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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. If you don't feel the need to fiddle with it you can't go wrong with a good reliable mechanical and just adjust with resistance.
  2. hello
  3. hello
  4. snow sux
  5. I just go from one tobacco blend to another.I get most of the tobacco flavors and RY's from Dekang and they go together fine.
  6. hello ,worx for a lot of us
  7. hello
  8. I would say a higher ohm coil would be better if you are having trouble with harsh. Perhaps a different brand of liquid could be an ingredient that place uses.
  9. Finally got on and placed my order. Couldn't for a three hour span there. I have had Sinclair, Commodore and Heath computers. Then I got big time with a 486 processor with 4 megs of RAM and a 60 MEG hard drive. Don't mess with them as much these days Microsoft has put hobbyist out of business. Cheaper to just by an E- Machines box than to try and build one. And you can't really fix one for someone as no one ever does the backup /restore disks and they don't ship them with O.S. disks anymore.
  10. I still can't get on ,with my tablet or PC. The store site.
  11. $200.00
  12. Glad your business has picked up. Hope you get it fixed soon.
  13. You should try the VaporTalk liquids,,they are very good and now very competitive priced.
  14. hello
  15. That only works easy with horizontal coil cartomisers.Vertical coil cartomisers like Boge have the element embedded in the filler and usually you destroy the coil trying to get the filler out.
  16. Easy to do.You can get a good vape from almost any device .I would recommend just settling in with what you have and learning how to get the mot out of it you can.enjoy
  17. That is what happens to a normal used atomizer the heat turns the wick black.The videos are videos.If they work good use them when they cease to work good buy some new ones.They don't cost enough to make it worth rebuilding.
  18. A lot of folks really like them dripping.
  19. hello
  20. Moisten it with liquid so it doesn't bunch up as you tighten
  21. Oh and welcome . I got the hair trigger as well.
  22. Shortest lived shortest intro title ever. You going for a trifecta?
  23. I would think that is pretty much a scam. You have to look at the temperature at which the components you want to ingest vaporize at . Most vitamin type stuff gets destroyed at the temperatures we are using.
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