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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. Sounds like they may be plugging up ,I would try one of the cleaning methods a few times to see if you can restore it ,if it is still making good vapor I believe you can save it.The ones that are impossible to save are the ones with carbon build up on the element that keeps it from getting hot enough to make vapor.
  2. I just save wash out and reuse the ones I buy filled with prefabbed liquid.Kinda hard to get the sticky off after you get the label off ,need to use alcohol or some kind of solvent besides water .Awesome Vapor gives you a free sample in a three ml bottle with each 15 ml bottle of liquid you buy I use it for the nic and some of the flavoring in my homemade liquids and you get a neat 3 ml travel bottle to try your recipe in.
  3. The temperature changes ,ask a dinosaur the world got hot and they prospered then it got cold and now they are powereing our SUV's .Maybe one day I will be powering someone's SUV ,now that is something to aspire to.
  4. I would use common sense and respect the people around you.I never realised how much vapor these things put out until one afternoon the sun was shining in the front door and it reminded me of "back in the day"when I smoked ,kinda neat watchint the sun rays dancing thru the vapor .It does disperse faster than smoke did but no one knows for sure what is in the vapor although we all know it is way better for everybody than smoke.
  5. Wow that bites .I guess there are some VG based liquids out there,I think Rath juice is the Rath E-bacco I got from Electronicstix says it is and it vapes like it is lotsa vapor.Dentists are a bummer I was really enjoying Copenhagen Black and my dentist busted me after a year.
  6. Mine are based on the designs posted at MadVapes ,the only thing i did different on my 4 AAA mod was to put the atty connector on a peice of battery tube for a little better strength and I put the button in battery slot 2 next to the atty so it will be on top when it is in my pocket.The 4 AAA box is very small and kind of tricky to work with the AA boxes might be a better choice for a beginner.I will post some pix if my son ever brings my camera back.I kind of like the way you mounted your atty connecter and wood is a classy touch.
  7. I am going to give it a try this weekend but I am a little nervouse about that much liquid leaking out,I think I would keep it tip down when not in use.But that lets the condensation run to where you will get it in the mouth,darn ,catch 22.I don't have that much trouble with carts as they were designed though ,but I do like to tinker.
  8. Rath E-bacco from Electronicstix and VT Traditional Tobacco
  9. I just finished one with a Radio Shack 4 AAA box ,on mine I put two 10440's in parralel for 3.7 volts @720 mAh works like a charm and excluding batteries I have around $3.00 in it and some time.I built a one cell one from the two AAA box but it doesn't have the on/off switch for safety.
  10. I agree ,those are the three I would and do recomend to anyone who asks.
  11. Awesome Vapor Turkish Blend
  12. I got a bottle of VG from CVS and sometimes when the sun is shining thru the front door in the afternoon I just vape pure VG and watch the suns rays dancing thru the clouds,and it actually has a pleasant taste straight from the bottle.
  13. For me they were just a better alternative ,The most important thing to have to quit smoking is the "Want To" with out that it most likely won't work.
  14. Don't forget your protection.Rubber gloves and safety glasses high strength nic juice is potentialy harmfull.
  15. The Rath Juice at Electronicstix is VG based.I got some E-bacco and it is very good.
  16. I keep a few around for mixing .
  17. Info like that needs to be repeated every so often as it gets buried deep within the dark recesses and is very hard to find for the noobies.Enjoy the vaping life my friend.
  18. So far I like RY4 and coffee the best ,I switch back and forth to keep from getting too acclimated and not being able to taste either.
  19. The liquid running down your arm is a common occurance,it means it is time to take the atty off and blow thru it backwards to blow excess liquid into a kleenex.I usually don't notice until I have coated my puter keyboard and rubbed it on my glasses.
  20. I am afraid the cell phone charger is only going to be rated at 400 mAh ,not enough for a 5 volt passthrough.It would however work with one of the Joye models with the battery as all you are doing is charging the battery.
  21. It is a 10440 3.7 volt battery ,the same as is used in some mods.,I have had pretty good luck with mine.Do you have a volt meter? Try a different usb port.
  22. http://www.cvs.com/CVSApp/search/shop_all_results.jsp;jsessionid=n4DsLY8Q51yj2HvtwWRcSNMbJ2L1yTVhn3k26cXnShkLDTs5pT1z!830558237?trail=SRCH%3Apure+glycerin&addFacet=1016%3ACVS/pharmacy has a pic of cvs brand and item number .My son has my camera
  23. is this what you are talking about?I have another made from a pear shaped one with the atty connector and button on the end where the cable used to come out.
  24. I hate it when you do a search for e-ciggs you always come up with the crooks first it seems.I guess they know how to manipulate the key words.
  25. It is hard to beleive when we smoked how annoying non smokers were to us about the smell.My sister in law wouldn't even accept free clothing from our house.Now I find myself throwing out stuff that stinks and won't come clean.
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