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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. They are only sensitive to poking around in them .Some people boil them on the stove ,some use ultrasonic jewelry cleaners,some soak them in Everclear or other alcohol.The thing is to make sure you stand them on end and allow them to dry completely before use.You will have to reprime it with a couple of drops of liquid .My opinion is if I am not happy with the vapor production what would it hurt to try to clean it?As you vape 100% of the liquid does not turn in to vapor and depending on the juice ,it seems like the tastier the juice the more crap is left behind.I used a couple of bottles of a popular domestic brand that would plug up an attomizer in a day.I beleive a lot of good attomizers are hitting the trash bin when all they need is a good cleaning.Sometimes I clean one and it don't work well so I clean it again and it works ok.There is a last ditch cleaning method where you carefully dry burn it to clean it .You can find detailed explainations of all the cleaning methods by surfing the forums.It would be pointless to keep retyping them.
  2. The idea is to have more air space with which to displace with liquid,cotton is more dense.The liquid has a high viscosity and is easy to retain in the cart.
  3. I use the DSE 901 whistle tip carts in my 510's the flat tips for the 510 are kinda fat and chunky.I also think the DSE 901's fit tighter and do not leak air as bad as the 510 carts.The 801's will not fit too big.
  4. I can't understand why every one is having so much trouble with carts.I load up a 302 cart and vape away when ever I try dripping it works for a while but eventualy I end up with liquid all over the place as it usually seeps through the air holes in the atty and runs out of the passthrough.
  5. I was wondering why when I smoked people always stole my lighters and I never could find one ,now I am like you I have twenty or thirty laying around.I need to throw away the ashtrays I don't know I am trouble with that one.
  6. I would get a 12 volt usb adapter that delivers at least one amp and an 801 passthrough and use 302/KB attomizers and cartridges and forget the dripping while driving .You need one hand for the e-cigg and one for texting.That last line was me being silly.Please drive safely I don't want to start seeing on CNN about the idiots who killed people trying to drip and drive and how evil vaping is and it must be stopped now.
  7. I have had attomizers apart and reassembled one ,actualy transplanted an element from one I crushed the connecter on but still worked before I crushed it into one that I broke the element by poking around in it.There is the pot in which the element is mounted and over that goes a stainless steel arch then over that the fiber wick you mentioned ,and over that the stainless steel mesh.I do not think there is anything to be gained by picking the fibers out you won't get the burnt taste unless you let it go dry.The element is a very fine wire and it will break very easy the bridge or arch protects the element.Some people remove the bridge so they can drip right on the element.I agree that it is best for the liquid to be in the mesh and get heated and vaporized from there.If the element gets too wet it cannot heat up to the proper temperature to vaporize the liquid,that is a flooded atty.
  8. Looks like Dekang bottles ,should be good.
  9. I don't think I would use a cartomizer on high voltage ,I saw some pics somewhere that showeed the charred insides of one that someone just vaped a little too long.I think the element is not protected from the filler with a bridge like on the popular atty's.
  10. Just try to enjoy whatever dilema I find myself in.Better to laugh your way thru than sit down and cry.
  11. mcquinn


    I would buy the passthrough and try it .The worse case scenario is you get to buy some attomizers and carts to use on the passthrough at home .Not a lot of true blu users that I have come across.The 510 is a whole lot easier to find parts and accesories for anyway.I don't have any batteries or chargers for 901's and 510's just adapters to use them on my KB PT and 801 batteries.
  12. You guys are makin me want to buy one just to have sumthin to do instead of vapin all the time.
  13. I wonder how all the PG and VG that the body eliminates in the urine will affect the test?I suppose they are looking for specific compounds but a vapers urine would look like a chemistry experiment gone wrong.
  14. "btw am i understanding correctly that the 302 atty is the same thing as the 801? "They are both "classic pennstyles" but the 302/Kissbox attomizer has a better design than the DSE SLB 801's ,the part that actually wicks the liquid from the cart on the 302/KB does not go into the cart as deep and so in my opinion does not squeeze all the juice out and make a mess at least or ruin batteries at worst.
  15. http://www.batteryjunction.com/ has some nice looking chargers and a variety of batteries
  16. After the way Paypal has treated vapers and our suppliers I would not give them the time of day let alone my money.
  17. The DSE 801 attomizers are marked with SLB on the connecter and have the high bridge,the Joye302/Janty Kissbox attomizers have the low bridge.The DSE's have a painted band around the connecter and the Janty/Joyse have a chrome ring.I only get the Joye/Janty ones.Usually if one craps out that fast the supplier will make it right as sometimes there is a bad apple in the lot.
  18. They used to cure tobacco in the open air barns now it is in gas ovenlike dryers,additives are put in to make them go out if you don't puff on them every so often ,to enhance flavor ,to make taste and nicotine more consistant.They didn't used to use filters which most likely put fibers in your lungs.You used to get the full effect not a filtered one so you got satisfied quicker and didn't need to smoke so many,you had to roll your own which took more effort than just flicking one from the pack .A finaly even though they were cheap by todays standards people did not have the money to burn so it was a treat not a dietary item.And another finally people did not sit around all day smoking and eating they had to work hard so they could eat and they were in better condition for the most part.
  19. Very good plan .
  20. I still have a lot of flavors to try so I kinda look forward to bottom of the bottle.
  21. It is nice to just up up the PV and take a puff when needed and not feel the need to sit down and finish the whole thing.
  22. E-liquid is subject to degradation due to UV light and oxidation from air ,it also does not have preservatives I hope ,so it would probably turn to funk in time.Best to buy fresh and just keep enough ahead to wait out the mailman.I know that suppliers buy in quantity and it may linger in stock for a while before you buy it except the really popular flavors or the places that mix it as it is ordered.The people with the cellars stocked up for the future might be in for a surprise.I keep having visions of a scene from Waterworld but instead of an oil tanker the Deacon has a tanker full of E-liquid and atty's and the Smokers are Vapers.You guys any good on a Jet Ski?
  23. I would not stock too much liquid ,it has a shelf life ,you can prolng it by storing in cool dark place .
  24. That picture is all the outdoors I need for a while.Thank you.I have a big leather Lazy Boy and a big LCD tv to watch the nature channel.
  25. Have to see if you are sponge worthy first
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