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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. For all of those I like LiteCigUSA ,but VaporTalk ,ElectroNicstix,AwesomeVapor,MadVapes are all in the running.Good service from Kalamazoo AlienVision and Bluemist,but id didn't really care for the liquid.
  2. What you are describing is the filler is not contacting the bridge anymore .Try fluffing it with a toothpick or another cart.The blinking thing is the battery timing out cause you are trying to get some vapor and puffing longer.You can get usable vapor from any of them but there are some that are more cost effective than others.I would go with a 510 style and cartomisers.The one you have also sounds like a mini but that one rocks for dripping around the house.
  3. Whichever mod strikes your sense of style and budget.I happen to build box mods ,as I am a low budget kind of person.I haven't bought into the theory that you can get better vapor with the same carto and battery on a particular mod.I suspect some people are justifying thier expenditure in thier minds.
  4. I buy a lot from there.The Dekang liquid is very good and priced for frugal people like me.They also have lower nic avaiable.
  5. A 510 or 808 kit.LiteCigUSA has a lot of tobacco flavors for reasonable price and most are very good.I like the Desert Ship,Flu Cured and DunHill Deluxe the best.
  6. The theory is to allow a frugal person to buy a high nic bottle of liquid and then with a matching doubler you mix and supposedly get more liquid of a lower nic value for less money.Not sure there is much to be saved that way but they also are good for bumping up weak liquids.I have also found some domestic liquds that are so strong as to be nasty by themselves but the seem to help a weak bottle out.A little menthol added to a weak tobacco makes a better menthol for me.And clove has plenty of flavor to spice things up as well.
  7. Say a few kind words over it and order another ,or a fancy mod.Just another learning experience.I still can't figure out how those Chines put those things together.I bet they don't drink coffee.
  8. Cartomisers rock for being out and about ,direct dripping with a 306 atty at home for the best flavor and vapor.I carry a few extra batteries and a bottle of liquid when out, to top off ,extra filled carto's would work as well.
  9. When I first started I could not taste most of the liquids I tried.I ended up using frooty ones.After a while I got my sense of smell and taste back from not smoking and now I use mostly the tobacco flavors I couldn't taste at the start.You could try getting some doublers from TastyVapor and try to boost the flavor of the liquids you have.I did that for a while so as not to waste anything.With cartomisers it is very important to get them full and let it soak in well before vaping them or you will singe the filler around the element and it is pretty much ruined.Any supplier that sells Boge cartomisers or Joye atomisers,like VaporTalk .Some times it don't pay to try to be frugal and up getting junk.
  10. I switched to low or no nic because I vape a lot.I also wanted to be able to go no nic or quit altogether in case something bad happens and I can no longer aquire supplies.There is a little less throat hit but as long as the flavor and vapor are there I am happy.
  11. The KGO seems to be an Ego knockoff so it should work with any 306/510/Ego atties or cartos .
  12. I would say it is your liquid.I have had several very tasty domestic e-liquids that could carbon up an atty in a day.You might try some KR808 cartomisers,they should fit your 901 connection.I would also recomend getting some liquid from VaporTalk or Dekang from MadVapes or LiteCigUSA.Also not likely the PG is making the cats hair fall out unless the kitty is bathing in it.I have used those liquids with 901's and got several weeks use at 3.7 to 4 volts.Also make sure you are getiing SLB 901's and not Bauway's.The only issue I have with 901's is they need to be blown out frquently to prevent leakage.Or get a drip shield.
  13. Maybe we should step up efforts to round them up and ship them back to Mexico before they commit crimes.Just sayin.
  14. Vaportalk has the 510 in stock and ForeverVapor has the Ego passthrough.Most suppliers seem to have them in stock.
  15. How long have you been using the cartomiser?It should have been ok at first.If you can afford it you will be way happier in the long run with the Ego and some Boge cartomisers.And some Dulcis .
  16. Only thing you are missing by not having tanks is the leakage .I am not sure it is worth it but a lot of people do.
  17. Not normally with prefilled carto's ,cartridges sometimes do because of primer liquid in the atty.You will soon find that the prefilled's are not cost effective and want buy a bottle of liquid to refill.If you are enjoying vaping you would be ahead of the game to go ahead and switch to a Joye ,DSEor Kanger system,you will very soon be asking for help trying to figure out what brand you really have so you can purchase parts.Carto's will get a burnt plastic taste when they get dry.As you may have noticed it was not even close to a pack or two of analogs.I go through two refillable carto's and 20 to 30 ml of liquid a week.
  18. Maybe a 510 to 510 adaptor or an Ego tank adapter would help.The quality control on this stuff is pretty low I would guess some just screw on farther than others.
  19. I am not sure the tanks are worth the effort.Boge standard and 2.0 carto's are very good and they don't leak until its time to replace them anyway.
  20. Get you some Boge cartomisers for your Ego and the leaks will be a thing of the past and between fills will be way better than atties and carts.
  21. Adapters are good.When I was using 801's I had adapters for 901's and 510/306.Now I have box mods with 801 ,510/306 and 808/901 fittings.Nice t have options. And they don't cost that much for ana assortment of adapters.
  22. All lithium ion batteries are 3.6 to 3.7 volts nominal but when fully charges they will measure over 4.Just a matter of physics I suppose.Bigger mAh batteries will stay at the higher range of voltage longer than smaller mAh batteries.You have to take the numbers in ads with a grain of salt.The only way to get a little more voltage would be with two cells in series and a variable regulator.There are some voltage boosters but the battery life would have to suffer .Mad Vapes has a 5 volt box mod that would be an inexpensive way to try it as well.
  23. Its all a matter of personal preference.For no more than they cost having a few extra batteries and a couple of chargers is no big deal.I use 14500 box mods and get about 4 hours of pretty heavy vaping.I carry two spare batteries and a bottle of liquid in an old plastic cig. case.I used to carry three or four 801 batteries before I switched to the box mods.
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