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Everything posted by thepelican

  1. what was the advice (if its not top secret, of course)
  2. Hey, still searching for that perfect big battery/high voltage unit. My question at this point is about the prevalence of 801 attys on mods -- what, exactly, is the advantage of those over the 510's (if any?). I have four 510 attys, and really dont like experimenting (especially with my wallet) with a bunch of different pieces, but for those who have tried both, what's actually better?
  3. haha, thanks guys. definitely been enjoying the process (and hours of youtube reviews)... as my experiences have gone so far, i know that with some vapersitence, i'll one day achieve vaperfection!
  4. Hey... finally registered after watching a ton of the VT vid reviews. Entertaining, informative, thanks guys. I guess I have pretty standard vaper trajectory -- started smoking in high school (now a junior in college), and over the summer got the fed up with the cough, social stigma, smell and taxes. First heard of e-smoking as a shady chinese ruyan product years ago, and used to giggle at the Smoking Everywhere kiosk in the mall with my friends (while secretly being very curious). Did some investigating, ordered an Evolution kit from intellicigS.com... and got completely ripped off, never arrived and company shut down. Another few miserable months of pack-a-day analogs, and on another general forum heard of the 510, got my kit and was blown away... until starter carts ran out and i lost a battery... MORE ANALOGS... got a mega battery, a cheapo passthrough tons of juice and have been somewhat satisfied for the past two weeks... but I'm already looking for the next step! And that spade is looking awfully appealing for a first time mod (to tide me over until the bad-*** sounding JOKER comes out)... Also still trying to figure out how to get the best out of all these 510 attys... I know it might be blasphemy here, but really haven't been a fan of direct dripping (even first few vapes don't seem to compare to topping off stock carts), so also looking for the best cart mod... that was a lot. but yo, i'm a vapor (vaper? vaporer? that e-cig trade association needs to pass a motion so i can know definitively what to call myself!). it neat little society that's emerged, and i'm happy to be a part of it!
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