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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. I have pretty good luck with the Boge cartos's.Are you sure you are getting them full?Seems to take a lot the first time .The flavor is the same for me dripping at 3.7 or using a new or fairly new carto at 3.7.5 volts seems to make the carto's go bad quicker to me.
  2. Could be you are drawing too many amps causing the lockout circut to kick in.Might be a faulty battery ,try a standard atty/carto on it see what happens.Kind of the only reason I use box mods instead of an Ego type,I would be upset if my expensive battery crapped out on me.
  3. The only reason I can see is to either go to a higher voltage or to lower the cost of replacement batteries.Usually around $4.00 or $5.00 for a mod battery .They will and do break everything does ,most can be repaired .A lot of us just keep hoping the next one we buy or make will produce the perfect vape we were expecting from the last one.Cartomisers last longer on a fill ,that is the cross we have to bear drip drip drip.
  4. If they have too much water between the cup the element is in and the battery connector the electrons will cheat the system and go the shortcut.If you are hurting ,blow through it some more and more water should come out.Unless they werent producing much vapor before cleaning and then it is possible they are carboned up so bad as to be beyond cleaning.The only way to really hurt one is poking around in there with a sharp object,you can break the element.
  5. Wasbeing a little sarcastic there.I do that .
  6. Try it on your smoke detector at home.They work by detectecting particles .I doubt it work set one off unless you really cloud one up.I just get a cup of coffee and take a big ole stealthy hit and then exhale over the coffee cup whilst taking a sip there is vapor there anyhow.
  7. I don't like to name names as a lot of people in these forums really like them,that is why I tried them.They were domestic brands and as I said they were good .Just not good enough for me to buy a lot of atties.
  8. I would say the Ego or a Joye 510 kit would be the best place to start.Either way you go the parts will interchange.With one of those models you will not have any trouble finding parts.
  9. I have been vaping over two years and I still don't what a throat hit is.I just look for good flavor liquid.For that, Vapor Talk,Janty ,ElectroNicstix and MadVapes.
  10. With a little persistance you should be able to get it .The battery might bite the bullet though.Sometimes the brass adapter gets loose and is probably spinning .Pull it off and use needle nose pliers to get the brass adapter out.A passthrough is good insuranse as well.
  11. The best snow for me is on the travel channel.Usually in central Indiana we a tolerable amount .This damn global warming is messing up my routine.I usually look forward to the first time I mow grass and the firsat time I shovel snow and after that it is quite enough.
  12. Look here maybe you can identify http://www.e-cigarette-wiki.com/index.php?title=Atomizer_Compatibility_List#401 adapters are inexpensive and a good way to verify what threads you have and you can gear future purchases toward using them.
  13. Depending on what liquid I am using 2 to 5 days and then the flavor and vapor fall off.I look forward to the taste of a fresh carto.Depending on what liquid you use it may not be as economical as atties .I have had some really good liquid ruin an atty in a day.
  14. My coworkers like RY4 the best.
  15. You really got hosed up there,sorry .My sister in law lives in Chicago but thats kind of asking for it.I got lucky and found 100 pounds of ice melter at a lumber company,maybe I can start chipping the two inches of ice under the snow up.
  16. http://www.madvapes.com/AG-126-Lithium-Ion-Battery-Charger_p_2062.html I use this one $7.99 will even do Nimh batteries.
  17. mcquinn

    Tron Mod

    There should be plenty of room in there ,just hollow it out and install battery holders ,you might be able to fit one or two 18650's in there,for sure 14500 or 14650's. http://www.madvapes.com/AAA-Battery-Holder_p_2392.html these could be mounted on a peice of flat plastic or perfboard spaced to fit the desired battery.You could put a regulator in if you go for two batteries.It seems like a little on the big side to me though.
  18. I toss the condoms and the white insert and use a 901 or 510 cart that I cut about half off the end so it doesn't hit the filler.Way easier to fill and long enough it doesn't get hot.
  19. Didn't affect mine ,but I do think it is causing my triglyceride readings to be way high .Not gonna vape before the next test to see.
  20. Ok everybody who has been singing let it snow let it snow line up ,I got something for you .
  21. She should blown a cloud in the dudes face that was in her grill.
  22. I don't have very much confidence in anything the FDA or American Cancer Society has to say.They have a track record of distorting the facte to support thier goal.In this case they want to ban vaping and will say whatever it takes.
  23. That sounds like an interesting mix ,what brands?As there are huge diffences in those flavors from different brands.
  24. Least expensive way is to get a 5 volt passthrough for use at home and tough it out on the road until you phase out your standard resistance atties.Personally I am not much of a fan of LR/high volts but to each thier own.
  25. I like the 306 atties ,you can change flavors without carryover for some reason.Don't really make sense as they all have the same stuff in there.The drip tip I got was too short and got too hot to use so I just use the cap that comes on them and just pop it off to drip,I don't push it all the way back on just enough to seal.I have found some longer drip tips but those sites don't have any thing else I want,so I haven't ordered one yet.
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