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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. Vaping is simply not smoking.You are inhaling vapor so it will never have the body to it that tobacco smoke has.The main thing is onceyou accept that you find pleasing flavor that you look forward to and that you find a nicotine level that meets your needs.Liquids with higher VG levels produce bigger clouds of vapor for the eye ccandy effect.Draw slowly and as long as you can and get a big mouthfull of vapor before you inhale slowly .It takes a while to get a style worked out so just hang in there.In my opinion they all are capable of delivering the goods and you could go broke trying to find the perfect PV.
  2. mcquinn


    "has a 5 second cut off. "That is interesting I had not heard that one before I thought all the circut boards were in the power gear.
  3. I haven't read where any of you have used the Joye 306,from what I am hearing you say about cartomisers they would be very similar except the 306's are going to be easier to refill/top off ,and you can dip them.The 306's would fit your 510 power gear if you want to experimant.
  4. Rat Rods so to speak.Git-R-Done.
  5. I had five 10440's in an old plastic flip top cigg.case and one them shorted for a while it eas kinda frazzled ,but I cleaned it ,charged it up and it is working fine.It was non protected because the connection on the circut board broke and I removed it.
  6. Thanx all.Up walking on it the same day.Doesn't hurt any worse than it did before on a bad day.
  7. That would require a single pole double throw type switch.The normaly closed would go to the light and the normaly open to the aatty.
  8. PG when broken down by the body creates a lactic acid type of substance,I asked the same thing as my bowell movemenyts and urine had a very strong bouqet.It is not harmful but I am trying to use more VG as it can be rather unpleasant.
  9. No worries FT every body has to work that kind of stuff out on thier own,I was agnostic for quite a while but I learned a few things and it is working exceptionaly well for me being Christian.The surgery went well and I am basking in the warm glow of a couple of Percosets.Been stealth vaping some VaporKings RY4 no nic.I think I am going to like being waited on ,I guess I better enjoy it while I can the therapists get a hold of me tommorow.
  10. I haven't heard of anyone actually purchasing one yet .Everybody just says you can get them.
  11. Mad Vapes is out of control they just keep adding toys and adding toys.I think they are trying to get my whole check.
  12. If I put them end to end it would be nine inches long!! Besides that I prefer running two 3.7 batteries in parallel for lotsa mAh and that would be tricky end to end.I suppose if you had a milling maching you could cut out something.I am still not to sure about running protected batteries in series ,that would put two of those chintzy circut boards with all the surface mount components in the circut.That is a lot of very small conducters for 2 or 3 amps to go through.Might be why some of them are blowing up.
  13. Mine would where did the Dulcis go?I have been using mostly no nic lately and I suppose it/we are missing it by now.
  14. I thought the whole idea was to get high voltage results at low voltage.I have noticed with my last few pennstyle atty orders that they did not wick liquid from carts as well as they used to ,so I switched to 901's for now.I suspect they are doing something different with them,I only use the low bridge type but I had them from two different manufacturers and neither peformed very good with carts .Ok for dripping .
  15. I wish they had a box that would hold three 18650 batteries so I could make a double battery 3.7 volt last more than a week mod.The one I made for 18650's with 3/4 copper pipe is awesome I can use it for more than three days ,I have never run one down yet I always go ahead and put in a fresh battery after a couple of days.
  16. They are good
  17. In our early industrial years when everybody had a job we burnt a lot of coal ,and used a lot toxic chemicals and we used asbestos and so on and so on.Now that we are as enlightened as we are no one has a job and not too many people are wlling to risk creating them.All of the bad things that happened then were a very small portion of the overall industrial boom and I suppose China as big as it is will have a few mistakes but if you put it in perspective.I am no big fan of outsourcing but it is here to stay so we need to learn to live with it.
  18. I agree with Tek if you use connecters off of batteries they are already tinned ( they have solder adhered to them)and if you tin you leads it does not take a lot of heat to attach the wires.I also like to go ahead and solder the hole shut to seal out liquid,but that is optional you could silicone or epoxy it shut as well.
  19. That is your right to be skeptical.I know for a fact that Wal-Mart keeps a very close eye on quality issues especially after the embarasments of a few years ago and most of these food and pharmaceutical companies in China are trying to win big Wal-Mart like contracts so they are pretty well on top of things.Almost all of the major manufacturers are outsourcing things to these companies and the naked kids in the sweatshop image you have is not quite accurate.
  20. I agree all the atomisers that you have access to come from china ,most of the batteries for the mods come from china.I would imagine the quality control for the Chinese liquid would be more stringent as they are dealing with export legal issues where someone mixing things in the garage or basement doesn't have to deal with all that.I have vaped some really tasty domestic liquids so I am not knocking them I just am pretty sure to export you have to have what ever is required .Someone posted a video of one of the Chinese manufacturers facility where this supplier gets his liquid from and it was immaculate.As far as the mods go it is like anything else the inexpensive ones do what they are designed to do and if you can afford to upgrade therer are a lot of fine choices out there.
  21. I am told a lot of truck stops have started selling e-ciggs you might luck out there
  22. FTJoe I would like to hear your story ,cannot get enough of good news these days.
  23. Those are some nice looking PV's almost too nice to use.
  24. I have always had a variety of flavors ,as I feel if you vape one flavor too long you get aclimatited to it and the taste dimishes.My advice is go at your own pace and keep a little in reserve just in case.If you go off the nic altogether and do not have a little stash you might be tempted to go to Piggly Wiggly and gets some analogs for a fix and that would be way worse than just vaping a few drips of niquid .Every body is different and so is the way we aproach things.
  25. I can pretty much gaurentee you are getting some nicotine.How much for sure I don't believe can be quantified ,too many variables .The formulas I think would be good for comparison.
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