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Everything posted by SmokinHammer

  1. Wow, time flies. It seems like only yesterday that I was complimenting everyone on how well VT posters stay on topic... Oh look, it was yesterday! Ahhhh, there's nothing like a good Non sequitur.
  2. You guys are the best. There's nothing like some good old fashioned American English, (and a little bit of Pirate - thanks Jason) to help a fellow understand. That led was off by the time I got up, but I swear the instructions don't let you know that it will flash while it charges. Oh well, I'm happy now. John
  3. Really! I've been all over the site because I'm positive that I saw a post explaining what the led's on a 510 pcc indicate. I thought I'd figured it out, but the loosely translated instructions read like Jackie Chan doing Shakespeare. The top led has been flashing for quite a while (there is a battery inside, and it was solid red to start) and I don't know why. If someone could point me to the post I think I saw, I'd appreciate it. John
  4. Honestly, thank you EVERYONE! I've spent countless hours on many sites, mostly discussing 1. my wife's Toyota Prius, 2. Saltwater aquariums, and 3. Canon digital slr's. I am amazed and thoroughly impressed by the vaping community represented on Vapor Talk! I come here and read well written posts, with proper spelling, punctuation, and (this is key) an actual, on topic point! This is why, even if I never light up another analog, I will always sit in the smoking section! (At least as long as we still have smoking sections!) It's also why (Christopher) I decided to order a Spade today. Keep up the good work! John
  5. While I couldn't agree with Keenan more, and I DON'T want to turn this into a political discussion, I'm sure that dripping and driving is already illegal. It would fall under inattentive driving, which is illegal in every state. Unfortunately, legislators like to make a name for themselves, which is why we have to have special laws for using a cell phone while driving, and texting while driving. I'm sure it's just as dangerous to eat a double cheeseburger while driving, but double cheeseburgers aren't controversial enough for some windbag to make a big deal about. The moral of my story? If you do something dumb while dripping and driving, HOPE that you're prosecuted under laws that currently exist, and don't make a big deal about your "right to vape."
  6. Awesome to hear from across the pond! My wife and I were in London last new years, and I'd quit smoking all together at that time. (I started back up a few months after we got home.) I didn't buy cigarettes in the UK, but, strangely enough, I first saw electronic cigarettes for sale in Harrods! There was a whole display in the lower level. I looked at them for a minute, but decided to buy some Cuban cigars!
  7. Is Chi-town going to get rid of that insane sales tax? I went into a little dump of a "convenience" store in Wrigleyville last year and paid like $9.50!
  8. Forgive me if this has been done before, but I searched and searched and couldn't find anything like it. Here in Milwaukee, I'd have to choose #3. Cost wasn't even a factor in my switch to vaping, but it is getting a bit ridiculous in some places. At my favorite bar, the machine takes $10 cash American! (Our smoking ban doesn't go into effect until next summer) I hate to judge, but I've honestly looked at some people and wondered how they can afford to smoke!
  9. You should get that cup of coffee, and drip a doughnut in it! (sorry, couldn't help myself)
  10. I only stick my pinky out when I'm sipping my afternoon tea.
  11. Okay, seriously, I'm not used to my 510 enough to be able to tell that my battery is dying just by the feel of the hit. I'm sure I'll soon know exactly what's going on (dead battery, atomizer needs cleaning, cartridge needs filling, etc.) but for now I keep staring at the led every time I take a drag. So, while my lungs are getting clearer, I think I'm going cross-eyed! John
  12. I had a few "issues" with my new 510 batteries after a few days, but I think I created the problem myself. I think I was charging too often, and, when I started vaping until the led flashed, and then putting them back on the charger for at least two hours, those "issues" went away. Also, if its a new kit, and both batteries are being weird, I'd try a different charger. I'd also like to point out that, no matter how reputable your supplier is, if a product (any product) says its battery will last for eight hours, you can hope for four, as long as you expect two. John
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