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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. I have read people calling a Screwdriver a or Silver Bullet a mod,but they roll off an assembly line and usually are not further modified .
  2. Ecig's are in fact classified by Big Brother as a tobaco product and as such depending on the powers having jurisdiction can be included in any bans/restrictions.
  3. Glad you found your Nirvana
  4. I like the Vision Vivi Nova mini 2.0 ml ,cost less and is avaiable at several shops.Same basic design as what you got choice of resistance replacement coils and spare parts avaiable.Costs less as well.I am going on 4 weeks with the original coil and no sign of letting down yet.
  5. Tell them Glycol is an antifreeze.I use it at the hospital in product simulators for my freezers in the lab and bloodbank.
  6. Actually a lot of us are just swapping one way of getting our fix for another.I have always thought a person should work thier way off the nic as fast as possible while we still have the options we have to do it our way.I cannot believe "Big Brother" has left us alone this long,other than an occasional scare.I wonder what some folks will do when the only way to aquiire eliquid is in prefilled carto's,with mandatory federal and local taxes added on.If they still go by the notion one carto equals a pack of cigs that carto could cost $5.00 .
  7. joysticks rock
  8. All the big tobacco companies are likely working out a deal with the Chinese manufacturers .Might as well get used to it as they are working on the model for how vaping will look in the near future.We are the test subjects to see if it will, work big tobacco has the pipelines in place to funnel crazy amounts of tax revenue into goverenment coffers and still make big profit.
  9. Been a while since I saw a new Janty anything.I see they are sticking to thier high price gimmick.
  10. I had problems once with Wet Your Stick,seems Frontier was blocking them for some reason.
  11. I usually get a 6 to 12 weeks from one not too bad for under $6.00.They are a little leaky but not a deal breaker ,just have to wipe them off every so often.I would say if you are not getting several weeks from one you need to find another eliquid.I have had some liquids which carbon an element up in a day .The orings should stay put ,never heard of anyone having problems with those,a little liquid will lube them up so they don't bunch up during assembly.You don't have to fill them all the way up to try them out or you can use an ohmeter to check for proper resistance before filling.You might consider a Vivi Nova ,has the same gudgeons but is rebuildable ,a new element/wick assy. is about $2.50 and you can try different resistances.
  12. Probably 90% tobaco and 10% menthol.Just depends on your personal taste.It is good for when you lose your ability to taste your favorite eliquid.Happens to everyone evry now and again,just need something strong to vape a while.
  13. Same theory as a PT hooked to wall wart onliest better.
  14. I would get a variety of tobaco and menthol eliquids and experiment with different mixes.Most menthol liquids are mostly menthol and little or no tobaco to me.A blend that is mostly Dekang Virginia or Flue Cured with a little USA menthol comes closest to me.
  15. Most are good for around 200 recharge cycles so charging one that is not fully discharged is probably not a good thing for getting the most from it.
  16. that would be 18 mg,not real high but I still think I would go with the low.
  17. Could be,how high nic liquid you using?I vape constantly so I use the lowest I can find.Not so much about the nicfix anymore as the mindless habit.And I like the flavor.
  18. The flavors with RY as in RY1,RY2,RY3 and RY4 are as I understand the first four flavor formulas Ruyan came up with or a close facsimle.The Dekang versions are in my opinion very tasty ,all four of them.I get mine from LitecigUSA or Ecigbestsave.
  19. welcome,enjoy
  20. Glad you came out of the shadows.
  21. Mental,yes I have been described that way.If you get some tasty eliquid you really don't miss the nic at all.
  22. Someone should clue Apple in ,they are missing the boat on ecigs.I can just picture all of you camping out in the rain waiting for the latest vIpod.
  23. Could be the liquid,might try another vendor.Could also be your lungs cleaning house.After a while of not smoking the parts that are supposed to clean your lungs come back to life .Drink lotsa water ,it will settle down in a few days.
  24. First time I ever heard that complaint.
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