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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. Are you just vaping more?It could be its just time for you to cut down.That is a good thing as you are getting less addicted to the nic.I think that the nicotine in e-liquid is way less addictive than in tobacco as I quickly got to the point where I did not have the nicfits if I didn't vape all the time.
  2. Are you using 3.7 or higher voltage?Higher voltage especialy with the LR one will do that.Soak them in hot water from your coffee maker and blow them out to clean out the primer fluid.
  3. Most likely due to dehydration,that will cause muscle pain.Drink lotsa fluids.
  4. As far as the Wikipedia thing goes you would really have to do some seriouse vaping to get the lethal dose of nicotine.I suppose DIY'ers could get exposed if they got a hold of really potent niquid and did not follow safety precations.You can however get yourself buzzing around and having trouble sleeping @ night if you do like I do and vape the whole time you sit at a computer .If you find yourself unable to put it down you might consider some low nic liquid.
  5. Now you have gone and done it ,we are all sitting here with eyes watering now.Thanks a lot.
  6. The removing the filler will not work on the ones with aluminum threads as the element is embedded in the filler,should work on the DSE ones with brass threads though.
  7. Don't think I could get used to the gurggling.Nice product though.
  8. "The VP-PT operates at 4.90 volts and 1.4 amps with a atomizers attached (under load) with the USB power pack. So you need to adjust your hit time, because it can be very strong. So if you normally take 8 second hit on a good e cig, go to a 2 to 3 second hit. If you choose to attach to your USB port of a computer, it's power will be less, how much depends on your computers power supply. "If you are looking for one that will work well from a computer usb port you will need one with a battery inline,Joye brand http://www.vaporkings.com/Joye_510_USB_manual_pushbutton_passthrough_cable_p/510-usb-push-blk.htm or http://indyvaporshop.com/model-510-passthrough-battery-combinat510.html
  9. The cartomisers are meant to be disposable while the atties are to be reused.Having said that most of us are way to frugal to throw away something that still works good so we refill cartomisers for a couple of days to a couple of weeks.And a lot of us clean and use attomisers for weeks and months .The cartomisers are good for longer between refills or topping off.Attomisers are really good for dripping .
  10. (1)Most of us beleive vaping is far safer than smoking.The odor of most liquids is pleasant for most bystanders. (2)Joye/Janty seems to be the standard,it is the brand that all the copycats are copying. (3)They have worked for that purpose for a lot people but they have not been scientificly proven and FDA approved as a cessation device.Chewing gum would be in a similar catergory,I don't think you could legaly sell Juicy Fruit as a smoking cessation device. (4)The liquid is made of food grade products there is no combustion so none of the byproducts of combution. (5)I just was trying to ge a nicotine fix at work when they instituted a tobacco free policy and it just got good for me and I no longer needed to use tobacco. (6)I would recomend a 510 cartomiser kit and an assortment of liquids. (7)Any one of the certified suppliers listed at this forum . The main thing is vaping is not smoking and while it will help with the nicotine fix and the hand to mouth habit ,you will never find a liquid or e-cigg that tastes like smoking.You should however find a few pleasing flavors and the right nicotine level to help keep the desire for smoking at bay.
  11. I am glad this is working for you ,keep up the good work.
  12. Or you can get you some 0 nic RedBull and dilute with that you won't dilute the flavor that way,unless of course you think the flavor is too strong then you can use VG or PG with VG being at your local pharmacy.
  13. Drill it out to suit you.If you don't own a drill this would be a good excuse to go tool shopping. You will need a huge tool box to keep it in and some of those ratcheting wrenches to keep the drill company.
  14. Just soak them in Everclear or something else maybe hot water and it will wash out whats in there and after they dry you can reload them with your favorite.There are folks in this forum who clean thiers when they start getting funky and use them a little longer.
  15. I think I would just start over with a Joye 510 carto kit or an Ego kit ,sometimes it is best to just move on.I got lucky when I went from Joye 302 to DSE 801 as everything interchanged.I am sure if you get some liquid and study the forums you should be able to refill your carto's.
  16. I have the same problem most imported liquids are weak,I have found VaporTalk and Janty to have some of the strongest and best tasting imported liquid so far.VaporStation also has some really good strong tasty liquid I like .
  17. 1000 mAh(1amp) or better unless you have inline battery so this would work.
  18. If it was the hard drive you would get a message about not finding a file does it beep?Remove the memory and it should beep beep beep does the CPU cooler fan run?There is protection on most puters that will not let it boot up if it does not get an RPM signal from the CPU cooler.I have had two do this recently and it was motherboard failure ,hope you come out better than I did although I did get a nice e-machine from WalMart for $400.00 with Windows 7 on it.
  19. I ordered some of the clearance stuff so I am waiting as well.Way good deal on the 801 atties,too bad the Dulcis 0 is gone.
  20. get you one of these ,all three flavors rock they are Joye branded but I think made by Dekang http://usa.jantyworld.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=yagendoo_VaMazing_1.tpl&product_id=4195&category_id=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=177
  21. When I first started I just could not taste most liquids ,VaporTalk,Janty and VaporStation have the ones I can taste the best and that don't ruin my atties as fast.
  22. Go for it ,fix it or finish it off is my motto.I think flashlight mods look cool but really hard to build.
  23. I just have an aversion to metal in my mouth and I don't care for rounds tips either.The plastic wrapper is usually coming unglued and peeling off my cartos before I am done with them as well.
  24. That is why they get the big bucks for mods.I suppose you have to drill it out .I have a three AAA cell flashlight that is the same way I can't figure it out so I went with box and pipe mods.
  25. "Im a compulsive prepper. Food,ammo,medical supplies,water and of course vaping supplies. Never be caught short LOL. " You don't live in a cabin in the woods of New York State do you?
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