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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. I sleep a lot better at nights as well ,I guess the nic was keeping me wired.
  2. I started vaping in June of 2009 to beat a ban on smoking at my work.I started at 24 mg with a Joye 302 ,and I still smoked in the free world for two or three months.I finally lost the desire for the analogs and went to 18mg for about three or four months,then 6-10 mg about three weeks ago I started ordering no nic and have been using it in the evenings.This week I am using no nic only and not really having much trouble.I have a few of the 3 ml bottles of 18 mg from AwesomeVapor on standby just in case I start having nic fits I can mix a little in .I enjoy the flavor and the act of vaping just as much as ever.
  3. It appears Battery Junction has recovered from the fire and is taking orders again.They appear to have 10440's in stock
  4. I don't think you will be disapointed.At first the Dulcis seemed a little chemical tasting to me then it grows on you.Now it is one of the flavors I look forward to.I think if I tried to use it exclusivly I would get burned out on it though.
  5. I have been using the 901's for a spell now and I have found that at 5 volts I get the same thing it all tastes the same .At 3.7 or 4 volts they work great .I use them for my carting atty as the 510 seems to me to let too much air in and dilutes the vape and the last four LB 801's I bought don't wick from carts very good.The only tjing I don't like about the 901's is the carts get loose pretty quick and fall out easy.
  6. I have had pretty good luck enhancing the flavor of weak liquid but my home made liquids are just missing something ,and I usually end up throwing them out.
  7. Sweet ,for some reason by the time I get to that method mine are too carboned up to respond.
  8. Yes but some seem to like the idea of having people to pay taxes so they can spend the money ,the present administration doesn't seem to consider that if no one is working or consuming taxable items there is not going to be any money to spend.I don't know how many childrens health insurances there are that is supposed to be paid for by taxes on ciggerettes ,but I do know if you force people to quit paying the tax then you have another unfunded program that is not helping anyone.
  9. The Joye unit with battery will work down to 400 mAh as you are vaping off the battery and only using the usb to charge the battery.The ones without the battery require 1 amp or more .
  10. That kind of is the trick to carts getting just enough of whatever filler to hold the liquid but still have plenty of airspace for the liquid to displace.I have found the best performance to be a very wispy piece that is large enough to fill the cart.The problem is it breaks down in a few days from heat ,but it costs next to nothing to replace.I wonder if anyone makes something like steel wool only out of brass or copper as that would not break down or melt.
  11. The studies that show vaping to be harmless were as far as I know done by Ruyan ,they used Ruyan liquid in a Ruyan cartridge on a Ruyan battery and vaped at a rate where they conclude one cartridge is equal to one pack of analogs.If you translate this to how I vape I suppose I am vaping equivalent to at least two or three packs of analogs a day.I don’t know what strength of liquid they used to reach their conclusions ,I am sure it wasn’t 36 mg. The reason I am starting this thread is to get us thinking about our habits .I wonder what the scientists at Ruyan would think of how the average person really uses these things? For the record my two or three packs a day are with no nic for the most part. What do you folks think?
  12. I did a stress test on tues. ,it has been five years since my last one.When I had my heart attack I had one 90% blockage and two 60% blockages ,they put a stent in the 90 and are watching the 60's.Despite having a knee that is going to be replaced in a few days I did remarkably well on the test .It does not appear that vaping for 9 months had any negative effects on my health or stamina and most likely it had positive effects .
  13. Kind of what started this whole thread I am pretty sure for the most part we are not getting what we think we are but it seems to be more than enough to get the job done as we only use them for short bursts of energy.It would appear that you guys are Hot Rodders trying to tune the maximum out of your gear ,which is cool .keep it up although most of it goes over my head once in a while I understand some of it.
  14. You are correct ,I use power supplies for old wired routers that I had in my junk box ,they are 5 volts and over 1 amp so they work fine.I cut some old usb extension cords in half and use one end on homemade passthroughs and the other on the power supplies.I have one power supply at my recliner and another at work on my desk.I have found I don't care for 5 volts so I have put a .48 ohm 5 watt resister from Radio Shack inline to reduce the voltage to around 4 volts.
  15. No telling what it could be.I guess you always have to keep something new in the works or you will be left behind.I have never seen an area of consumerism where the status quo changes so often.It seems like most people are never satisfied with any device after they get it and always looking for something better.Oh well I guess this is what causes an ecomomy to work .Keep vaping and keep fueling the economy.
  16. We will have to see what happens in November as I am afraid we don't have many allies in the goverenment at the moment.Worst case the Democrats just push through as much liberal nonsense as they can before they lose the power.
  17. Or you could wait about an hour or two and it will be mostly gone .Nicotine metabolises rather quickly.
  18. Hmm I will have to try some I am finishing off a bottle of the old formula and it was pretty good.
  19. What I have found is they usually have a casing of carbon around the element which insulates it from the liquid.I have not been able to find a way to dissolve it yet.I have tried alcohol,denture tabs ,long soaks in very hot water ,ultrasonic cleaner and combinations of those.I guess if the liquid you use causes this a thorough cleaning every two or three days might prevent it.Once it happens I think they are done.If you want to try to dismantle it ,screw it onto a battery and kind of wiggle it around and pull on it.Either the battery connector or the atty connector will start coming out of the tube.
  20. The hospital I work at went tobacco free not just smoke free.The reasoning is we all know about smoking ,dipping and chewing cause mouth ,throat and digestive tract cancers and other health problems like ulcers,sniffing snuff causes nasal ,throat and digestive cancers and other ailments.A person could just put some Nicorette tabs in your pocket and if you test positive for nicotine just say you are quitting and it must be the Nicorette.They so far have accepted my vaping as an honest attempt at quitting smoking .But I am actually trying to quit and get off of nicotine alltogether,not just beat the system.Nicotine is not really as harmless as we like to say it is .It is addictive and a stimulant .Yes so is caffine but I have not found high level caffiene liquid yet.I have seen all kinds of formulas to determine how much nicotine we are actually consuming but I think it is mostly guess and by golly.End of Rant.Enjoy while you can.
  21. Most of the fillers are made of plastic.If you use high voltages ,melting and crusting over can be a problem.Some of the problem I believe has to do with the atties,I don't think they are wicking from carts like they used to.They all work fine for dripping but when it comes to carting they are a pain.For the moment Iam using DSE 901's as they seem to work the best for carting.I prefer the 801 LB's and I am looking for a good'eren.
  22. I have noticed this as well ,the first few atties I bought seemed to vape better and last longer than the last few I have bought.And they came from different suppliers,which I suppose means nothing as they probably came from the same wholesaler.I am having trouble finding low bridge 801's that will wick from carts ,they all drip fine but I prefer loading up a cart and not worrying again for a while.For the time being I have switched to DSE 901's as my main sled .
  23. It is usually in the skin care isle and the employees usually do not know what it is or that it is there.I get mine at CVS drugstore .
  24. I aparently don't understand what I read and so I posted in error about the 0.5 amp ,I apologise if I caused anyone anxiety.There is no easy way for someone who is not an engineer or at least good at algebra to know what the specs for lithium ion batteries mean.What I was able to determine was all of them are usable ,the bigger the battery the longer it will last .I guess that should be good enough.
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