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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. Yes, spares are a good thing.I doubt the innovation will ever stop though.I used to shop biweekly but now have it down to once a month and I am spending the same monies for a month as I used to spend for two weeks.
  2. Not me I am not only politicly conservative but a tightwad as well.☺
  3. Might not be the PG/VG thing at all ,could be something else they are using that Dekang doesn't.I have never had any good luck with any domestic liquid.either the flavor sucks or they ruin my atties/carto's too fast.
  4. I am very happy dripping on 306's and vaping Boge 510 SR's on my box mods and the price is right.
  5. E-85 rocks!! I burn your taco shells .
  6. It was starting to look like Hong Kong here until they passed a registration law and thinned them out.
  7. I think they are the same except the 306 is smaller and doesn't hold as much liquid.That was my reasoning for thinking I would like them.Not wasting so much liquid when I throw an old one away.I have found the Boge 808.306 and 510 all seem to vape pretty much the same,I suspect it is the same element in all three.The 808's didn't draw very good on my mod with two air holes so I drilled two more and now it is as good as the 510's.
  8. It should work ,just drain the battery faster.I don't think there is all tha much difference.Maybe more vapor .I always get standard resistance in black and low resistance in stainless to make life easier.It might make more difference with liquids other than what I use.
  9. They were allright ,vaped the same.At the time I tried them there were no drip tips and I had to suffer through the hot metal in my mouth.
  10. I like to use DSE 901 carts ,I cut half of the part off that goes inside so they clear thew filler and they have an awesome flat tip.I don't drip through drip tips cause liquid seems to hang in there and get in my mouth.The 901 carts fit 510 carto's and atties as well as 808 carto's and 901 atties.What Joye types call flat tip is not very flat just round with two flats the Dse 901 is a flat tip.
  11. Just seems like another step to me,I just drip right into my carto's.To clean it just draw water or whatever you want to use in and squirt it out.Flicking-people do some strange things for what makes good sense to them.The filler will be allright.
  12. I would think the funk that gets left behind that causes atties and carto's to go bad would cause the tank contents to get funky.But after trying some of the liquids that get great reviews it appears some people might like vaping funk.(sort of tongue in cheek remark)
  13. I would say it is 555 ,you can get the Dekang version from LiteCigUSa http://www.litecigus...t_p/55530ml.htm or VaporKings http://www.vaporking.../liquid-555.htm ForeverVapor http://www.forevervapor.com/products/Tobacco-Blend-555.html
  14. I put mine in a plastic project box and put a USB jack on the side so I can plug in cell phones or passthroughs.I had a 18 volt wall wart on it at first but since I keep it dialed down to 4 or 5 volts it got pretty hot so I switched to the 6 volt wall wart and it works very good.It is supposed to get hot that is why the heat sink is on it but heat means wasted electricity.You could also plug it into the 12 volt conveinience outlet in your vehicle with a lighter adapter.
  15. http://www.adafruit.com/products/184 For $15.00 bucks you can't go wrong with this,Will work with any 5 volt pass through you have or build "Onboard potentiometer for adjusting voltage from 1.25V up to within 0.5V of the input voltage. (20V max)"Which means if you put 20.5 volts in you can get up to 20 volts out.I put 6 volts into mine which means I could go to 5.5 ,but I have settled on 4 volts.Very easy to build and the people who sell it have a support network.
  16. It is just a matter of time until we won't have the choices of flavor or nicotine strength.And even if you hoard you will run out eventually or it will all go bad.Best advice I can give people is use it while you can and then you can just kick back and enjoy.There is no worse feeling in the world as being out of or low on supplies and waiting for the mailman to bring you some more.Anybody ever get snowed in when you smoked and found yourself picking through ashtrays?Nicotine can rule you.
  17. I think I would try different liquid, there is way more to vaping than nicotine buzz.I am quite happy vaping low or no nic as long as the flavor and vapor are there.
  18. Welcome,it has worked for a lot of us.You have to want to and then you have to accept that vaping is not burning leaves but you are getting the nic and can blow vapor rings if you want to.
  19. mcquinn


    I used this kit to make a 6 volt wall wart powered variable volt passthrough. http://www.adafruit.com/products/184 it will accept higher input voltage but heat will become an issue the more volts you scrub off.
  20. mcquinn


    http://www.reuk.co.uk/DC-Voltage-Multiplier-Circuit-Plans.htm http://www.reuk.co.uk/codes/lt1073-specification-sheet.pdf Not sure how many amps this will pass but this is the sort of thing
  21. mcquinn


    That is the same thing,they are commonly used to regulate 2 x 3 volt or 3.7 volt batteries in series down to 5 volts.I am not sure what component you would need for 5 volts from 1 x 3.7 volt battery.I am no engineer but I am not sure how you could boost 3.7 volts to 5 volts and still have a usable current flow without a big capacitor to store the potentail .All the parts in that kit are what you would need to use the Radio Shack regulator though.
  22. would be hard on the drum heads though.☺Like Edward Scissorhands.
  23. mcquinn


    That is a 5 volt regulator,it will regulate a voltage higher than 5 volts up tp 35 volts down to 5 volts @ 1 amp.
  24. Snickers rock ☺
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