they attend UWM, which is very close to our home.
  20. The first time I saw an e-cig in person was June or July of 2009. In November, I ordered my first Joye 510 from Jason at ElectroNicStix because I was having some outpatient surgery on the Friday after Thanksgiving. My thinking was that I'd be laid up recouping and could get my nicotine fix without having to go outside. The surgery was to remove some hardware from my heal bone, which I had shattered in a fall in 2006. So that went really good. I sat in my recliner, foot elevated, 510 in hand, and computer on lap. Thanks to all of the fantastic advice and information I found here at Vapor Talk, I was analog free by December 1. Even when I got back on my feet, and went back to my job as a carpenter (I used to smoke a lot at work.) I had no interest in tobacco cigs at all. There was never a time where I was tempted back towards the dark side. The one thing I did miss was spending time here, interacting with all you fine folks. I'd try to check in every day. Since there's always more to learn I'd at least read a little, and occasionally post a quick comment. I didn't realize just how much I missed VT until Wednesday morning, when I slipped on some ice, stupidly put my hand down to break my fall, and broke my right wrist. I am convinced that my subconscious made me do it so I could get back in my recliner, back on the computer, and, now equipped with a VP Spade and Janty Stick V3, back to my friends at Vapor Talk. To help me pass the time, if you respond to this, please include a question for me, any question at all, on any subject. It can be about me personally, or anything else that pops into your head. If I don't know the answer, I'll be sure to make something up. Just please remember, I typed a lot faster with a cast on my foot!
  21. I cracked up when I read of your dilemma, but now I am just a touch worried about you, Ann. Apparently you don't direct drip at all. I did some quick math in my head, and I believe "several" boxes of Fluval will refill approximately 70 bazillion cartridges!
  22. I did it in about 20 minutes and got a 118. Like everything else in my life, I'm sure if I slowed down and concentrated... you know, really tried and applied everything I've learned through the years, I would have scored much lower.
  23. With the hippy, dippy, weather... man.
  24. I just tried my bookmark for MadVapes, and it's gone. Hope it's just a server issue or something.
  25. I didn't post anything when I first read his article the other day, but upon seeing that he's changing his tune and listening a little, decided to post this tonight. A bunch of stuff sort of poured out that I haven't brought up since I started vaping, and it was actually pretty cool to take a little look back after a couple months, and think about how my life has changed. Well Mike, I have to apologize. I called you a hack on VaporTalk.com after reading your original article (sorry) and now you seem to be a pretty fair and reasonable guy. I am glad to see you admit that you should have done more research. It takes a big person to admit they made a mistake. I started vaping around Thanksgiving and haven't had an analog (tobacco cigarette) since November 30. I think the thing you really need to focus on now, being a non-smoker, is how passionate and excited the smoking community is about e-cigs. We have been enduring mounting public scorn for many years. I have experienced mothers, hiding their child's face from me as I walked down the street smoking. I was asked to move in a theater, because a lady complained about the smell of my jacket. I have been routinely turned from a common filthy smoker, into a lowly litterbug by institutions who won't even pay to put an ashtray near the entrance of their building. And equally often, embarrassed myself and my non-smoking wife by carrying a stubbed out butt inside to ask where a garbage can is. (Honestly, I tried not to just throw my butts anywhere.) Many of us now see e-cigarettes as a way to replace something that even we readily admit is a filthy habit, with something not nearly as dangerous for us, and no where near as offensive to others. We just want to maintain our little nicotine habit and not bother anyone, and in return, not be bothered. We'll live with the risks associated with the nicotine, and whatever else. I think I speak for many an ex-smoker, when I say, a little diethylene glycol? Jeez, Mike, I used to put a paper cylinder full of tobacco in my mouth, LIGHT IT ON FIRE, and suck the smoke into my lungs! I'm happy I found vaping, and I'm glad you're taking the time to learn something about it. Thanks John
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