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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. Sounds to me like the strange noise was mixed in after the vidieo was shot.Camcorder microphones are pretty cheesy.
  2. Not sure what the point would be unless you have a variable voltage and use it to set the voltage.It is what it is.☺
  3. I have gotten some bad carto's where the element was not embedded in the filler.They just taste scorched no matter what you do as there is no damp filler to keep them @ proper operating temperature.It appears as the filler is closer to the end than normal or that there is more filler than normal,but I suspect the element just slipped out during assembly and is between the filler and the adapter.
  4. I would go for a Joye 510 or 306 as you can use the carto's and atties on your Ego batteries .The 306 atties are awesome for dripping the 510' atties are very good for dripping and either style of Boge carto are the standard.If you are going to use the stock batteries I would get the Mega ones and have at least 4 and 2 chargers.You can also try the 510 and 306 atties/carto's on your Ego battery before investing in the whole works.But as far as how they will work a fully charged 510 battery will produce exactly the same vapor as a fully charged Ego battery.It just won't be fully charged as long.That is why I recomend so many batteries.I get 3 to 7 days use from a cartomiser depending on the liquid I am using and then the vapor quality and production goes down.
  5. The unit spends most of its time in use slightly inclined .So any opening @ the battery end will allow the liquid to soak in.The size of the opening is not really all that big an issue unless you really really puff on it,the liquid will soak in by capilary action until the filler is saturated.
  6. http://www.vaporkings.com/RN4081-Njoy-NPRO-or-SmokingEverywhere-Gold-s/91.htm
  7. 2 gallons?Makes a little queasy thinking vapin that much.I doubt if I have vaped 2 gallons in over 2 years.
  8. Welcome.☺
  9. thats the thing about the homebuilt PT you get all the volts delivered with all the current avaiable.No current limiter circuts there.I have to chock mine down to around 4 volts with standard resistance .I run it @ 5 volts when trying to get a few more days from a carboned up atty .
  10. No ,I would say it is pretty straight forward.
  11. nice
  12. Sounds like you have the "want to ",good luck.
  13. Was a Slingblade reference.
  14. I have noticed if I vape in the morning before a blood panel my triglycerides are way up.Wonder if it messes with diabetics?
  15. No,actually between not smoking and getting my knee fixed I am able to walk more and I am losing weight.☺
  16. IKR ,I use mostly carto's now ,but I still keep some 306 atties for those schizophrenic days when I want to try different flavors.BTW LiteCigUSA has some Dekang Gold LAbel that is on the same level with VT liquids if you want a treat.☺
  17. A person could just put a car battery in a Radio Flyer and hook a passthrough to it.just sayin... ☺
  18. Ha HA funny?
  19. It will soak in eventually.The hardest part is getting a new one started.
  20. If you don't have much disposable income and you can solder ,you might try building your own with parts from MadVapes.You can go with 5 vilts or VV.It gets really fun to do after the first one.
  21. Kind of weird to get two DOA's at once.Not much you can do but send them back.You should get a DSE 901 passtrough to use as a backup with your 808 carts.
  22. Most of the people here will tell you to get an Ego and that would really open up your world to flavors and options.It is very hard to keep up with those brands that will not be up front as to what you are buying.The whole premise is a little dishonest as they won't tell you so you have to come back to them for replacements rather than pricing fairly according to the market.
  23. Could be the base they use.Vermont vapor liquid all tastes like tea to me.I didn't have very good luck with DIY and ended up throwing away a lot of money.For no more than eliquid costs I just get good old Dekang liquid and spend my time vaping it.
  24. If you are using LR stuff they will drain way fast as they dump the current out faster.And if you are using attie or carto's too long that will run them down faster as you have to push the button more and longer to get the goods to make up for the element being carboned up.
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