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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. I use Fluval part #A-242 you can refill the carts until the poly starts breaking down.You will notice it is not fluffing up to the end of the cart and the juice doesn't soak in as well as it did eventually the cart gets loose fitting in the atty and lets too much air in or it falls out too easy and it is time to junk it.
  2. I have charged over night before with no harm ,the batteries stop charging when they get up to snuff.And the dripping thing requires experimenting ,when you get too much it starts making a bubbly sound way too much and it quits making vapor or juice starts leaking out at the connecter.If you over load it just take it off and blow thru it backwards into a tissue and the excess juice will come out.
  3. I think it would be better if they went after stupid politicians .That would save a lot of money and save a lot more lives and jobs.PLus there are fewer and they should be easier to find ,just look where the tv cameras are.
  4. I like the DSE 901 carts on my 510's ,if I want a bigger cart I get out my 302's way less expensive and I am not to sure that a long slim cart would give up the juice very good.It seems like a lot of people feel the need to mod the regular 510 carts to get the juice out.
  5. As far as batteries go and no more than I use them I just use DSE 801 manual and automatic batteries,since I quit using DSE high bridge 801 atty's my batteries last a long time,and I use PT's at home and at work so the batteries just get me between the two or when I go out somewhere.
  6. I usually have two atty's going at a time for two flavors.When I change to another flavor that is not close I just get a clean one out and clean the old ones.I like to switch between two way different flavors so my taste buds don't get acclimated and taste starts getting weak.It seems to me after several methods that any of the cleaning methods work if you haven't waited too long or used a juice with lotsa sugar in it.
  7. Makes sense to me.I think most suppliers would not knowingly sell to a minor anyway.By the same token if a kid wants something they will find a way.
  8. I feel bad for the guy getting his face busted but I am skeptical about an e-cigg battery doing it.I blew one up and it sounded like a weak firecracker and smelled bad.I took a battery from an auto battery that had a bad switch and hooked it straight to a usb connecter to use with a passthrough.I was charging it on a cell phone charger and I guess the protection circutry is in the LED board or the switch I forgot I had it charging and it reminded me.
  9. Gweetus Al Gore called and said your vaping is causing global warming.
  10. If you are just charging things you should be ok,most chargers charge at a rate of 400 mAh and I doubt if all those things will be run down at once.If you are using a passthrough without inline battery they draw at least one amp so you might unlug something while vaping .
  11. It also could be technique.If you are inhaling directly to your lungs it can be very harsh,I get a mouthful then inhale and it is way better.
  12. I know what you mean ,I helped my brother move out of his house and everything felt sticky and smelled like a dirty ashtray.And the walls and windows were just coated.It felt like you could scrape it off with a putty knife.
  13. I agree low or no nic would be a solution for the nic levels.I vape almost constantly and I am using 6 to 10 mg liquid and just ordered some no nic.When I find a good flavor I hate to put it down.
  14. I knew my house smelled while I still smoked,I went as far as getting rid of all cloth upholstery and all the carpet,got an electronic air cleaner for the furnace and put an exhaust fan in the half bath where I did some of my best work.I still knda like the smell of a burning analog but stale smoke on a person or object is kinda nasty.
  15. I agree if it is broke you can't hurt it ,bring out the big guns.I use hot water from my coffee maker .
  16. I like to buy a bottle of 18 and a bottle of 0 of the same flavor and mix them together in equal parts to get 9 .It is all proportional if you add half no nic you gat half the strength of the original nic,but the flavor is half as well soI go to DIYfkavorshack or The Spice Barn and get flavorings to match the liquids I like .
  17. Its really not that difficult.You can get VG at a drug store for less that $5.00 and look at flavorings in the grocery store,the one to use have the same ingrediants as e-liquid PG alcohol flavoring ,stay away from any that say oil.Mix small batches and try doctoring up e-liquid you get online .You don't really need nicotine just vape it for a change ,the VG makes such huge clouds of vapor you won't miss the nic.
  18. I can't see me sticking metal in my mouth ,I tried tailpiping to save steps dripping,wasn't for me.
  19. I got 4 ounces of coffee flavoring from The Spice Barn for $5.00 for fixing weak liquid and maixing my own.
  20. I don't really have any use for Ebay as it is mostly e-tailers and not people trying to get rid of stuff which is where the good deals are.I also don't have any use for PayPal at all and most people on Ebay want payment thru them.
  21. Try Vapor Station tobacco liquid ,it ships from the UK so it takes a while to get here but it rocks and tastes like the flavor I got in a few carts with kits.They have the cheapest prices per ml I have found so far from a site I trust.
  22. I liked "Rollies" I would sit in front of the tv in the evenings and roll a pack and a half for the next day.I found I smoked less wit full flavor as the light did not give me what I was craving.I have been able to get from 24 mg to 6-10 mg in six months on vaping.
  23. sound cool ,I am not a fan of high voltage myself I think I would fix it where the three batteries end up in parralel for 3.7 x huge mAh .
  24. It sounds like they might be saving you a lot of greif.I attributed all those symptoms to getting old and ignored them until I had a heart attack.Heart attacks are not as much fun as you would think.But after having a stent put in and getting enough pills I rattle like marracas in the morning all is well six years later.Make sure you go to the Dr. regularly and follow the advice and you should be fine.My cardiologist y=thinks the vaping is great as it got me off the ciggs ,I was unable to quit even after a heart attck .People always said how stupid are you ?You had a heart attack and still smoke?They don't realise how addictive smoking is.I know a lot of cancer patients who wish they could quit but just cannot.
  25. I use carts most of the time as I find it a pain to keep popping the tip off all the time.I change my filler when I change flavors or when it starts beaking down and the liquid doesn't soak right in ,I hate having to poke around with a sharp object to get the liquid to soak in.I never use carts on the rare occasion I use 5 volts as it seems to melt the poly and form a shell trapping the liquid in the cart.
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