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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. I get called that at work because I don't push around a six hundred pound tool cart everywhere I go.I fix most things I work on with a pocket screwdriver or a Leatherman.But most of my stuff is computer controlled ,I can see what the thermostats are set on from home in my jammies.
  2. Unless you are using a PT with a battery inline I would make sure it has 1000 mAh per port as the atty's draw quite a bit of current.The ones with the batteries you are basicly vaping off of the battery and the battery is charging off the outlet.But if you want to try what is the worst thing that could happen?In this case there should be a fuse in the adapter to blow or your PV will not get hot enough to make vapor.I bought an adapter from OffieMax that is 400 mAh and it works with my Kissbox PT as it has a battery.I am no electrical engineer and I am sure there will be someone with another opinion.
  3. Sorry about the link thing I am kinda new to this sorta thing ,it would be worth your while to join that forum as well to access some great minds,and I am there to balance things out.
  4. I think that is why the wise old Chinaman that invented these things made carts for use when dripping is not practical.I get pretty good vapor from 302 carts on a low bridge atty.
  5. If you want more vapor for smoke rings and other tricks just get some VG from the drug store and direct drip it ,you will not beleive how much vapor straight VG makes.I got 177 ml from CVS for less that $5.00.It is in the skin care isle labeled pure glycerin USP.You can also mix your own no nic with it with some flavoring.
  6. If you want to try something you can cut the battery box out of the wiring and hook the wires together straight thru.You can get some crimp splice connecters at any auto store.It does not matter which wire hooks to which as there are only two.You will get 5 volts this way intead of 3.7 as you normally do with the battery .I personally would not hook one to my computer that does not have a battery to reduce the current draw on the usb port but a lot of people do it and most of the PT's they recomend here do.
  7. http://www.e-smokers-forum.com/help-desk/703-list-e-cig-mods.html and http://www.e-smokers-forum.com/help-desk/693-e-cig-model-identification-guide.html has a lot of neat pix and info on different models of e-ciggs.Not an endorsment of any of them I just am a curiouse kind of person.
  8. It really is not that complicated.The hard part is finding good ,small switches and getting the atty fitting.Save those dead batteries for the fittings.There is a neat little LED flashlite that has a 3 AAA cell holder in it that would be a good candidate for modding.
  9. I beleive that the car adapter at 2000 mAh which is 2 amps should be equal to the wall adapter.I have yet to see a wall adapter that is greater than 2 amps.I have saw where some rich people use a lab power supply with adjustable voltage 0-30 VDC and adjustable amperage 0-10 amps.A person could destroy some atty's playing with one of those.Go to the local Interstate battery location and they should be able to hook you up with a 6 volt gel acid battery which should kick pretty good and be less than $30.00.Or you could order one online.
  10. There is not much to the wiring.I used a usb extension cable and hooked the red and black wires to the passthrough.The passthrough is a momentary contact switch and a battery connector and a peice of the battery tubing.I also used an LED from a computer case wired in parralel with the battery connecter.I do not hook PT's that do not have a battery inline to my computer so I have a 5 volt 1 amp wall wart power supply that I hooked the other half of the usb extension cable to.I suppose you could use any voltage of wall wart as long as the amperage is at least 1 amp or more.I don't know if this will work but here is a link to another post on the subject http://www.e-smokers-forum.com/battery-mods/68-homemade-usb-passthrough.html
  11. The Juice Box site http://www.avejuice.com/tech/index.php?route=common/home .It takes some time to get your technique down.Make sure you haven't pushed the poly way down into the cart ,it has to contact the atty bridge.
  12. Thanx .Here is my first attempt ,it works but the switch is in an awkward location.
  13. My co workers like the smell of RY4
  14. sorry aboout that there was a picture there I swear, my first picture insert on this forum
  15. If a person had a mini lathe I suppose they could make tips from nylon or something a little less objectionable.
  16. I would rather pay someone stateside to take the risk with Customs.I ordered something from UK and my wife said the mailman was acting like he had a bomb as he was placing it on the porch.
  17. here is my latest homemade passthrough,I used a cellphone charger I got from Goodwill for $1.99 and some junk I had laying around the house.
  18. The manuals do leave a lot to be desired. http://www.e-smokers-forum.com/e-cigarette-tips-tricks-how-tos/258-e-cig-trouble-shooting-guide.html has some good info for every vaper
  19. The element would not get hot enough to make vapor if you were to just submerge it in liquid.If you had a big enough element to vaporize a puddle of liquid you would have to have a battery on a hand truck.
  20. What ever you do don't get the 302 batteries they do not work vary good at all I put 2 in my junk box that are only a month old.I prefer the DSE 801 manual batteries or the DSE 801 auto batteries if my passthrough is not practical to use.The 302 atty's however blow away the DSE atty's,any low bridge atty is ok.I get atty's from AwesomeVapor or ElectroNicStix and batteries from AwesomeVapor or Vapor Kings.I think the straw mod uses coffee stirring stix you can get at a Piggly Wiggly coffee stand for free.
  21. He might be kinda on to something .Think about it ,if you had a heated chamber kinda like the size of a CO2 cartridge and you sprayed atomized liquid into the chamber it should make a pretty good cloud of vapor.And your element would be safe from clogging up on the outside of the chamber and surrounded by insulation.The chamber would be easily cleaned no poly filler to mess with ,you might be able to have excess liquid drain back to a resevoir.
  22. The main thing is just get back on the wagon when your liquid comes in.I had that problem when I first started it takes a while to get enough batteries,liquid and attomizers in stock and to know how much and when to reorder.I spent a lot of days watching my last bottle of liquid going down and waiting for the mailman.
  23. I was never impressed with the Joye 302 pennstyle batteries ,or the Janty Kissbox batteries I guess they are behind on battery technology.Has anyone tried the DSE batteries for 510's the DSE 510 clone atty's are ok.I think the DSE801 batteries are the best as far as classic pennstyles go.
  24. Arno must be sold out for now I bought one a couple of weeks ago.Vapor Kings has them the manual 801 batteries.
  25. I suspect that the worst tasting ones have been in someones inventory a while.I think they put some VG or PG in them at the factory and it probably gets rancid after awhile.You can blow thru it from the battery end and maybe drop some liquid or VG or PG in it .
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