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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. i have had similar experiences with the domestic liquids I have tried.Sometimes I soldier through ,sometimes they do improve with age ,and sometimes they end up in the trash.I usally find one flavor from each of the suppliers I like or that is not too bad bad but one flavor is not enough for me to order more from them.I do not put much faith in revues anymore as all I have tried got great revues.Taste is an individual thing and i suspect most of us do not report what we don't like .we just let it go as just not being our type of liquid.
  2. I am glad you did get some of your money back most have rediculouse return rules and they don't answer the phone so you cannot get the RMA you need to start the process before he required time period expires.
  3. Dude this got moved in mid thought .We usually advise people who are not addicted to avoid the possibilty of becoming addicted.If the way aquire vaping materials changes drasticly from what it is now due to goverenment regulations those people could end up in a big mess.I usually advise those who are addicted to nicotine to try and beat that addiction while this stuff is at our disposal and we have the control over what we can get and the form in which we use it.But that is an individual choice we all make after digesting all the information that is out there. ,as informed inteligent adults.
  4. You don't have to keep buying different stuff ,if what you have is working for you .Keep it simple.
  5. The kit that link led to uses atomisers and cartridges.The advice in the first reply will work ,you can actully just pull the filler out with tweezers and wash and pat it dry and put it back in..The cart that usually comes on a 510 atty does not usually have filler in it and is good for dripping.Make sure to blow through the atomiser to remove any primer liquid that may be in there.It sometimes has been in quite some time and can be funky,but will make some vapor.A lot of people do not realise there is not a full cartridge on it and assume it is either nasty or not working right.Good luck and enjoy.
  6. The total discharge thing was started for nickel cadmium batteries as they have a memory ,lithium ion are not supposed to be subject to that effect .They do however have a limit as to how many charge cycles before they start deteriorating ,and that is usually put at 200 charge cucles.Yet another thing you will have to experiment with and see what works best for you.
  7. It will not harm the battery to leave it on the charger ,I usually put two of my 14500's on a charger when I go to bed .The only reason to not would be in the case of a catstrophic failure and sudden release of energy.But that could happen with any electrical appliance.Just make sure to have your your charger on a hard flame resistant surface and fresh batteries in your smoke alarms.I have not heard of any incidences of batteries exploding while charging only unprotected batteries in series being over amped.
  8. I just carry a bottle of liquid in an old plastic cigg. case with some spare batteries and a spare carto and top off as needed.
  9. Lightweights ,I go through two 900mAh batteries in an 8 hour shift.But that is on a box mod .The Ego seems to use its energy more efficiently.
  10. The light turns green when the circut board senses whatever voltage it is set for it then goes into a trickle charge type mode .During a charging cycle a chemical change is made in the batteries and what ever the recomended charge time is is how long it takes to completely do the transformation to have the full reserve of energy the battery is capable of.You can have full voltage at an earlier time but not the full reserve or mAh (milli Amp hours)
  11. A passthrough is a PV powered by a computer USB port or a 5 volt USB wall adapter.The advantage is while being stationary you can vape all day long and have full voltage available without changing and charging batteries.There are some with batteries like the Ego and original 510 that vape at 3.7 volts and there some that do not have the batteries which vape at 5 volts.I prefer the 3.7 volts myself.The ones with the battery can be unplugged and used with the battery power as well.
  12. Not familiar with the J118 but there is a learning curve to all of this stuff.Sounds like you have figured it out though.
  13. I use 22 drops for a new one.
  14. When I first started vaping I thought all tobacco liquid was awfull ,but after a while that is all I vape.I have never had a problem with Madvapes Dekang liquid it is always good from the start.They had some frooty ones a while back that were nasty not sure who made that.
  15. The ones with the brass threads do leak pretty easy.You might not be filling it right.Check out the filling tips by using the search feature.If you are trying to fill through the small holes it will just run through the tube down the middle.Some liquids will ruin a carto or atty in short order.I have had some ruin one in a day.
  16. I have had good luck with Litecigs USA .I think I would go with a Joye 510 or Ego,more options .
  17. If it is an 808 D-1 you can use DSE 901 atties and KR808 carto's.
  18. I agree ,also the VT Dulcis and Sweet Dawn are very good.Dekang USA Red CML or Desert Ship and RY4 are my standards.
  19. I have some battery connecters ,if you want them IM me with your address.They are bigger diameter than a 510 and they are inny's not outies .The threads are inside not outside.801's and 302's are pretty good for dripping but the carts are too large and you cannot avail yourself of all that liquid in there.You have to top off just as often as with a 510 They have a larger chamber where the vapor is created so you can get some monster hits off of them.I would only recomend them if you end up with a mod that has 801 connectors.Best to go with 510/306 or 901/KR808,you have more options that way.As far as drip tips the 510's will only fit DSE 901 atties and 801 and 302 are interchangable.
  20. It could be liquid has gotten in and it just needs to dry out.I suspect it is time for some new ones ,they sometimes break .
  21. Only if they put 1 amp or more 1,000 milliamps or more.If it the one with the battery box you can just cut it out and splice the wires back together.Only two wires and it doesn't really matter how you connect them as long as they aren't touching together when you are done.
  22. The lower ohms or using higher voltage than 3.9 makes the element get hotter.That makes vapor quicker and more abundant .It also changes the flavor of some liquids .It will cause you use liquid a little faster as you will vaporise more of it quicker so topping off or dripping will be more frequent.I perxonally don't care for it .Deang liquid which I prefer seems to be best vaped at standard resistance at 3.9 volts.It is like liquid flavors a personal preference.Low resistance will also drain your batteries quicker .
  23. Most of vaping is technique.You just have to learn from doing it.
  24. That is all part of it.Try blowing it out once in a while.Liquid builds up between the pot the element is in and the battery connecter.If you got a hold of some Bauway atties they leak worse than the others.
  25. Some people clean them ,I just use them for liquids I know I want to use a lot of and sample new flavors or just have a treat dripping with a 306 atty.
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