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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. Problem with tube modes is switches.Pretty much relegated to mechanical switches on the bottom end.I made one out of a 2X AA flashlight but it was not discreet.Pennstyle oldskool devices like the Joye 510, Kr808 ,DSE 901 and DSE 801 are pretty discreet and if you black out the LED they can be stealthy.Just put a pencil clip on and an eraser over the LED and it should blend in very well,have to pack extra batteries though.
  2. usually the 30,50 100 and 150 ml bottles are easiest,when I find a particularly nice one I keep it and reuse it.
  3. They are not our first choice ,but those kind get people started vaping and then they reach out to us and we skool them.Those features sound as silly to me as some of the features on the top sellers on the forums.Different strokes I suppose.Its all good.
  4. welcome
  5. boxmods are small enough to keep in shirt pockets and palm .I use 14500 AA size 10440's are smaller but harder to build,not much room for switch.I saw one where they put the atty connetor inside so just the drip tip stuck out ,Here is already built http://www.foxyboxmods.com/ but it shouldn't be hars to do.
  6. Welcome.You can get usable vapor from about any of them but an Ego type battery and a Vivi Nova tank or Vision Clearomisers will be more cost effective and less hassle in the long run.
  7. welcome
  8. If you have access to an ohmeter check them for continuity.Sometimes the threads are cut poorley and you have to screw them on and off a few times to get them to screw all the way on,you can also file the base of the clearo so it will screw on further and possibly make contact.Thats all I got ,good luck
  9. I made one 18650 mod out of 3/4 copper pipe.Too big for me relegated to drawer.I prefer 14500 box mods for size.
  10. cinnamin is the only one I heard warnings about
  11. hello
  12. Poking holes in cartos is for carto tanks ,Vivi's get replacement wick assemblies.
  13. hope that is just for today
  14. Hello and welcome.I was pretty much the same way,a heart attack didn't stop me either.I kind of wanted to quit but I really did enjoy them.I started vaping at work when they banned smoking and just lost my taste for tobaco.Been over three years ago.
  15. I think I would send them back.Shouldn't be doin that.
  16. Different strokes,enjoy.
  17. Its all I use ,cost effective and consistant.
  18. I used my Joye 302 for almost two years.It worked well so I never bothered changing to cartomisers until they were out almost a year.
  19. Sounds like a good place to start.Now just get a drawer full of assorted liquids and have at it.
  20. thats not too shabby most Lithium batteries start letting down after 200 charges which is not usually that long
  21. Good deal,same price as Madvapes.
  22. Sometimes a mod will have a small contact for the positive end of the battery to connect to surrounded by a little insulator then the metal housiing which is grounded ,some of the IMR batteries have a larger flat positive contact as opposed to a small button contact which could hit both the positve contact and the metal housing .Only thing I could think of to short one without an atty or carto screwed on.
  23. I like to drip with Joye 306 atties.They come with a plastic cover so you don't have to buy a drip tip and it is easy to drip directly onto the bridge as opposed to trying to hit the bridge in a 510 or 901 atty.The Joye 510 and DSE 901 and 801 atties are good for dripping but you hasta buy a drip tip and it is easier to flood because the bridge is an inch away from the opening.
  24. only thing I can think of is a flat top IMR battery might be hitting ground and positive post at the same time.
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