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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. I am really liking my Vision Vivi Nova 2.0 mini.The flavor and vapor hold up for several weeks,inexpensive replacement coils and a variety of resistance to play with.The Vision Clearomisers vape just as good but seem to leak a little.I think they have the same coil assy in them as the Nova's.Will fit any 510 or Ego threaded device.
  2. oic,got the impression it was an official thing.thanx
  3. The effective heat will change due to crud building up on the element and insulating it.The resistance might change due to the liquid conducting current as the liquid would have a lower resistance than the element,but there would be little heating effect just current drained away from the element.But those effects would not cause you to get an errant reading on a new device that is dry.I don't bother trying to figure it out I just go with what worx and when it don't I change out for fresh stuff.
  4. The smokiest ones I have found are Wenston and Hillington Dekang from Ecigbestsave or Litecigusa.Add alittle of a menthol to one of those and you should be ok.All the tobacco flavors from those two are very good and I switch up with them all.
  5. Hello and welcome.This forum is very well designed so you should be an old pro in short order.
  6. Still haven't been able to figure out why they call it Nemo.Anyone know?Or is it just like a hurricane name thing?
  7. Welcome .Either one would be good.An Ego passthrough with an auto adapter might also be worth looking into.Not much drama here,some perversion in the VIP area but so far as I know it is all virtual.
  8. The drugs do not work for quite a few of us.Best to ditch them and just try the ecig.It is possible to get of the analogs completely without much effort.Reducing the nic to 0 is a little harder but also possible if you have the "want to" .Hang in there .Check out some of the suppliers mentioned in this forum for a better and more cost effective way to vape.Blus are an ok introduction but there are for sure better devices out there.
  9. For what we pay for this stuff and the fact the manufacturer ,wholesaler and supplier all made a little plus shipping it amazes me any of it works at all.
  10. Some of them are pretty bad 3 out 5 might not work.I had problems with horizontal coils.Stick to Boge's.
  11. You could but it wouldn't work.
  12. hello
  13. Since you have prefilled I will assume it is cartomisers .Youtube condom method for refilling cartomisers.
  14. Might be an expensive version of the Vision Clearomiser on an Ego battery.Any liquid you see mentioned in this forum would work in that .Nothing tastes like burning leaves but you should be able to find something you like and look forward to.I would buy small quantities from several vendors until you find your Nirana.
  15. mcquinn


  16. If you have any of the rubber caps that come on them look on Youtube for condom method of refilling a carto.Would be easier than trying to remove the end of a prefilled.
  17. Hello and welcome
  18. If you doesn't has a drip tip you can cut down a cart that you would use with a DSE 901 attie so it fits in without hitting the filler but is still long enough to get a good hold.Way easier to remove and no hot metal in your mouth.I have used 510 carts as well but prefer the thin flat tip 901 carts.
  19. That is a trick question.There are no cigerettes in a 10 ml bottle of eliquid.That is why we vape it.Doesn't really make a lot of difference ,just vape until you are satisfied and then put it away.
  20. With those proprietary brands you would be better off just switching over to a Joye ,DSE or KR device .Those off brands are ok to try to see if you might like vaping but you will be happier in the long run if you get something that has a variety of vendors and attie,carto's and tanks for.Seems like most of those are KR808-2 ecigs if that helps.
  21. My mini came in a box with three coils.And leakage has not been a problem at all.
  22. Sorry never had a carto tank.They seem to be a hassle compared to Vivi Novas.You have to slide the tank up partially off the carto to refill instead of just unscrewing the top and dripping it in.Lower resistance will be hotter and produce more vapor,will use liquid faster and gunk up quicker than higher resistance.That would be something you have to try and decide for yourself.As far as size that would depend on whether you like em large and not have to refill as often or smaller .
  23. Hello and welcome.Are you sure thats you?
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