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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. i couldn't taste the tobacco flavors at first so I vaped frooty ones and clove.Now I can't hardly vape the sweet ones and use mostly the ones I couldn't taste before.
  2. The atties will carbon up after a while and although the element is still good it will not heat the liquid up as good as it used to.Time to try some of the cleaning tchniques in the forums.The length of time it takes to happen varies depending onthe kind and brand of liquids you use.I have had some liquids that ruined an atty in a day.
  3. Go ahead and get it if you want it.
  4. If you don't think vaping causes brain damage look at your charge card statement.Most of us smoked "rollies"to save a buck when we smoked even though they tasted like *** .We all know what a mAh is and what resistance is.We used to make fun of those kind of people before.We use terms like "throat hit".I don't know about you but I pretty sure I'm not right.
  5. From simple minds come simple solutions.I am a cheapo as well.Glad to help.
  6. I just ordered two from Electronicstix,I will let you know.They cost about the same as a regular 14500.I just use the cheap flimsy chargers ,they do the job.
  7. I just don't use thick VG liquids,I prefer PG ,and it comes right out.
  8. Mosy of us have moved on to bigger batteries and don't have a use for a PCC.I am sure they all will do what they are advertised to do.But if I were using stock batteries I would just get a second charger and a few extra batteries to carry.I used to use an old flip top plastic cig case to hold three or four batteries and a bottle of liquid.I would put the dead batteries in threads down and the charged ones threads up so I could remember which ones were charged.I still use the case with liquid and two 14500 batteries.
  9. I found myself vaping all the time so I switched to lower nic to keep from getting too much.Now I use no nic or low nic all the time .Harder to find Dekang no nic liquids,and I haven't found a domestic that I like or that doesn't ruin my atty's/cartos too fast.
  10. You could put it in a dresser drawer.
  11. For dripping you cant beat a Joye 306 atty.You can tone down the flavor with VG from the drugstore or unflavored niquid.Dekang liquids seem to have the right amount of flavor for me.And they are more consistant than domestic has been.
  12. Cartos are good but if you are trying a new liquid best to drip with a 510 or 306 atty.It bites to have a carto contaminated by some funk.
  13. Only if you run too dry too long ,but you can do that with carts.Dripping is just like a freshly refilled cart all the time .If you over drip you will have leakage but it does no damage, just makes a mess.
  14. Could be condensation ,I use 901 or 510 carts as tips to give me more room between the filler and my mouth.I cut the part that goes in to where it misses the filler but still gets a good hold.Way easier to refill than trying to fish out the rubber plug,cooler and no metal in my mouth.I still get condensation if I don't blow out the cart when I top off.
  15. I don't think there is a clearcut answer for that one .Too many variables.Just carry a bottle of liquid and top off as needed.Doesn't really matter what equals what just vape intil you are happy.Or if you are like me I use low or no nic and vape as much as possible.
  16. If I were to use menthol I would have to just put a drop i with Dekang CML for a more realistic flavor.
  17. I suspect once a deal is reached and "Big Brother can find a way to regulate and tax vaping we will indeed be dealing with "big tobacco " as they already know how to grease the wheels that keeps lawmakers from messing with them .What is going on at present is mere theatrics.Look and see who is making profit besides oil companies and banks.
  18. After two years I still don't know what a throat hit is.Vaping is not smoking ,just find a flavor you like and a nic level as low as you can stand without getting the heebie jeebies.Higher voltages or lower resistance atties/cartos will make for a hotter harsher vape,trying to inhale straight to your lungs from an ecig will definitly be felt .
  19. A Joye 510 or KR808 ,auto batteries are nice when they work .But manual batteries last a whole lot longer.If they go with auto batteries make sure they have plenty of spares.I would suggest two starter kits ,that woulkd give them four batteries and atties and two chargers plus plenty of carts/carto's.
  20. I agree with BD you will not beleive how much better the Joyes are and there are lotsa places to buy parts from .Will be way more cost effective.Refillable carto's are another money saver.
  21. Not sure how selling Smoke 51 cartridges would be any different than selling liquid in a bottle,neither are FDA approved.The main thing is to be very careful about what you say it is for.It is definitly not a smoking cessation device,of course neither are gum and hard candy.
  22. I have not used a KR808 but with the Joye cartomisers there is a white rubber plug on the end you put in your mouth.Remove that with a paper clip or tweezers and drip the liquid on the fiberfiller then put the plug back in.A new 510 cartomiser will take about 22 drops the first time.
  23. Welcome .Nothing else is required.Just an atomiser and the empty tip that comes on the atomiser (empty as in no poly filler)Just drop three drops in on the mesh bridge and put the tip back on and vape away.
  24. Here is a link to a manual http://www.vapegeek.com/2011/02/getting-started-with-the-joye-ego/
  25. http://www.vapegeek.com/2011/02/getting-started-with-the-joye-ego/ a manual in .pdf
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