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About Mwiker

  • Birthday 04/11/1973

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  1. Purchased my first MVP 2 Shine. Loving it. Afraid I will want to buy another.
  2. Anyone ever purchase from this website? Was searching for the taste MVP and the prices are reasonable but not sure about the reputation of this website. Don't want to make a costly mistake as I am very new at this online purchasing. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  3. The vapor room sweet tart taste just like sweet tarts to me. One of my daily vapes.
  4. So I had to wait to purchase a new tank. I have been attempting to quit the stinkies for three years now. When I decided to start vapeing I ordered everything from china a huge fail within 2 months. My second attempt was last year and I made it over 3 months and I allowed the stress of some very sad family times to get the best of me. All it took the second time was one stinkie. So for my birthday this year I decided to give up smoking as my gift to myself. I started in February and slowly lowered the number of cigs I hada day while vapeing. By the first of April I was down to one a day my morning smoke. On my b-day I decided not to have another and I have been smoke free for 7 days not long but planning on it lasting forever. However to my point my husband looked at me the other night and asked if I would purchase what he needed to start so he could also quit. I quickly went online and purchased what he would need. I will purchase my new tanks in a couple of weeks and appreciate all the feedback I received. Wish us luck!
  5. I did it worked I taped it an rested the end under a bud light platinum beer cap. Charging now! Thanks for the help.
  6. I loved the old KPT I managed to keep it a year! I'm a creature of habit and find it very hard to change. I'm going to give it my best. Do the same coils work on the KPT 2? I have 20 of them and would hate to just watch them collect dust.
  7. Thank you all! I'm going to start looking into other tank options.
  8. Ok great idea! Why didn't I think of that lol.
  9. We'll guess I messed up. I pitched it in her trash cause I was upset. I didn't think anything was replaceable on the 1?
  10. My ego twist will not attach to the charger. Is there anything I can do to fix them? If I can get the to charge they work fine. Don't really want to loose them. I
  11. While at dinner today I dropped my kpt 1 on my daughters kitchen floor. Shattered! So sad one of my favorite tanks. I'm afraid to purchase any kpt's above the one due to the many bad reviews I've followed. What is everyone's opinion?
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