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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. Same carto's I am pretty sure I copied this from somewhere else. KR-808-D though it has the same 808 model no. this is a completely different e-cigarette. This is a 2 pc Cig with a big battery. To compare batteries the 808B holds 140mAh of power (not bad for the size) the 808-D battery (much larger 110mm & 120mm) holds 240-260mAh of power, big difference for folks on the go. Seems the difference is battery length and mAh ratings.
  2. For $15.00 at IndyVapor seems like a good deal.If I didn't have three Kissbox PT's and two home made ones I might buy one.
  3. If you have a mod that is sealed no air can go through but stock 901 batteries will allow for air.I have not seen an adapter for 808 to 901 as they screw on but I have seen and own 901/808 atty to 801 batteries and 510 atty to 801 batteries.They seem to have all the combinations covered if you look around.
  4. Actually the KR 808's will fit without an adapter.
  5. Wipe off the carts when you top off to keep from getting the condensation in the mouth.I usually keep two atties going at a time with different flavors in both and switch off.It keeps me from getting acutomed to the flavor and not being able to taste it as good and also lets the cool off a while.
  6. I did not care for the Joye 302 batteries ,the ones I got were automatic I don't know if they have manual.The cutoof was way too quick and you have to use fresh atties on them to get any vapor.The DSE 801 batteries auto and manual are vastly superior.Atties on the other hand the DSE 801's have the high bridge and while they are ok for dripping they bite for carting.The life was also a little less I think the 302's are 180 mAh and the 801's are 280 mAh.
  7. Very nice engineering there.I am a fan of 3.7 volt passthroughs with batteries .
  8. The higher mAh will only give you more time between charges it will not burn out atties any faster as they still will get the same voltage and the amperage is regulated the same.
  9. http://indyvaporshop.com/ac-usb-adapter.html here is one for cheap and reputable supplier
  10. 500 mAh is a 1/4 of what you need 2000 mAh or greater for 5 volts
  11. The surge protecter will be fine they are rated for 15 amps @110 volts.You can gaet a usb extension cord from computer supply houses and use that to extend your reach from an outlet.
  12. I am not sure what you are plugging into,but there are 5 volt AC to usb power supplies and if you get one rated 2 amps or 2000 millamps you should get the maximum potential from your atty.It would not make any diff. if you plug the power adapter into a 110 volt extension cord.I doubt if any computer usb ports can deliver the amperage to get full heat from one.I use a 5 volt power supply from an old network hub and I cut a usb extension in half and used half on the power supply and the other half to build a passthrough.I only use the passthroughs with the inline battery on my computers as I tripped an overload in my work computer with a 5 volt passthrough.
  13. I wodered where VaporStation got that stuff I think it tastes awesome but seemed to carbon up atties fast @3.7 volts.
  14. I use a DSE 901 cart that I cut down in my carto's to keep the metal farther away from my mouth and it is easier to remove for refill than the rubber plugs.
  15. After a year I think about it now and then just to see what would happen ,I always talk myself out of it as there are twenty in a pack and I doubt I would throw or give them away .I usually vape no nic but when I start thinkin that way I usually get a little nic in my juice for a while.My son and his fiance smoke and while the stale smoke smell on them grosses me out the smell of a Camel burning still smells good to me.I don't think it would take much for me to go back if I tried one.I really did enjoy smoking ,thats why I had so much trouble quitting until I found vaping.It is an acceptable alternative for me.BigJim what kind of liquid do you use?I had trouble with domestic liquid ruining atties way too fast for my budget.
  16. I would imagine there is caffiene in the coffee flavor eliquids .I can't stand to vape one long enough to find out if it gets spinnin,I think they are only good for the fist puff or two then they get nasty.
  17. I thought I read something about those but I cannot find anything now I guess they were just measuring the resistance of regular cartos and looking for the ones with lowest resistance.As hot as the ones I have tried so far gewt after a day or two I cannot imagine wanting them hotter.And I only use 3.7 volts on mine.
  18. If you are like most of us we do not throw anything away ,so get the rubber caps that were on the carts when new out of your junk box and put them back on the prefilled carts and you will be good to go.I hate when the filler sticks I think we run them a little too dry and they melt to the bridge.
  19. The consensus the last time this came up was,a shelf life of two years if stored in a cool dark place.Heat is really bad, so be careful about leaving it in the sun or a parked car.If the color starts darkening that is a sign it is is oxidising and the flavor will start to degrade.Some manufacturers stamp a manufacture date on it ,some suppliers stamp a in stock date to help with stock rotation.If you find someone marking it down real cheap it is either getting old or it is so nasty no one is buying it,so be careful about buying too much of the sale price stuff.
  20. Just file a ticket with Janty and they will send you another,I would suppose.Thats why they get the premium bucks for thier stuff because they stand behind it.I had a passthrough that quit and they sent me another,no questions asked.
  21. I have never tried an Ego or LR atty but the lower resistance would cause more current to flow and that could be whats eating the batteries.Those circut boards that regulate the current and voltage have really small conducter paths for the amount of current we put through them and I suppose there are some that have weak spots that let go.Leeks are a sign you are dripping too much or too often.
  22. On a sunny day when the sun is streaming through a window ,pay attention and you will be amazed at how much vapor is actually in the room when you vape.Almost looks like smoke filled room.There might be some nicotine in there and I would not run the risk of getting the kiddies hooked.I would hate for anyone to have to go through what most of have/are going through trying to get off the habit.
  23. I got some good flavorings from them to boost some liquids when I first started and couldn't taste most liquids.They are good folks to deal with ,but for some reason I never tried thier liquids.May have to revisit them .
  24. I don't like 5 volts for that reason and a LR atty will give 5 volt effect .Just too hot burns the liquid.Try shorter bursts on the button to keep it a little cooler.It also will burn the liquid off quicker giving the dry atty effect sooner than a standard resistance,drip more often.
  25. I have always preffered Dekang and what ever Awesome Vapor sells,I have tried three different domestic brands and while some did taste good they seemed to ruin my atties faster than I like.I got some from Janty ,I suspect it is Dekang but where the YNDK usually is it says JOYE.It is very good stuff on the same level as VaporTalk liquid.
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