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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. http://www.ecigbestsave.com/default.asp and http://www.litecigusa.net/dekang_e_liquid_s/60.htm is where I get my Dekang liquids from these days.
  2. You probablt should just go back to cartomisers,tanks are a hobby in themselves.Either a standard resistance @ 4 volts or low resistance @ 3.7 volts.No sense making it more complicated than it needs to be.Hang in there.Boge carto's are the bestest either 510 or they call thier 808's 302D's,not sure which threads you have on your mod.
  3. Try them both they are well worth getting.And some Dulcis and Tobacco.
  4. Welcome,it worked for quite a few of us.Just has to stick with it until they find the right combination for them.
  5. VaporTalk has one just like it.I beleive it is Sweet Dawn.At Forever Vapor
  6. Sounds like an infection.Gargle with warm salt water and if it don't clear up go to Dr. for atibiotics monday.
  7. I would think they would be very hot if you chain vape like I do.A drip tip would kind of ruin the whole idea,I guess it would be shorter than a standard with drip tip though.
  8. Makes you wonder about liquid whipped up in someones basement or garage.I am sure most of it is fine ,but no telling what thier secret ingrediant is.
  9. If you are dripping get some Joye 306's,they rock .
  10. I think those require a switching circut .The micro switches are like a tactile switch ,are rated at 5 amps and they end up recessed the way I do it so they don't get accidenaly pushed.They also fit in the AA slot snug enough about anything will hold them in place.I have used super glue ,epoxy and even Elmers glue.I suspect the Super glue outgassed and coated the contacts with something as I had to change two of the ones I put in with that.You should give one a try.I need to spring for a Exacto plastic saw to make cutting the boxes a little easier.A dremel works pretty good .
  11. http://www.ecigbestsave.com/Joye-510-Kits-s/622.htm has auto 510 kits mega or regular ,they also have some good eliquid prices .
  12. Those kind are rough on the fingers. these require a little whittling but they sure work nice.I have more trouble inserting images in this forum.
  13. After you aquire the charger and batteries it gets even less expensive.Without LED I can build one for less than $10.00.
  14. Hello and welcome
  15. I haven't tried the horn button but some of the other switches are like that.It takes a while to get them broken in.
  16. After the first one you will soon be a pro and knocking those things off like an assembly line.I don't mess with the LED anymore ,if I get vapor it's on .Radio Shack or Sears has soldering irons and multi meters for reasonable prices and both are very handy to have .
  17. Try sticking a small screwdriver in between the + end of the battery and the box connector.I have had trouble with some batteries not touching .A drop of solder on the box connector will extend it enough to make if that turns out to be the cause.Also could be the carto is not screwing all the way in .Sometimes they have rough threads and you have to screw them in a few times to smooth out the threads.
  18. Welcome.
  19. Mad Hatter was the only one I liked and it was pretty good.
  20. You has to keep the batteries warm or the chemical reactions slows to a crawl and no workie.
  21. My best one was a popo was stopping traffic for a fire and was standing right in front of me when someone who was busy watching the flashing lights on the fire truck rearended me.The look on his face was worth it.
  22. Give it a shot and let us know,you may be on to sumthin.Some 1/4 vinyl tubing coiled up in a bowl of ice should do it.
  23. So we put a low resistance atty/carto on a high voltage device to get lotsa nice warm vapor and then run it through ice to cool it?Makes sense to me.I am not sure about condensing it quicker ,when I vape outside in freezing weather the vapor hangs around a lot longer than I would have thought it would.
  24. I have tried Vermont Vapor,Johnson Creek,Alien Vision ,Blue Mist,Kalamazoo Vapor and Boss High Caliber any suggestions?Just trying to present another side for people who have not been at it as long as the rest of us.
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