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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. I have found that the tastier the juice the more it plugs up the atty.I beleive they must have a lot of sugar or high fructose corn sweetner in them which turns to carbon on the element.Carbon or burnt sugar is not going to dissolve very easy.I have found that if after I clean and dry I put them on my passthrough and poke the button .If I see a glow in there it will vape fine if not I continue dry burning it until it does glow.I figure if it is not going to deliver the goods I cannot hurt it,and if I resurect it I save $10.00.When they are plugged up like that they will produce a little vapor and the atty will feel hot to the touch but with the element insulated it will not get the liquid to the optimal temp.
  2. I used to use Camel lights,I gave up trying to find a liquid that tastes like analogs it aint gonna happen.I just enjoy the coffeee's and the frooty ones.The B&H at Electronicstix tastes nothing like a B&H but it is a good vape for me.
  3. Sounds to me like the atty is loaded up with caked on what ever is left that don't vaporize.Try a new one and if that works try cleaning the old ones.Mine get that way when I use some liquids ,and I can tell when I look inside and hit the button ,if I don't see it glow it is not going to produce much vapor.They will produce some and the atty will get hot but just a little whisp of vapor .
  4. Grape and B&H from Electronicstix,RY4 and coffee from Awesome Vapor,Haven't tried VT juice yet they are on my list of things to try.
  5. I like the RY4 ,you should look into a passthrough I only use batteries to get me from my passthrough at home to the one at work.
  6. I suspect the candy and soda pop flavors are going to be what does us in .Even though I enjoy them I can see how someone looking for ammo would say we are trying to lure the kiddies with candy flavored poison.Any disclaimers do not help children are not supposed to be able to buy ciggarettes but somehow Joe Camel lured them in.
  7. They would have to be safer ,but perhaps not safe.Nothing is safe you can get hurt with anything.Use some common sense and make a calculated risk assesment based on your circumstances.AS for me my Doctors told to quit using tobacco and with vaping I have,I am also reucing my nicotine addiction and hope to not be reliant on vaping.I have gone from 24 mg liquid down to 6-10 mg and hope to be 0 by the end of Jan. or Feb.
  8. I think the main thing you need to quit is the" WANT TO " without that a person is going to have a rough time of it.I wanted to because I was tired of being treated like a leper .I still don't like to hang around much with the people who excluded me before ,I hope I don't get like that.I do however not allow smoking in my house or car now as I am afraid it will set me back.
  9. I thtink they must mean 1000 miliamp hours not 1000 amp hours,it should work.The Janty/Joye PT with the battery inline uses less amps than the 5 volt style.
  10. I was in the same boat ,I bought the adapters to put 510's and 901's on my 801 batteries and Kissbox PT and a few 510's and 901's .I did not like the feeling I got when every website I checked was out of 302/KB atty's.I think it was after the Stick came out and the Stick people were hoarding them.When ever someone got some in everybody would order as many as they could which just made things worse.
  11. I was going to post the fine print from the website for your perusal but I was unable to copy and paste it for some reason.It is at the bottom of the home page linked to above.Be very wary.
  12. I think you would likely ruin the atty ,they work fine the way they are.Best to not poke around in there as the nichrome element is very fragile,that is why they have the bridge to protect it.
  13. Performance is a matter of opinion,I have used both and they put out the same vapor for me.I use the high bridge I got with my second kit for dripping and the low bidge ones I buy for carting or dripping.My atty of choice is the 302/Kissbox low bridge ,I have adapters to use 901 and 510 atty's on my 801 batteries and Kissbox passthrough.The only difference I can tell between the three is the 302/KB have way longer time between topping off due to the larger cart size.All are very good units and are readily available from a lot of places.
  14. As far as I know all usb adapters wall or car put out 5 volts the same as a computer port.The only ones that have a change in voltage are the ones you put different batteries in or add/remove a resistor.Some use a large 3.7 volt battery and others use two 3 volt batteries and a resistor.I do remember seeing where one of them is 3.7 volts on battery or you can take out the battery and push a usb cable adapter into the battery compartment and use it for a 5 volt passthrough.
  15. High bridge and low bridge only apply to the classic pennstyles or DSE 801 ,Joye 302 Janty Kissbox,Janty Stick and a lot of the mods.Your 510 you only have to choose between the authentic Joye 510 atty's and the DSE 510 atty's.The usual way to tell the diff. is the DSE's are $2.00 cheaper.Some people like them some don't .Try them and decide for yourself.As for the low high bridge thing ,the bridge is what you see when you look into the atty.It protects the element and helps wick the liquid from the cart.The high bridge was supposed to reach deeper into the cart and get more of the liquid out.In my opinion all it does is squeeze all the juice out and flood the atty.
  16. It sounds to me like you are enjoying a bit too much ,get some mega batteries and run two atty's when one gets hot switch to the other.I usally have two flavors going at once and switch back and forth.
  17. I make sure to wipe the condensation off the outside of the cart before I put it back in when topping off.
  18. I use the Fluval the only drawback is at 5 volts it melts a little and gets a crust .But since I usually use 3.7 it works great.
  19. I bought a box of Fluval fish tank filter pads .
  20. It is very rare these days for someone to do what you did Chris kudos for that .A lot of the suppliers probably cannot afford to be suppliers and they have to try to get the money back.I know of one supplier who had $30,000.00 worth being held at customs not too many of us could take a hit like that .I have also noticed suppliers not restocking certain kits I suppose after they finally sold the last one they wish they hadn't bought.
  21. Most likely you are dissolving some of the solids caked on the element.
  22. I soak them for a couple of hours in the denture cleaner ,then I rinse them a few times in hot water from my coffee maker ,someone else used the distilled water .What you are trying to clean off is I beleive burnt sugar from the flavoring.It is hard and crusty but it will come off .
  23. Maybe if it vibrated a little.
  24. Retail 101 This is not meant to single out or criticize any particular supplier ,but is intended to help those of you who do not seem to realize how retail works. The supplier does his research and picks out a product or products that he believes he can find a market for, and purchases the product , At this time the supplier has an investment wrapped up in the product and the only way to recover his investment is to exchange the product for cash. In order to make a living ,pay staff and overhead the supplier must mark up the price of the product ,if they sell at the price they pay for the product they will not be able to stay in business very long. Also in order to convince people to buy your product instead of a competitors you have to convince the customer that you either have better prices ,better service , better product or a combination of these attributes. If after you make an investment and the only way to recover is to sell what you invested in what do you do if you find out you picked a loser? You either eat your losses and try harder next time or you try real hard to sell what you have and that my friends is where the dissatisfied customer comes in to play. You cannot get rid of the product by advertising that this is crap but I need to get rid of it so I don’t lose my money I would rather you lose your money. So the moral to the story is as a consumer always do a little research ,if someone is offering a deal that is too good to be true it most likely is not a good deal. Most of the time the products will be within a few dollars from site to site if there is a huge difference it is likely not the same product. The products that are truly good products will be available at more than one location ,be wary of exclusive products only available from us ,do a little more research ,they could and most likely are legit but buyer beware. With most E-cigg. Products it all comes from I believe one of four manufacturers there is always a chance that a bad piece will get in the pipeline and it is matter of luck which supplier gets the bad piece or pieces .How they choose to treat the customer who gets the bad piece is called customer service and is what builds reputation.
  25. PG based antifreeze is also used to winterize R.V. water systems.It is becoming the standard coolant as it is less toxic.It is one of those things we would have a tough time living without .I do HVAC/R in the local hospital and we do use it in our chilled water loops that are subject to freezing.
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