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Everything posted by mcquinn

  1. So far I have tried the SLB (SAILEBAO) TYPE WITH THE BRASS CONNECTOR and the BOGE 510 WITH THE ALUMINUM/SILVER CONNECTOR and I thought I would like the brass one but they were hard to fill (liquid didn't want to soak in) and didn't draw well or produce much vapor.The Boge ones with the aluminum threads were by far the best I got two weeks of use from each one don't know about the SLB ones as I just started them today.I don't think I will change from 901's but if were to recomend one it would be the Boge.
  2. I found I had trouble sleeping when I consumed too much nic,I switched to lower level since I vaped so much and had less trouble.I am nic free for the most part now ,I just keep some around for the times when a smoker is nearby and gets me wonderin what would happen if I tried just one for old time sake.It has been a year though since I last smoked.I like the smell of burning tobacco but the smell of stale smoke kind of turns my stomach .
  3. I would stick with any one of the prefered suppliers on this forum.You don't need to stick with any one juice try them all until you find what you like.I would sugest Vapor Talk Dulcis and Sweet Dawn.
  4. I remove the rubber white plug and drip until it leaks out the threads a little.I then dab it on a cloth or napkin until I don't get any more liquid out of the threaded end.I then insert a DSE 901 cart that has had half the part that goes inside cut off into it.I prefer the flat whistle tip to the metal round carto and the 901 tip is easier to remove when it is time to refill.It seems if I do the thing where it runs out the threads a little it kind of flushes it out a little and I get a week or two from one.
  5. The Euro debacle I think will preclude any thought of changing base currencies for a while.
  6. This is going to be a long four years,it will take Sarah Palin her first four years to undo Obama's only four .
  7. I found out I smoked way more Lights and Ultra Lights than Full Flavor,they just didn't seem to satisfy me.
  8. I wish McDonalds would sell me a cheesburger small fry and small coke for less than a cheesburger large fry and large Coke,if I go for the value I eat more crap I shouldn't be eatin,cause I can't throw out salty greasy fries I paid good money for even though I would have paid more for the small ones.The toys have gotten out of though and I have raised kids who would not allow me to have a good steak dinner cause they wanted "Happy Meals" didn't make me very happy and I was the one paying you would think they would market to the guy with the money.
  9. Thats easy ,the one you have .
  10. If you hook a 5 volt PT to a computer USB port you may get let down as a lot of the USB ports on puters don't have the amps to do the job.There is not a lot to go bad in the PT pretty much just a switch.I wish they never would have started with the USB passthrough as it implies you can hook it in any USB port and that is simply not the case.Get a 2 amp AC to USB wall adapter or a 2 amp 12 volt to USB adapter and try it again.
  11. It might be technique ,if you inhale directly you will get bombed ,take a mouthfull of vapor then inhale.
  12. Doesn't all the flavor and nic go where the vapor goes ?
  13. " never will as i hate proprietary batteries" While I agree whole heartedly with this sentiment ,it is not entirely true in this case.You cabn always use your atties on any other 510 power gear if you don't want to buy another Ego battery.It appears to me the whole fascination with the Ego is larger longer battery life and a better switch for use with your favorite 510 style atty.And it would seem to be fullfilling that purpose for a large portion of our community.
  14. Another option is the cleaning cycle,after 200 puffs some of them have a cleaning cycle that is supposed to burn off the residue.As long as it returned to normal I wouldn't worry about it.
  15. I would e-mail them I am sure they will make it right.
  16. 'Scantily clad women vaping" where? you are not allowed to say things like that without links to back it up. I think it is aganst the law or something.
  17. I am pretty sure vaping is here to stay ,just not how we are doing it now.There is going to be more control over the nicotine I believe in the future.And there is going to be cartels fixing the prices as well.
  18. Once you get the cap off I would use a drip tip or a 510 or 901 tip on them ,way easier to remove.A drywall screw snags the rubber ones real good.
  19. I know how you feel I went through two or three old favorites and two new ones in a couple of days not long ago.My problem was the liquid not my usual brand.
  20. I have a feeling that we will soon only be able to buy nicuid in cartomisers and our friends at Phillip Morris and other Big Tobacco will be the agent to assure the goverenment gets what it deems to be its fair share of the revenue.
  21. I soak mine in denture tabs overnight and then rinse lots of times with hot water from my coffee maker,blow them out and stand on end to dry.
  22. LR attys??
  23. It is a comany that makes e-ciggs and the flavors labeled RY1,2,3,4 are baserd on the flavors they came up with . They have chosen to try to get along with FDA and other goverenment agencies and are taking a different track than most e-cigg companies as far asthier product line goes.http://www.ruyanamerica.com/ http://www.ruyan.com.cn/
  24. The batteries that come in those do not have the protection circut board on the end,the battery box has the circut board to protect the battery .If you can fit them in it will not hurt to have the protected ones.
  25. Somewhere I saw an LED flashlight accesory for your PV,a lock thawer would be possible,an igniter for gas grills,I suppose you could incorporate a transformer and a capacitor and make a stun gun attachment.
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