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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. No it is wall wart powered and the regulator will regulate up to 20 volts.Not sure where I got the 36 volts from.I have a 6 volt wall wart hooked to it at the present,the regulator get very hot when it scrubs off too much voltage. http://www.adafruit.com/products/184
  2. I can go within a half volt of whatever I put into my VV passthrough up to 36 volts.But it has been at 4 volts or less as long as I have had it.Don't use it much anymore as I am quite happy with my 14500 batteries.It seems most people who use high voltage use high resistance and end up about where you would be with low voltage and low resistance. http://www.madvapes.com/variable-voltage-white-box-mod.html
  3. I change mine a few days after the liquid starts turning dark from the leftover funk and the flavor starts to diminish.It still produces lots of vapor but for no more than they cost I go for tasty vapor.That is usually 4 to 6 weeks though.I did the same thing with the Vision Clearomisers as they are pretty much the same thing as a Vivi.I find with the lower resistance I have to not press the button as long as I am acustomed to or I get the burnt taste.Still get plenty of vapor just a different tecnique with LR.
  4. Welcome Derrick.
  5. I usually breeze through ,so it is just another step for me.sorry,I know it took some effort to build .I can see where a new person could find a lot of usefull info there easier than digging through the forum.It doesn't bother me.
  6. A lower resistance carto ,and dial the voltage back then slowly bring it up .Should be around 3.7 to 4 volts for most normal people.If that don't help I would try a different manufacturer of liquid.They are not all created equal.
  7. Hello ,welcome and enjoy
  8. That is so subtle ,what are you vaping over there to notice something like that?
  9. Thats the PG version of what I expected from JeffB
  10. You can search on YouTube for videos on just about any device or aspect of vaping.Sounds like you are on track.enjoy
  11. Not quite the flash I was expecting from yopu ,but I guess this isn't the VIP room.
  12. I would look at MadVapes,EcigBestSave or LiteCigUSA for an Ego type battery and some Boge carto's and a Vivi Nova and an assortment of tasty eliquid.
  13. Dominick,how 60's.
  14. May be my all time favorite Christmas song.
  15. Some of the lower quality brands have lousy threads cut on the carto.Try screwing it on and of a few times and see if doesn't screw on better and make a better connection.If it is an auto be carefull not to fill over fill it or the battery switch will go bad .Manual button is way better for your cash flow.
  16. Welcome,Merry Christmas and enjoy the Ego.
  17. I use Boge SR and LR cartos and I am really liking this Vivi Nova 2.0 mini ,if it was a little smaller I would use it exclusivly.
  18. Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and yours.
  19. You should be able to use any eliquid in any device.VG is usually thicker and requires a little more time to soak in.I prefer PG or a mix myself.
  20. I like em simple and reliable
  21. That is some good advice right there.Whatever you get make sure it is available at more than one site as exclusivity is usually a tipoff that you are getting robbed.
  22. The IMR's discharge faster but when charged you get more current faster so things heat up quicker,they do drain down quicker though.I tried them but ended back with Trustfire 900 mAh 14500's as the best balance between usefull life and cost.The IMR's I had were flat tops ,so I have to use a spacer to make contact in my boxmods,kind of a pain.I supose I could put a blob of solder on the connector .
  23. I would guess Dekang Desert Ship or Kamel would be a close match.Very tasty liquids.
  24. I guess my original thought was we are patting ourselves on the back for quitting smoking or dipping but I suspect we are every bit as addicted to nicotine as ever.Vaping is for sure less harmfull and more cost effective than tobacco .As someone said in another thread we just exchanged one adiction for another.Still kind of fun to hear our reasoning.
  25. Probably around 6 to 8 ml of 0 or 6 mg
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