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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. I have Firefox and Opera om mine but still use I.E for the most part.,Firefox works better with my building controls remote connections though.There is not much difference overall.People can convince themselves of about anything.
  2. They are nice to have for backup,or if you sit near an outlet for long spells.I use my 5 volt PT to try to get a few more days from an atty that does not respond to cleaning.I still have my trusty Janty 3.9 volt PT and a home made one with a voltage regulator in the power supply I keep turned to 4 volts.
  3. I stay clear of things that are not readily available from several vendors.Those look to be just an eye candy thing as the business end would have to be the same as what we already are using.But that is me ,those have been around a while so someone must be using them.
  4. With 1000 mAh or 1 amp you can use most passthroughs with or without batteries.I don't think I would try low resistance on one without the battery though.But yours should do fine.The one you have when fully chargeds will work unplugged like a Janty Stick but with a wire .
  5. I can't imagine Sweet Dawn tasting bad.
  6. I have had some 901 atties that would not make contact and I filed the bottom of the atty down to move the contact closer.
  7. Solar panels and hybrid cars are cool as well ,but not cost effective.
  8. Seems like PV's models are a fad thing.Screwdrivers are so last year.I don't get into the latest greatest thing .I just use what works for me like you stick with your Screwdriver.
  9. Auto batteries?If so may not be enough airflow to activate the switch.Try them without the adapter ,auto batteries will allow enough air which is what the adapters allow for on manual sealed batteries.
  10. My tryglycerides are always way high,I suspect it might be from vaping before I get the blood draw.I am going to try to not vape Saturday and see if they come down.
  11. I agrre,it is for sure less harmful than smoking or dipping but there are no free rides in life.
  12. You might be getting more nicotine than you think.I was having trouble sleeping until I cut way back on the nic.Just keep some high test around for emergencies and vape low or no nic. and see if that helps.
  13. Wonder how the scanner was able to scan the inside of the moving parts?I am not sure I am buying the scanner part.I have seen three D printers though.
  14. After you get geared up you can vape for $20.00 or $30.00 a week and and that is pretty steady vapin.Plus there are some awesome flavor eliquids out there.For most of us a prefilled cart or carto would only last a few hours,refillable carto's are $8.00 a box of five and I get about a week from one and eliquid is around $8.00 for 10 or 15 ml ,I use about two bottles a week.
  15. If you like that one you would really like an Ego ,glad its working for you .Those are good for in a pinch or for trying it out .There are way more cost effective ways to vape once you decide to stick with it.
  16. I like a 14500 boxmod with a 510,306 or 510 carto.
  17. I would suggest you try building a box mod ,you won't have much invested and it gets to be kind of fun and you get all the benefits of of large batteries.Or for about the same money as a few disposables you could get some stock 510 batteries and a charger.
  18. Sometimes it takes a while to get one going,stick with it a while and see if it doesn't improve.
  19. I usually use 22 drops to fill a Boge 510 carto the first time,it takes a few uses to get everything up to speed .
  20. I carry two 14500 batteries and 10 or 15 ml of liquid .I get about four or five hours from a battery so spares are required.
  21. Sometimes you hasta draw a line.
  22. I suspect the companies you are used to seeing on you labels buy thier cells in bulk from different manufacturers and apply them to whatever application they are doing at the time.The spot welds are from cells that have tabs for making battery packs as in cordless tools and computers.The circut board will not function any different on one end of a cell than the other,either way all the current has to flow through the circut board.I am not making a judgement against or for any particular battery but merely suggesting that those may not be counterfit but just a different lot.For what we are paying for this stuff we will not be getting the kind of Q.C. that we are used to.
  23. I like the Boge regular resistance .Good life and they work well.
  24. There are problems with all devices,with cartomisers you need to make sure to not let them go too dry or they will taste burnt.Low res./higher voltage will burn easier cause it is hotter.I think some of the charm in vaping is the tinkering,kind of like pipe smokers,they always seem to be fiddeling with the gear.With all devices there is a certain amount of the liquid that gets left behind ,I would think that would contaminate all the liquid in a tank so I have avoided them so far ,that and the fact that e-liquid will leak out of about anything and by virtue of design tanks would seem to me to more prone to leakage than cartomisers.
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