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Everything posted by SmokinHammer

  1. Well gee, that just makes my wife's Prius look like a big red turd.
  2. Yeah, I really like what this is morphing in to. I'll never forget when my ex-wife told me that, as a parent, you have to pick your battles. I looked her dead in the eye and said that, when you become a parent, you're agreeing to take on all of the battles. My daughter knows that, I'm my mind, she's free to make any decision she wants. She knows I love her unconditionally. She comes to me for guidance, and I tell her what I feel. If she came to me and said she'd started smoking, I'd tell her that was a horrible decision, and that I thought she should quit before the addiction really got a hold of her. If she came back the next week to proudly announce that she'd switched to vaping, I'd tell her that was a horrible decision, and that I thought she should quit before the addiction really got a hold of her. When she got caught smoking pot, I didn't think, "Well, that's better than cocaine." We had a talk and she said she would stop. Do I think she's smoked pot since then... no. Do I know for sure... no. Did I do everything I could... no. But I'm comfortable thinking that I did everything I should.
  3. Thanks so much for the update, Profbeard. We're all hoping that our reaction to that consultation is making a difference. If you haven't said your piece, PLEASE CLICK HERE and share your story with the MHRA!
  4. Two things jump out at me here. #1 - Does your wife smoke cigars? #2 - Are you now under doctor's orders to stay away from her?
  5. LOL. How did you know I was a window licker?
  6. Oops! Snubber has just reminded me that the real reason for this was to congratulate everyone that responded to that very interesting post with tact, concern, and level headed common sense. Well done, everyone!
  7. An Obama e-cig would have a red led on one end, a blue led on the other, and when you push the button, nothing happens.
  8. So, a while ago, someone showed up on the forums, asking what PV they should buy. They were going to start vaping, even though they never smoked. By the time I saw it, Christopher and Parked had responded first, saying that vaping was a way to get over smoking, not develop an addiction to nicotine. I believe they also each said that they'd be very uncomfortable selling a PV to this person. This was followed by many other members who piled on, each saying that they'd smoked for years before switching, and to start vaping when you've never smoked is absolutely ridiculous! So, does anyone else here think this was some sort of test? I am very suspicious naturally. (I'm also cynical, judgmental and arrogant. ) At first I wondered if it could be the FDA, then my thoughts turned to one of the "Smoke Free Wisconsin" types or one of the "What About the Children" sites. Then I thought about the possibility of it being a newspaper an magazine writer, working an angle for their e-cig story. Either way, it reminded me of the underage cigarette buyer stings that go on. We're still a few months away from a public smoking ban here in Milwaukee, so the police will still send an older looking teenage volunteer into a bar to try to buy cigs, or ask for change for the machine. I know many bar owners and bartenders, and don't know anyone who's ever been caught by this. The thing about the test is, all you have to be is a conscientious owner with good employees and you'll never have a problem. I guess that's easier said than done, but it's basically what happened here. Anyone else think like I do?
  9. We are only strangers according to a generic definition of the word. I am a 44 year old man in Milwaukee, I will probably never meet you, or ever hear the sound of your voice, but I feel like I know you. I lost my sister in August. My heart is heavy, feeling the pain that you and your family are going through, and my prayers are with you, your father, and everyone else in "our" family.
  10. Yeah, Mcquinn, definitely take those pain meds! I talked to my boss Monday afternoon (If your just joining this topic, he had his second knee replacement done last Thursday.) He sounded happier and more relaxed than he has in a decade! On a serious note, I've been on pain meds for a few surgeries (and recoveries) in the last few years, so I speak from personal experience. Make sure you're prepared for the one inevitable, and really irritating, side effect... constipation. There, I said it. I'm sorry, but it's true, and I had to learn the hard way, after spending something like $25 on a bottle of Senokot, that prune juice works better and is a lot cheaper! Good Lord I hate being mature enough to talk about this stuff in public. It makes me feel old. I remember trying to coach my father out of sharing every detail of his health care with everyone he met. One day I found myself saying, "Dad, the bank teller doesn't care about your prostate!"
  11. That is AWESOME! At first I was thinking, "Well I've seen this before," but when I realized that the phone still works... man... you just blew my mind!
  12. I've added a couple drops of 190 proof Everclear to a few homemade juices (mostly 10ml batches of clove flavor), but I don't think that I've ever vaped more than about 3mls of juice in a day. That's about one tenth of a fluid ounce (I think) so I doubt that vaping would ever change the results of a breathalyzer test.
