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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. There is no free things in life.Usually they get your credit card info and before you know it they have taken you for a few hundred dollars.Use a prepaid debit card when dealing with an unknown vendor.
  2. mcquinn


    hello and welcome
  3. They pretty much quit making music worth spending money on equipment so my stuff is in a closet and I just listen my puter any more.Seldom ever turn on car radio .
  4. If you overdo it you will know it.If you chain vape best to go to a lower nic level.
  5. The lower ohms the hotter it gets .They usually come with three different resistance elements so you can try them all.I like the 2.8 best myself.
  6. I don't believe there is.No comparison between burning leaves and vaporizing VG or PG.You should however be able to find liquids you enjoy and look forward to vaping.And you need to wrap your mind around the fact you are getting the nicfix and you can blow clouds of vapor or vapor rings.Just buy several small quantities from different vendors until you find what suits you.
  7. If it isn't dried completely before refilling it will taste bad.Tanks and clearomisers are not very good for folks that switch flavors often unless they are complimentary flavors.
  8. Welcome.I would get an Ego type battery,a Vivi Nova or Vision Clearomiser and an assortment of liquids from several vendors.That hardware should do the trick .The liquid is the hard part finding one that does the job and you enjoy enough to be able to replace the ciggie's.Good luck.
  9. That is the right VG ,I have vaped that stuff straight while waiting for my next order and it is not too bad by itself.
  10. I rest my case. Actually some of it is pretty good and some not so good. A person just needs to try them all and decide what floats your boat. I would just not put all my eggs in one basket and run the risk of having nothing to vape until the mailperson delivers the next shipment.
  11. Chances are the one you bought is the same as the others.Only a few Chinese companies make them.The price difference is what the variouse levels in the supply chain live on and feed their children.enjoy
  12. I think you would regret buying that much of one flavor .Best to get several 30 or 50 ml bottles of different flavors to switch it up. It is not that expensive .Most of us have experienced the inability to taste our favorite flavor after vaping it exclusively for too long.In addition eliquid will oxidize with exposure to air and go bad quicker .
  13. It is the act of allowing noxious flavors to evaporate from some eliquids by letting them sit with the cap off.Some people like that sort of thing I suppose.
  14. hello
  15. The tips on the tanks usually have a smaller opening and as above are just tips or mouthpieces.
  16. Do you mean ruin or run them down?If it is just running the battery down quicker a higher resistance clearo would probably do the trick.As a rule low resistance less than 3 ohms anything will run down batteries quicker than high greater than 3 ohms.There is no reason a clearomiser should ruin any battery.I would suggest switching over to an Ego type battery to use with a Vision clearomiser or Vivi Nova,I think you would be happier in the long run and you can still use your V2 with refillable carto's .
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