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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. Adapters are the best way to try different atties.Not much loss if you do not like them.
  2. Yes ,I would for a PV to use at the house just make a heated chamber you drip e-juice into and when it vaporises inhale it through a tube.Kind of like an electric water pipe.The death of an atty element is from burn out do to running dry or carboning up.The reason atties don't work so well is the amount of liquid in the vicinity of the element.Too much and it won't get hot too little and no vapor or burn out.We are limiting ourselves by trying to make new devices like the old ones.Need to identify the mission at hand and look for better way to accomplish it.For portability what we have now is pretty good compromise .But most of the time I do my seriouse vaping I am at home at my desk or in my big leather lazy boy.There are a lot of things you could use to make the required heat at 110 volts and a lot of off the shelf devices to adjust that heat to your preference.You could also clean the vaporising chamber so it would last .If I were in mad scientist mode I could go crazy with some things from Edmund Scientific.As far as the wick thing goes there are limitations that don't seem to be overcome .They either don't hold liquid well meaning mess or they don't let it go meaning constant topping off.This is why dripping is so poular.Devices to feed the liquid to the element that are portable will by nature be more compromise due to size restrictions.If the viscosity were thinner an atomiser that sprays a mist would be good .
  3. I would like to see the element outside a chamber where the liquid gets vaporised.That way it would not be prone to burn out as the chamber would heat sink it and it would not carbon up .Not very good for baqtteries but it could work out on a passthrough type of unit for use at home.
  4. Buzz usually means too much.I am afraid you have high expectations .You should be able to get enough nic to keep the cravings at bay and hopefully you will find a flavor you like and look forward to .But it is not smoking and you are not starving your barain for oxygen.Hang in there.
  5. I usually look at the end of the battery to see if it is wet.That would short it out and not allow the element to get hot as the electricity will take the easiest path.Dry it off and bloww excess liquid out of the carto.I have noticed as a carto gets a little age on it or gunked up by some liquids the vapor production and flavor will drop off and I try to refill to see if that is the problem uswually resulting in overfilling.Some carto's last me 10 -15 ml and some half that and then it is time for a new one.
  6. They are very good folks to do business with,good variety of toys and I am a fan of Dekang liquid .
  7. I think my biggest hurdle was accepting that vaping is not smoking and none of the liquids will ever taste like that magical flavor I remember when I first started smoking.For the record analogs lost that magical flavor many years ago.I have since found a lot of liquid flavors I like real well and look forward to .
  8. I am torn on this one.I have thrown away a lot of liquid that just was terrible.30 ml for what most people pay for 10 or 15 ml kind of makes me wonder.
  9. Put it some where so you have to go and vape,kind of like going outside to smoke.Make a little vaping shrine so it is an event.A lot of us smoked and vaped at first ,after a while the analogs just seem to lose the interest.Once you get the smell out of your clothes and car and house you kind of hate to mess it up .So a good cleaning might help.
  10. In the event of an apococlypse a person could heat liquid to the point of vaporiation with a Pyrex beaker mounted over a source of heat such as an electric light bulb . http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/gallery/image/301-stilljpg/
  11. Might as well get used to it ,it is way easier to pick on somebody else's shortcomings than clean up your own act.
  12. I would suggest those of you who are trying to beat your addiction knuckle down and get er done while you still can ,those who are just trying to find alternative means to get your nic fix will have to pay up I am afraid.With so many people out of work or underemployed the tax revenue stream is drying up .There are places that are taxing tanning beds ,and socking the tax to fast food establishments as we voice our opinions we are providing a means to allow them to see how many of us are not paying tobaqcco tax anymore.It won't take them long to do the math.
  13. I would be wary of such things as some chemicals change properties when heated.I think I would just swallow the blue pill and vape some Dulcis till it kicks in.