  13. Hardwired, while you're waiting for the new juice, you could go to the pharmacy, or a place that sells baking supplies like a wally-mart, and try to find some VG to add on your own. Look for stuff that says usg 99% glycerin. (Grab an eyedropper if the bottle doesn't have a drip cap!) Obviously, mixing equal parts with your 24mg juice will give you 12mg strength. You'll lose some flavor, but you'll have something to vape and you can see if the headaches go away. Good luck and welcome to Vapor Talk!
  14. From what I've read, freezing is not good for your liquid. Don't forget, if it's a PG based liquid, it'll be like trying to freeze anti-freeze. Just a nice cool, dry dark place, preferably with a consistent humidity. (I think 40-50%) Hopefully Christopher or another of the real experts will chime in here.
  15. Thanks Profbeard, but your link is messed up. I found the review though... HERE, so others can get there if you don't get it fixed. I'll have to friend you over at Vapersplace.
  16. At those prices I'll give it a shot. Purvapor, what flavors did you order? If I can, I'll try something different so we can all compare notes. ( Also Purvapor, I sent you a PM about brewing. Hope you have some info for me. )
  17. So, my current injury has me off work once again, and free to stay up into the wee hours, screwing around on line and vaping away. Back when I was hooked on analogs, I remember wanting to smoke late at night, but not wanting to go outside (I never smoked inside) and also not wanting the nicotine keeping me awake even later. I'm sitting here now, dripping some VG with a little root beer flavor in it, practicing my vapor rings, and thinking about just how incredible and enjoyable vaping is!
  18. I'd think the biggest problem might be with a bottle of juice. Is the rule still no liquid container bigger than 3 oz? I thought I heard somewhere that that got changed a little. Most of the juice I carry is in 10 ml. bottles, so that's just 1/3 of an ounce or so. I carry on lots of camera gear when I travel with all kinds of batteries and chargers and wires and have never had an issue.
  19. Char, what kind of art do you do? Do you have a website? Maybe you could start a new topic in the Vapor Lounge with a picture or two. I just took a closer look at your avatar, is that a piece of your work? It's hard to tell what it is because it's so small. Looks like it could be ceramic, or jewelery, or even painting. Whatever it is, it looks cool. My wife is a painter. She does very abstract, minimalist, colorful oils on canvas. Anyway, good luck with the new Spade and please share your art with us!
  20. I'll have to guess, and I've narrowed it down to two choices... You, or Scott Hamilton.
  21. I know that, when my wife drags me along to the mall, I'll often say, "Why don't we just ask them where the most expensive stuff is right away? Think of the time we'll save!" She'll still go through every sale rack on the property.
  22. I think if more people bought cigarettes by the carton it wouldn't be as much of an issue. A carton of my old brand (Camel lights) in Milwaukee would have been more expensive than my first order of a Joye 510 starter kit and two bottles of juice from Jason at ElectroNicStix. The thing is, I never bought cartons. People, myself included, don't do the math often enough. Jeez look at the counter in my signature. I quit smoking on December 1, and I think I'm close to $900 dollars not spent on analogs. I've had the "cost" discussion with friends after they see me out with a 510, and my Spade, and my Janty Stick. They're shocked by what I've spent on vaping, but they're shocked, stunned, and flabbergasted when they find out how much I've saved by not smoking!
  23. I don't know of a "cookbook'" but if there is one I hope it's called Mastering the Art of French Inhaling!
  24. It's very hard to tell you how many puffs on an e-cig equal one analog cigarette because you can buy the juice in many different strengths. Most people find that the higher the nicotine concentration, the better the throat hit, but the key for you is to find your own sweet spot. You're only going to do that by trial and error. You need to choose a few flavors and maybe a couple different strengths and experiment a little, and then listen to what your body and brain tell you. If you're not familiar with direct dripping, WATCH THIS VIDEO and maybe a few of the others in the video section. I don't really know what to say about "cheap" juice. One 10 ml. bottle of VT juice is less than $10 and lasts me about a week. I think that's pretty inexpensive, especially considering the price of cigarettes these days. Good luck!
  25. Probably, but I live on the edge. I even tore that "Do not remove under penalty of law" tag off my last mattress.
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