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About nurse3766

  • Birthday 01/01/1965

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  1. Your fine i just wanted to be clear about it, so nobody would be confused as to if this thing burns stuff or not. honestly i really like it. once i can try ejuice it in ill be able to really tell how its going to work for me. btw i should have my propylene glycol tomorrow so i will try it with my e juice and update you on it. the reason i started this post was to find out about other vaporizers... ive heard volcano is the best and works for liquids; however, that thing is 500$ im having my 1st morning vape and i have flooded my atty argh..... be great to drop juice in a machine that didnt require precision while im still 1/2 asleep
  2. I copied this from the iolite site The iolite Vaporizer is powered by butane gas, it fills with a minimal amount and holds a charge which allows for continuous vaporization for up to 2 hours. The iolite Vaporizer contains a patented flameless gas catalytic heater & thermostat. iolite Vaporizer Temperature Controller With a thermostatically controlled bi-metal regulator, the iolite Vaporizer is able to maintain 374° F / 190° C + - 5°. The iolite Vaporizer utilizes a similar temperature regulator as the Volcano Vaporizer Classic. iolite Vaporizer Healthy and Completely Inert The catalytic conversion happens in an isolated chamber within the iolite Vaporizer so that butane can heat the unit but as it’s used it expels the butane as harmless water vapor through the escape ports located on the port of the unit. Since the catalytic conversion on the iolite Vaporizer renders the butane completely inert as well as completely separating the reaction, there are no risks to your health.
  3. also im not going to use it in public if i can help it... that thing costs too much money to have to cop confiscate it
  4. hi all i started using my iolite. its great. i still dont have any PG to cut my e juice with and VG makes me sick, so i tried shisha (whatever its called) molasses with tobacco in it OMG it was soooooo good. powerful and sweet and super satisfying mmm mmm good. so then i tried pipe tobacco mmmm (organic with no additives)black raspberry flavor mmmm nice and smooth and fruity and chocolaty. i know some ppl here are anti tobacco... i would rather try my ejuice but cant atm. tobacco in the iolite tastes like chocholate its very pleasant and the vapor is warm. still no smoke just vapor. so not quite as healthy as ejuice but it has about 4200 fewer toxins than a cigarette also the iolite cuts tar by 95-98%. i dont believe tobacco is the enemy so much as combustion is. burning materials change their chemical componds and many ...become toxic. if you look into a cigarettes ingredents, there arent that many yet when they burn they make 4200 toxic fumes. oh and about my iolite i suppose somewhere inside the device is combustion to make the heat but the material inside the chamber never combusts i am direct dripping on my ecig and got 3 more attys in the mail today. ive had the same 1/2 pack of cigs all week. i find if im really craving one i just light it and the taste is so bad i put it out and get my 801 right now my favorite flavor is pralines and cream its fabulous
  5. actually it does not use combustion. combustion would mean fire and burning, the material would burn. it uses conduction and convection i believe. it is heated with butane however ecig is heated with electricity either way it doesn't matter because the material never burns because the temp never gets hot enough to combust. now about the parts wearing out eventually im sure they will hopefully w/in the 2 yr warranty period, as far as butane, its alot cheaper than atomizers and batteries. since it doesn't combust and it doesn't smoke its not a smoking device its a vaporizer. im not worried about smoking bans im concerned with inhaling smoke and paying out the butt to do it lol.
  6. opps heres the link http://www.essentialwholesale.com/product_p/436.htm
  7. is this the right stuff to buy>? i have the glycerine it made my hit harsh and my throat feel i dunno thick? so i want to use PG to cut high nic juice and i want to be sure this is correct so i wont kill myself PG stuff thanks Laura
  8. right now im smoking 18 mg i ordered 24 mg; which, i plan to cut 50/50 with VG hopefully it wont be too strong in the iolite, if it is i suppose ill cut it more and add extra flavorings. im so so so so grateful that i discovered ecigs i never knew they existed until last week. and now i never want analogs again. im also very thankful for all the help ive gotten on the boards.
  9. heres an example this thing is called Iolite they cost 250$ however they are about 175$ on ebay iolite theres alot of different types of vaporizers heres a link http://www.vaporoutlet.com/?versionid=12085&gclid=COKs8ZqWop4CFREhDQodQnJ0lA so the jist of it far as i know is, no burning its vaporizing like an ecig. so what i wanted was 1 i could use when im at home. something easy and hopfully electric, however i am getting the Iolite which is portable and runs on butane. theres no atomizers and no batteries ie im going to save a wad of money. 175$ initial investment = 10 batteries and 7 atomizers for a reg e cig and ive already broken my 1st atomizer my 3rd or 4th day using an ecig. im certainly no expert on this stuff. here is an excellent youtube demo i found of how the iolite works and how to use it with the e liquid.this guy in the video also explains how much to dilute the juice so it wont taste to strong in this iolite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTow4sbnJnA
  10. does anyone know if you can use herbal vaporizers? i know you can use Iolite but what about these other cheaper convection heating types? VP-200 Conduction Heating Herbal Vaporizer. these require no atomizers batteies etc. downside its not very portable but im thinking something w/o all the expensive parts to use at home. thanks for any advice in advance.
  11. i live in chesapeake
  12. no retail stores sell the supplies like atomizers batterys etc do they cause i think id drive 3 states away to find some parts lol
  13. Hi all im brand new to e cigs and after 1 day was completely sold unfortunately my equip is broken so im smoking these nasty cigarettes again they even taste bad to me which is weird since ive smoked for 30ish yrs now, and always loved the smell and taste of cigarettes. the guy i bought the stuff from is sending me a new set which is fantastic i never expected service like that. these forums are super helpful, ive been reading them for a few days now. wheres a good site for just nicotine so i can make my own juice? i dont want a chinese site with 10-25$ shipping thanks for any advice you have oh 1 more questiong how the heck do i change this avitar thanks laura
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