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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. Mine fall off cause I aint got no a** to hold them up,not cause I think it is cool,although sometimes it is breezy.
  2. I just read it off the label,and take them at thier word.I vape what I need and don't really worry about it.
  3. WTF!! whats in you liquid?
  4. They just say BDL 100520 100429 IMR14500-600 mAh 3.7 V. I got them from ElectroNicStix.Overall I was not too impressed with them.They did hit a little hotter than normal 14500's but not as hot as 5 volts.
  5. I think the variable voltage is a gimmick and another thing to go wrong.You will likely either end up leaving at something near 4 or 5 volts and not messing with it after a short time.It is a pain trying to set the voltage under load .I would say get either a 3.7 or 5 volt with a mechanical switch.
  6. The High drain batteries I tried worked well for a while but don't hold up as long as regular lithium ion.After two months they only last half as long as when new.
  7. I usually only have two flavors going at a time.One for my cartomisers and another for dripping at home.I only commit a cartomiser to somethign I am going to vape all day while I am out.
  8. Heat will thin out the liquid and make a leaky device leakier.Perhaps you should just use an atty and drip ,that way the liquid is sealed in a bottle whilst not in use.
  9. I have had my IMR 14500 batteries two months now ,they don't seem to hold a charge as long as a Lithium ion of the same age.They still work good while they work .Between having to make spacers and the short lifespan I would have to not buy those anymore.
  10. Just get an adapter and you can use 901's and 808 carto's.I use 302/801's,901's,306's and 901's each has a little different personality .
  11. I use atomisers at home for dripping ,but cartomisers are the way to go out and about.Don't really see the point in tanks or clearomisers.
  12. I have had the same experience with several domestic vendors.Either there is a great deal of lattitude in the final results of thier mixing per order or there is just that much difference in the way we taste liquids.I do not place too much reliance on reveiws anymore and instead go by what the folks in the forum are using daily.I have also found imported liquid to be more consistant.But that is me ,you pretty much have to try them all and decide for yourself what you like.
  13. If you are using high voltage or low resistance and inhaling straight to your lungs that would do it.You will just have to try an assortment of liquids to see what you like and can use.The reveiws are not very usefull in my opinion,I have never saw or read a bad one but I have never found a liquid I liked based on a reveiw,some I had to throw away .
  14. I have an old flip top plastic ciggie case from back in the day ,it holds two 14500 batteries or several smaller stock ones and a 10 or 15 ml bottle of eliquid and a spare cartomiser or atty.
  15. I would try to avoid anything that could become addictive.Having said that ,vaping would be way better than the cigars or any other tobacco product for your health ,no one knows what the long term effects of vaping are but they are surely less damaging than tobacco.The act of vaping gives you something to do to redirect your mind set and help to relax or cope with a situation ,some of the liquids taste very good and make for a nice treat.
  16. Good catch,I will have to watch my batteries a little closer.
  17. These are what you are looking for http://www.vaportalkstore.com/products/Joye-510-Atomizer.html you can also safely use these http://www.vaportalkstore.com/products/Empty-510%7B47%7DeGo-Cartomizer-%28BLACK%29.html when they are in stock.
  18. OIC,I just usually go to sites in reveiws and check them out .That one was odd that you couldn't buy anything.So how would rate thier liquid against Dekang?For the money I beleive Dekang is the best I have tried so far.
  19. I checked as well and didn't see where you could purchaes retail.Is this a wholesaler you need to negotiate with?
  20. There usually is a community aspect to the smoking area,sadly this is going by the wayside.I used to stand in the snow and rain and converse with VP's and other folks who nowadays will not give me the time of day at work.I wish the "haters" would realise smokers are people like them and cut them some slack.
  21. At first a lot of people have trouble tasting the liquid due to impaired sense of smell from smoking.Exhale as much vapor as you can through your nose as the sense of smell enhances the sense of taste.You may just have to try some more flavorfull liquids for a while.I had to vape frooty ones and clove at first as I could not taste the tobacco ones I use exclusively now.Some domestic suppliers will add extra flvoring as an option.
  22. mAh is a measure of capacity as in you can draw x milliamps for so many hours.Unless you have a voltage booster circut a single lithium ion cell will put out 3.7 volts nominal.They will measure higher than that fully charged and not under load and will fall a little below 3.7 before the cutoof circut shuts them down.
  23. If you are asking if you can use it ,the answer is most likely no.A lot of travelers master stealth vaping and do it a lot .Make sure what you take is well marked as to manufcturer and that it could not be mistaken for something dangerouse.
  24. I only vape liquid from China,while I have had some domestic liquids that taste good ,most just seemed to ruin my atties and cartomisers fater than I like.Dekang is also my preffered Chinese manufacturer.They make enough that the quality and consistancy is the best.On all the domestic liquids I have tried I studied all the reveiws before purchasing but when I got mine they did not seem close to what the reveiwers described.Perhaps small batches mixed per order allow for inconsistant product.
  25. I have never used a prefilled one ,that video is for an empty refillable one.You might have to look for the video on the condom method if the ones you have do not have the removable plug.
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