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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. The FDA labeled vaping products as tobacco products,which technicaly they are if they have nicotine which is extracted from tobacco leafs.I don't think I would endorse it either if I were them as there is no long term studies as to the effects.Believe it or not cigerettes used to be promoted as being good for you.I am not sure why you would want to partner with them anyhow.It would come across to me as you using them to gain legitamacy.
  2. It is still too early in the game to know for sure what the effects of vaping are.I am pretty positive they are less harmfull than smoking or dipping.It does seem to be addictive ,haven't heard of but a few folks who have quit vaping in the last four years.I don't think I would rcomend you start ,but if you do use no nic.
  3. You can get metal Vivi Nova tanks.And there are glass tanks ,I can't remember who makes them.
  4. If you has an ohmeter you can clip on to one end and then start measuring down the length of wire until you reach the desired ohms.Then you hasta wrap however much wire that is .The total resistance would be from where one end fastens to where the other end fastens.The amount of winds is not a very good indicator .
  5. I just use the lowest nic I can get ,I do use a different flavor during the day than in the evening.
  6. Not sure it is worth the fight.Outcome will be they will add another line to the smoking sign that says no vaping either.Best to not vape where smoking is not allowed or at least be stealthy.Just because the dude on the commercial says we can vape anywhere doesn't make it true .He tells a few other lies in that spot as well.
  7. A refillable cartomiser can last 3 to 7 days and some people use them longer.You can refill the prefilled ones by the condom method or with a syringe but it is a pain,way easier to remove the plug and drip it in.Filling several in advance is a good plan.I just carry a bottle of liquid with me and I use a drip tip .
  8. They are out there and you can use prefilled carto's for the 510.They don't last long and are not cost effective.Most use Vivi Nova's or some other sort of tank so as to have more vape time and less fussing time.
  9. Welcome,I agree unless big brother gets involved
  10. hello
  11. welcome
  12. A little over the top for me ,enjoy.
  13. Thats harsh.welcome
  14. Welcome to the forum
  15. The threads are soft aluminum and we have a tendency to tighten them too tight and the aluminum gets deformed.Pliers is about the only way and hope for the best.
  16. Hello and welcome.
  17. O¿O sorry I am all abount function.
  18. A lot of people do,but I would keep some lower nic around in case you start feeling funny.
  19. hello and welcome
  20. It looks like an Ego C tank system
  21. Never heard of it,as a rule you would do better to stick with brands that are easy to find from multiple sources,the prices have to be more competitive and customer service is usually better if they know you can get parts elswhere.
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