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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. The thing about VG is that it is a very thick liquid.So most VG liquids usually have to be thinned with something to allow it to soak in to the filler.And depending on what that is ,vapor production is not equal between all VG liquids.Brings you back to square one ,you just have to keep trying liquids until you find what suits your prference.I would venture all liquid maufacturers use USP grade VG as it helps to assure us that what we are buying is safer to use.
  2. If you use one of the tanks ,you can buy prepunched carto's or punch your own.That is how the liquid gets from the tankinto the caro.
  3. We elected Obama and Pelosi and thier Socialist buddies.Oh well live and learn.☺
  4. I think I would just go comando and forget the cone on the next one.You might be able to use a pointy divider as a spanner wrench and work it out ,It helps on stuff like that to be pushing and pulling as you turn it.
  5. Just tough it out.It seems to happen to us all at one time or another.An extreme flavor change might help until things straighten out.A minty or menthol,or frooty one might do the trick.I usually use clove during those spells.
  6. and me too ☺
  7. The liquid is absobed into the filler and be avaiable to any elements in there.The dual coils just have as stated more surface area.If you like vaping regular cartos without the tank you could use single coils.The choice between the two is more up to your prference.
  8. Ususally it is connection issue.Try jiggling the center connectors or another carto/atty.They all break ,just a question of when.
  9. I would guess if you take care the tank would last quite a while.There is however the carto or atty that goes with the tank and those I am afraid will be subject to the same degradation and have a similar lifespan.It would appear to me the best investment given that fact,for keeping cost down would be the ones that use regular carto's that you poke holes in.It seems tanks are more for not being bothered with topping off than being frugal.I haven't used a tank so this is just my opinion.
  10. Enjoy ☺
  11. I don' like the idea of throwing that much liquid away when the carto goes bad.Carrying a bottle of liquid is not that big a deal for me.
  12. I usually only have a low resistance and a high resistance going at a time and I use them until they are shot and throw them away.I try to get LR in stainless and SR in black.When that is not possible as I only use 14500 box mods I put a peice of masking tape in the cover of the boz with an S or L on it.If I want to sample liquids or just have a little something different I drip with a 306 atty.I leave them in the box with the label until I use them.
  13. You can't get the battery connecters from Radio Shack or the batteries and chargers.So MadVapes would be the best place to start.The VV kit has everything you need with one purchase.I use 14500 box mods as my main sled.I have them with 801,808/901 and 510 fittings.They are cheap enough that you can try other atties and carto's without adapters.
  14. Might be tough to find.A lot of suppliers got stuck with huge inventories of pink carto's when they came out.Black and stainless seem to be standard.Maybe you could get some battery skins and cut them down.I think they are reusable.I don't really consider my PV as bling though ,it is a functional device.
  15. I keep my spare batteries,carto and liquid in my old trusty plastic flip top ciggie case.
  16. I couldn't taste any of the ones I tried except the Gorrila ,and it was bannana.yukk,don't know why it was listed with tobacco instead of frooty ones.A lot of people like it .I was like you I went by the reveiws.I also tried a few others based on reveiws.I don't put any stock in reveiws any more.If I try a new liquid I just buy a little.
  17. By the time I start a new carto what is left in there is pure funk.That is why I change carto's.Not sure I would mix that in with fresh tasty liquid.Not all the liquid gets vaporised and what gets left behind is what cause atties and carto's to stop working good.
  18. It is possible to do it ,a lot of people do.When I tried I invested an easy $100.00 in flavoring,base and niquid.I made some that tasted not too bad when I finished but the next day it was so bad it ended going down the sink.I only spend about $20.00 a week ,2 -10 ml bottles of liquid @ $5.00 ea and 2 or 3 cartos @ less than $2.00 ea + shipping.There are very tasty liquids out there I get for a treat once in a while but I have found some very good inexpensive all day liquids as well.
  19. That is what is keeping me from going to tanks.When you vape only a portion of the liquid get vaporised ,the rest would build up and either funk up the element or at least degrade the flavor of the liquid.In my opinion of course as there are a lot of tank fans.I think Boge carto's are the most cost effective for me as when they get funked up a new one is not that expensive.2 or 3 cartos and 2 bottles of liquid a week = $16.00 or $18.00 a week for me. That would have been a day and a half of Camel lights.
  20. What you see is what is at the bottom of a regular 510 or any other atty .If you look close you can see the holes under the element where excess liquid goes before it starts leaking out.That is where the air comes in and mixes with the vapor.Too much air = easy draw but thin vapor too little = tight draw and warmer thicker vapor.Back in the day most atties were made this way and the carts were very difficult to refill as the filler was in a cup way back inside the black cover peice.I kind of like the compact size on a 14500 box mod they are very discreet.
  21. Joye 306 atties Joye 302 Boge 510 standard and low resistance Haven't made the plunge to tanks as I get what I need with the above
  22. Almost all kinds.Not too crazy about death metal though.If it is musical I like it .
  23. Sometimes you can revive a tight carto ,this only works with the ones you can see through the middle like Boges.Straighten a paper clip and work it through ,if it's not melted shut and just carboned up they will usually work like a good used one for a few more days.
  24. It is hard to get the cover off at first but well worth the effort.I just reuse the cover that comes on it ,I just don't push it all the way back on.Once you get the cover off it is pretty obviouse where the liquid goes.Just screw it on a battery and work it off.Don't just tug as hard as you can you might dismantle your battery.
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