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About MidnightVaper

  • Birthday 11/16/1974

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  • Location
    Mississauga, Ontario

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  1. This is my order too. Ecepet maybe battery life would be 1 for me.
  2. Isn't that the same story from a couple of years ago? The same quote was used "it was like he was holding a bottle rocket in his mouth" That guy was apparently stacking batteries and it was not a correct set up. I posted elsewhere today that it's amazing how decent information and positive feedback about e-cigs has been so slow to spread, but a negative story like this spreads like crazy. I get this story (or the last one) thrown in my face on almost a daily basis from skeptics.
  3. Here is another one by Michael Siegel http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/the-tide-is-turning-published.html
  4. Welcome of course : ) Hearing some nasty reports about the East Coast US. I'm in the Toronto area and things are miserable here but not as nasty.
  5. Had me a bit worried by the title. I figured since we were not supposed to sell e-cigs to peeps under 18 then surly we shouldn't be letting a 3 year old vape Oh btw, congrats!
  6. It is possible to start burning the absorbing material (filter) if you allow the cartomizer to get dry. To prevent this keep it satureated. Besides the nasty flaver and the fact that you may have ruined your carto, you have not had enough exposure to this for you to be worried about it. As suggested above, if you were a tobacco smoker you have done far worse to yourself for a much longer period of time. Enjoy your vaping
  7. Interesting. I had a customer yesterday tell me that he is getting a "strange tingling sensatision in his stomach" when he vapes (has only been vaping for a week) but I have never heard of this issue before.
  8. What was it about them you did not like? It sounds like you may have been only using the tank & tips that came with the unit. These can be leaky, need filled often and are known to provide inconsistent and/or dry hits. If you have not tried yet, as suggested above, try some cartomizres or crystals/clearomizers and you should have better success. Cheers and... Really do get back into it. It takes a bit of work to find a setup and flavour you are happy with but once you do you will not regret it (compared to analog at least)
  9. You probably want to use dual coils on higher voltage batteries. They would not be suitable for the cigarette style batteries. If you are using 3.7volt batteries I wouldn't waste the extra coins on dual coils.
  10. The regular size ones go better with the eGo style batteries but there are smaller ones that are meant for 510 size batts. Kanger makes one & I think Vision makes one. Just search for 510 clearomizer and you will find them.
  11. Check to see if liquid is clumping/drying on the wicks. You may need to put some fresh liquid in there and shake it around a bit, or you can rinse them with water and shake it around, repeat as often as need then drain well. Just let them dry for awhile or you can do a dry burn (continually fire them with no liquid in them until they get red hot and burn off their residue) but that may reduce the lifespan of them and/or lead to a bit of a burnt flavour. They are considered disposable parts and you will get varying results with them. You should be able to get a couple/few weeks of good use out of them. I've been using my current batch for 4 months now but I switch them out often because I change flavours often.
  12. Welcome to the forums from another new member. "I know it has yet to be proven heathier..." I have do disagree with this. I think over the years there have been enough studies that prove that electronic cigarettes are far heathier then traditional tobacco cigarettes. We have not reached a point yet where it is acceptable to make claims like that, and knowing the way groups like the FDA & Heath Canada work we may never be given approval to market e-cigs as safe. For what it is worth, here are a few of the studies that have been completed with great results: http://www.ivaqs.com/ http://clearstream.flavourart.it/site/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/CSA_Poster.pdf http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-08-25/e-cigarettes-pose-no-risk-of-heart-disease-study-finds Again welcome and happy vaping : )
  13. Low Resistance and Standard Resistance. You can use the low resistance with your Ego-T since the voltage is lower on them. The standard will work fine too.
  14. Looks like you were pretty careful to close your mouth for your Avatar photo....
  15. Thanks guys. Glad to be here.
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