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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. hello and welcome.good choice,enjoy.
  2. I didn't have any luck with DIY.It tasted good when I first mixed it ,then got nasty as it steeped in.
  3. you can and it looks like you did.
  4. It is usually in the skin care isle . http://www.walmart.com/ip/Humco-Skin-Protectant-Glycerin-Usp-6-oz/10417582 is Wal-Marts , http://www.cvs.com/shop/product-detail/CVS-Pure-Glycerin-USP?skuId=483707 is CVS .It will reduce your nicotine and flavor so I would guess 10 or 20 %.I have vaped it straight from the bottle while waiting on the mailman to bring me my order , and it is not bad at all.
  5. I think a lot of it is condensation.The vapor is formed by wicking the liquid into the airway where the element is.I would suppose if you made more vapor at lower resistance or higher voltage or if there was any heat left in the element more liquid would be drawn in and vaporised after you get you a big old hit .That vapor would just condense in the airway.I unscrew the tip on mine a little now and then and you can see some condensation run out of that area.
  6. A lot of people have quit using e-cigs.I have been vaping for three years and have not found any liquid or device that is just like smoking.We are not burning leaves .Having put that out there ,I have found some very tasty eliquids that I look forward to and enjoy very much.I would recomend something simple like a KR808 kit or Ego or 510 batteries with Boge refillable cartomisers.And a variety of flavors of eliquid from several manufacturers in the 18 to 24 mg nic range.You really don't want to lay in a huge supply of liquid from one place until you are sure it will work for you.But you do need to make sure you have way more than enough liquid,cartomisers and batteries to hold until more can arrive.
  7. I know what you mean.I was really fond of Janty Kissbox passthroughs when I was using 302/801 low bridge atties.
  8. I don't vape close to nonsmoker/nonvapers as no one knows for sure.Most articles I have read so far indicate there is negligable second hand nicotine in the room.
  9. Didn't know those had lights.
  10. Are you talking about Ego passthroughs,the cheapo 510 5 volt passthroughs or the Joye 3.7 volt passthroughs?They can each fail for different reasons.The 3.7 volt Joye passthroughs have a 10440 battery that can go bad or the circut board in the battery box is usually the culprit.On those you can remove the battery box and make it into a 5 volt PT that will rock until the tactile switch craps out.The cheap 5 volt 510 passthroughs have the tactile switch which is not rated at the amps we draw and those go bad.From your comments about lights blinking I would guess you have Ego PT's .I have never used an Ego passthrough so I cannot have any guesses about what would cause those to crap out.My best advice for you would be go to MadVapes and get some 1XAA battery boxes and and assortment of switches and atty connectors and use your cords on some home made Passthroughs with high amp switches.Even better get some USB extension cords and cut those to length for even heavier cords.The color code for the wiring can easily be Googled to see which two wires you need to use for the 5 volts black and red I think.
  11. Welcome,glad to hear you have found a good setup for you.
  12. I don't think I would ."Dipropylene glycol is produced as a byproduct of the manufacture of propylene glycol." http://www.essential...ropylene-Glycol this is what you want http://www.essentialwholesale.com/Propylene-Glycol
  13. Never heard of that one.There is a mini Ego now that might fit the bill.There is a thread about working mans PV or someting like that.
  14. http://www.litecigusa.net/Vision_EgO_Clear_o_mizer_Replacement_Mouthpieces_p/vision-ego-mouth.htm for the tips.I think a lot of that liquid is condensation.I unscrew my tip every so often and let it drain back into the tank.
  15. Welcome
  16. Which one were you going to get?There are some very good ones out there.And the variouse Ego iterations are making inroads as well.
  17. For me things are pretty much the same.I have started using Vision clearomisers.Variable voltage seems to be where the money is flowing right now.
  18. There are a lot of ways to cease smoking.I am a little amused at this cessation product classification.You can use hard candy,gum,soda straws ,sex or about any other distraction that would serve to break your habits.Nicotine seems to be the deciding factor for a product to be a regulated cessation product.For vaping to attain that status it would have to be regulated in all aspects unlike at the present time when no one has any idea exactly what they are getting when they take a puff.There are some large import companies that have attained some sorts of verification and certification from thier home country and a few export countries that could likely fit the bill.One of them would have to submit thier products and recommended usage for smoking cessation program for certification.Once that can of worms is opened there is the possibility all uncertified and regulated products would have to be banned to protect consumers.That is why it was considered a win for us when vaping products were classified as a tobacco product instead of a smoking cessation product.This could stilll happen so enjoy the freedom you have right now and use it to beat your addiction if it works that way for you while you still are in control.
  19. http://www.litecigusa.net/510_Black_BOGE_Blank_Cartomizers_p/510blkbogesoftcartosb.htm if you want five instead of twentyfive.
  20. I use the Vision Ego clearomisers which are the same thing as the Stardust and they are ok .I still prefer Boge cartomisers for out and about and I carry a bottle of liquid for topping off.I would imagine any tank type has the potential for leakage.
  21. I have used a lot of Ultrafire and Trustfire with Trustfire seeming to last longer.But for the cost involved either were satisfactory.There are some brands that are reported to deliver higher current for longer and higher voltage for longer but the price is also higher.I would just avoid any ecig product at all that is less expensive than the average price at reputable dealers.
  22. I would think any wood would work.I wouldn't buy exotic woods until you have mastered a few.Harder woods will be more durable,softer woods easir to carve.
  23. You can explore the wonderfull world of dripping and or carts with Ego,306 and 510 atomisers.You can use Ego,306 and 510 cartomisers in all the iterations.
  24. I am sure they will make it right.But it still bites not being able to play with your new toy.
  25. Welcome.They are pretty tolerant here ,they have let me stay for several years now.
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