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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. Thats the scam ,once they get your charge card number you pretty much have given them permission to load up your card.And for some reason those kind of people are hard to get a hold to cancel the membership.
  2. If you are referring to the cartridges,they get loose with age and use.You can smash them a little out of round or just toss em and get new ones.
  3. I can't imagine they are lasting you long enough that that is a problem.After 10 to 15 ml mine get to not working so good and tasting bad.Washing didn't seem to help .
  4. Good to hear that you are stickin with it,kind of wonder when someone disappears.I cheat with the nic a little now and then myself nice to have options isn't it?
  5. You could try charging your batteries in your freinds charger.I had some 10440 batteries that I had dropped several times that the protection circut board connections had broken on,they showed green in the charger as there was no current flowing but would not vape .I checked them with a meter and found 0 volts ,just out of curiosity I removed the circut boards and the batteries did work.And lastly on my charger if the battery is not in the slot straight they won't charge,I have to make sure they are all the way in and straight.This is the AG-126 charger from Madvapes,works great when the batteries are inserted correctly.
  6. I hope you are right cause I got a shipment of mixed when ordered VG liquid that a lot of people are raving about and so far it seems like I am just vaping plain VG ,little or no flavor.
  7. Who knows what the future holds.Somone was supposed to be using peizo electric elements to vaporise liquid but I haven't heard much about that lately.They are starting to redefine eliquid with the gels and solids so that should lead to new inovations.
  8. I tried it once and since there wasn't anything for the liquid to soak into ,I ended up with ejuice all over the place.It did vape good but not enough that I would do that again.As a side note I tried it on a crappy Bauway attie which was prone to leaking anyway.
  9. This one might work fits a lot of different ones as it has an o ring instead of threads to grip the battery would be worth $7.00 to find out.
  10. Thats good for starters,if that doesn't help I use denture cleaner tabs and rinse well with hot water from my coffee maker and blow it out and let dry overnight.Somtimes though they just are gunked up beyond salvage and its time for a new one.Some people soak them in Everclear or Vodka,I wouldn't recomend rubbing alcohol as it might contaminate it.Try VT Exotic Tobaco or a Camel or Marlboro flavor from other vendors.I prefer Dekang Camel and USA mix .
  11. VT Dulcis and Sweet Dawn for non tobac and VT Exotic Tobacco for terbacky' flavor.The Sweet Dawn tastes to me like green apple Jolly Rancher candy.I like clove from about anyone.Camel types are also good terbacky' flavors for me.
  12. For me when its time to throw away a carto when I get vapor but no flavor ,I end up dripping and dripping to try to get some flavor but end with liquid everywhere.If it isn't working it probably won't hurt to try.Fix it or finish it off is my motto.Make sure to let it dry well before use.I wouldn't try with a battery as it would short it out but a passthrough with no battery unhooked should be ok to soak in alcohol.
  13. Somewheres Chris posted pix of the insides of some 510 atties so we could tell which was which,I couldn't find it maybe someone could hook us up.
  14. Awesome ,I knew it was just a matter of time before someone would get some.Nice prices as well.
  15. Not always true about the viscosity ,they usually dilute it with distilled water or something to make usable.You kind of have to just find suppliers that you can trust and ask questions,the better suppliers will bend over backwards to make sure your order is as expected.Cause we will brag on the good guys and rat out the not so good ones.
  16. I vape pretty steady and I use around 30 ml a week if that helps.
  17. You will get that.Just blow through the threaded end into a kleenex and it will be good to go.The excess liquid gets trapped between the pot that has the element in it and the threaded connecter.It also seems to help at the end of the day to stand it on end on a paper towel overnight to let excess liquid drain.I think Bauway atties are a little worse about it than Joye atties.
  18. Just carry some nicotine gum with you and blame the results on that.My work accepted vaping as having quit using tobacco and discounted my insurance.I did however work my way down on the nicotine to no nic for the most part and low once in a while if I am feeling particularly antsy.Not a lot of no nic choices for liquid out there.
  19. I have found that the element gets a crust on it after a while,how long depends on the liquid you use .This insulates the liquid from the element and you end up pushing the button for longer to try to get some vapor from it.That is why it gets so hot.You might as well try to clean it if its not working very good anyway.You won't make it worse and if its not too far gone you could bring it back to life.
  20. Will put all the prayer warriors on it right away.
  21. Nice mod,The only longer lasting batteries would be 14650's or 18650's and I haven't found a box to fit those.You hasta do a flashlite or tube mod.I suppose you could slap another 3XAA box onto the back of what you built and parallel two more 14500's with the ones you have that should double your mAh's.It would also give you a place to store an extra carto/atty or 3ml bottle of liquid with the switch coming out the top of the extra box.
  22. I agree,stay away.Best to deal with a reputable vendor from the recomended supplier list on the forums.I have heard of people getting charged several hundred dollars before they could get the free trial stopped.
  23. While I have not tried any LR atty's ,I have not been very impressed with Bauways in the 801 and 510 models.They seem to leak a lot and they do hit pretty harsh after a few puffs.I think that is why they leak so much as I usually drip a few more drops to try to get better flavor and I think I am flooding them.
  24. I liked the 306 carto's ,they vaped well and the smaller amount of filler was a plus for me as it doesn't take as much liquid to fill one and you don't throw away as much liquid when you are done with it.The only reason I don't buy more is that I haven't found a drip tip to fit and I don't like the metal in my mouth.I cut the end from a cover and used it for an insulator to use the box I bought.
  25. I just like inexpensive ones as they all seem to break and I don't feel as bad when a value priced one craps out as I would when a premium priced one does.But thats me frugal.
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