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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. If it wasn't for vaping I would need an 800 number where when I started to fall off the wagon they would come and kneecap me.I think one of those ice skaters started that support group.
  2. I just hit the mute button and she says all kinds of things to me
  3. mcquinn


    Those things sound like a pain,I will stick to the three peice.
  4. I guess that don't read well I meant the bottles there are 5 ml smaller .Yes Electronicstix has 15 ml for $10.00 or $0.66 a ml Indy has 10 ml for $5.00 or $0.50 ml or 30 ml for $14.00 or $0.47 ml ,my point was it looks like Dekang brand of liquid so it should taste the same.
  5. I wish it was that easy .The people who actually did smoking reserarch did not conclude smoking CAUSESS cancer ,they concluded it increases the likelyhood for those predisposed .The people who twist words for a living came up with the CAUSES part.If there were never another ciggerette on the face of the earth people would get cancer and lung cancer at an ever increasing rate.This would be due to some of the better living thru modern chemistry ,the increasing population,normal genetic mutations.Kinda like global warming ,if people ceased to exist the climate would still change.
  6. Those would be good for cleaning atty's ,insert atty fill half full of alcohol ,put on lid and shake and watch the crud float out.Rinse and dry .I live in Richmond about 90 miles east and my sister and brother lives there ,I was planning on having her get some liquid sometime ,I will let you know if it is any good.Appears to be Dekang like Electronicstix has only 5 ml smaller bottles.
  7. The way I figure it is if it aint working right whats the worst that could happen?A lot of people soak them in Everclear or alcohol make sure you rinse well and dry good.
  8. My family Doc was reading me the riot act earlier this year before vaping ,I told her one of the reasons I was scared to quit smoking was weight gain .I am 220 pounds with a lot of effort my siblings are all over 250 or 300,my dad was 600 pounds when he died.I was surprised when she said I would be better off fat than smoking.I have a ruptured disc and a knee that needs replacing I don't know how she figures i would be better off.So far I have not gained any wieght since I quit the ciggs .I just keep puffing along like the little engine that could.
  9. The electrical part is like a flashlight,the hard part is making a stylish user freindly case.
  10. Some call cigerettes analogs some call them stinkies,I call them history.I am not sure if I will keep vaping or not ,I kinda like the grape and RY4 and look forward to them.Time will tell.I kinda accelerated my program with all the bans in the news I am afraid I will get cut off in mid stream.There was a shortage of 302 attomizers in Oct. and Nov. that really had me freaked out ,kinda like when its snowing hard out and a smoker only has a half a pack,do you go out in the snow for carton just incase I remember picking butts out of the ashtrays during one blizzard .I ended up buying adapters to put 510 and 901 atty's on my 801 power gear just in case .Hang in there we are pulling for you.My Red Green quote.
  11. Dave after seeing some of the things you have made ,you should just make your own PV.with an old battery for the fittings the rest is not that hard for someone with your talents.Who knows you might could sell a few brass and teak artworks.
  12. I got white atty's and the paint came off pretty quick ,actualy looks better in stainless,works fine after two months.
  13. I can see me heating e-liquid on foil and huffing the vapor.
  14. I looked and they say they are made by DSE or salibo or SLB not JOYE .They are not trying to pass off as Joye.
  15. The 801 atty's I don't like but the 510 atty's are ok.I have a few for backups i bought during the 302 drought in Oct. and Nov.,I have found with the pennstyle that the 801 batteries are better than the Joye 302 batteries.Joye doesn't give you much time to warm things up.
  16. Way too much work for me.
  17. Make sure if you travel to not exceed the liquid bottle limits .I would mail my liquid ahead to be on the safe side.Unlabeled travel bottles might be hard to explain.I think I will just stay off planes all together.
  18. Compressed air seems to mess them up ,there is a fiber wicking material under the stainless mesh and it has a tail that goes into the vicinity of the element.Don't pluck it out .Usually a few drops to prime it and I put a full cart in and let it set a while ,top it off and it goes like new.The attomizer I am using today is the first 302 I bought in June.But if you prefer buying attomizers go for it suppliers have to make a living too.Just do what works for you.
  19. I got some round ones and I thought besides being round they were loose and leaking air.I use the 901 carts in my 510's and I think they are superior.
  20. I just ordered some 6 mg liquid and hope to go nic free in Jan. or Feb. Awesome vapor has 0 and Electronicstix is getting it.So it is up to me to do my part.I started with 24 mg in June.
  21. Yes Arnos thin plastic bottles fit in an old plastic cigg case with six batteries when I am away from a passthrough.
  22. I clean mine quite a bit and use them forever.I soak them in denture tabs for a couple of hours and then do three or four rinses with hot water from my coffee maker.Then let them dry a day or two.I change out when the taste starts going bad or I switch liquids.
  23. I could not taste the liquids that were supposed to taste like Mboros ,Kamels and the like ,I ended up just going for the coffees and frooty ones ,I really like them and look forward to them .The grape is awesome.Then as time wore on my taste buds started waking up and now I kinda like the RY4 and the B&H is pretty good.Still don't taste like an analog but I gave them up anyway.There are some site where you can get the flavoring to boost the flavor ,I have used some of that but it is kinda a pain.Some people like mixing and experimenting .There is soething for every one in vaping.The Blu cigg. did not look like something I would recomend I usually recomend the 510 as there are more options available.Hang in there.
  24. I think this is the S.P.U.G. forum (spade users group) Just a little humor, but I think you would get better support with the Spade.
  25. I think it is kinda like beer brown glass protects from UV degradation and looks classier.I think I will just go with the travel bottles.
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