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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. hello
  2. hello and welcome
  3. hello
  4. As with anything else "premium" is a personal preference. A person pretty much has to try a little of a lot of different brands and go with suits their requirements. I don't really pay any attention to reviews anymore as they are mostly made by folks hoping to score freebies and I have not found very many negative reviews over the years. And there seems to be a mob mentality on this and other forums ,if the right persons endorse a product everyone seems to be gaga over it until the next greatest product comes along.
  5. hello
  6. Either option just changes the temperature that the liquid is being vaporized at. Taste is a perception issue and you pretty much have to decide what you like for yourself. My opinion is to just get a basic setup and try different liquids until you find a taste that is pleasing to you. Some liquids taste better at different temperatures than others and some liquids just blow at any temperature.
  7. Could be too low resistance causing it to cutoff on current.
  8. hello
  9. Hello
  10. hello.My advice is keep it simple and enjoy.
  11. My opinion is that things will change sometime. We don't know when but it will change. If you are vaping to beat an addiction you probably should buckle down and start working to no nic . If you are just trying to beat the system you need to start allowing for a huge cost increase and less choices in your future. This comes up every year since vaping started and every year there are folks stocking up for "Armageddon" I have been at this for quite some time and I can do with or without the nic. I feel confident I can just stop if I don't like what happens when it happens. Good luck and enjoy while you can.
  12. hello
  13. hello
  14. Heat and light are enemies to eliquid as a rule.
  15. hello
  16. hello and welcome
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