  14. I did find out you want to use a transformer that puts out close to the voltage you intend to use ,I started with a 16 volt one and the heat sink really got hot scrubbing off so much voltage.I switched to a 5 volt one as I am using it at 3.7 volts and it stays nice and cool now.I would recomend hooking up a set of screw terminals if you intend to play with the variable voltage so you have a better place to hook your meter to.I think this is a good investment for those of us who like 3.7 volts as the passthroughs with the battery are getting hard to find these days.I prefer the Janty Kissbox as I use mostly 302/801 atties and they are $28.90 a pop not including the switch.
  15. Well I ended up not changing the resistor as shipping for a $0.15 part is a little on the high side.I will have to wait until I order something else.So I adjusted the adustable voltage to 3.7 and have the fixed 5 and 14.5 on the position where the resistor will go.Works real well I mounted it in a small plastic case with a usb port epoxied in . http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/forum/gallery/image/692-power-supply/
  16. I think I would go with the gum or losenges before I went with that.
  17. I found that you can go the drug store and get a bottle of VG and vape it straight from he bottle,doesn't taste too bad and has no nic but makes lotsa vapor and it should get you by till the mailman arrives.A good time to practice vapor rings as it really does make some vapor.
  18. I think if you have four or more batteries and two or more chargers the PCC would be kind of a waste.
  19. Got my kit ,easy to build clear instructions on web site.I figure I will need to change the 3.3 volt resistor to a 13.0 K ohm to get 3.7 volts fixed so I left that resistor out until I can get the other one.Haven't hooked up usb cord to it yet to see how it vapes.I am using a 16 volt power supply I had in my junk box ,it is rated at 3 amps .
  20. I guess for me I am happy with the vape from a stock 801 battery so this should allow me to use my home made passthroughs with some to spare .I have not been able to use them so far because I don't care for the way they vape at 5 volts .I suppose it is a personal taste thing .
  21. I am not sure how you figure that.Most of the 110 volt to 5 volt power supplies we use on our passthoughs are rated at 1 amp and your compter usb port less than an amp ,this one will deliver 1.25 amps and the voltge is adjustable from 1.50 to a half a volt less than the amount you put in.So if you use a 9 volt power supply you would get up to 8.5 volts at 1.25 amps on the adjustable setting.Your stock batteries including the Ego are current regulated to a value less than 1 amp and so are the protected mod batteries.I like the fact that with this one once I replace the fixed resister that makes 3.3 volts to one that will pass 3.7 volts I will be able to easily switch between 3.7 and 5 volts and with a meter on the adjustable setting I can dial any voltage in up to and including atty blowing voltages.When you run ohms law with your measured resistance of your atty and your applied voltage the number you come up with is how many amps could flow through the circutnot how many are .You would have to insert an ampmeter in the circut to measure what you are actually getting from the regulated ,protected batteries.A 900mAh 3.7 volt battery would not last all day at 3 amps I am pretty sure.You are correct that the other regulator would flow more current and it could be substituted in this circut I suppose.I picked this as with the exception of the resistor change to get 3.7 fixed all the parts are in a kit with the etched circut board all for $15.00 from one place.
  22. The root of the problem is finding a way to regulate and tax it.The Gov. needs to have it limited to a few manufacturers and suppliers so it can be tracked and taxed much the way they do liquor and tobacco.As it is now there is no way to keep track of how much is coming and going or being spent on it.I am pretty confident vaping is here to stay just not as it is now.
  23. I have a plastic flip top cigg case from when I used to roll my own and it holds a 10 or 15 ml bottle of liquid ,an atty or carto,and spare batteries up to 18650's fits in shirt pocket or lunch box.
  24. It looks from the letter they sent Johnson Creek that if you just list your products and leave out all the other stuff you would not be in violation.As the complaint was they were making claims based on customer testimonials.The other stuff could be in a forum seperate from the store site.
  25. I was Googling for nicotine delivery systems to try and beat a tobacco ban at my work and stumbled upon VaporStation,ordered a Joye 302 kit and I still prefer the "pennstyle"atties after over a year.
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